Information for Authors
General Information
Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN) was launched in March 1999. It is published six times per year, and is committed to publishing high quality papers that advance the state-of-the-art and practical applications of communications and information networks. Theoretical research contributions presenting new techniques, concepts, or analyses, applied contributions reporting on experiences and experiments, and tutorial expositions of permanent reference value are welcome. The subjects covered by this journal include all topics in communication theory and techniques, communication systems, and information networks. JCN is indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Engineering Village and Scopus. The official title is Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN) and the abbreviate title is ‘J.Commn.Net’.
Aim and Scope
Includes information theory, modulation/signal design, detection/estimation, fading/equalization, optical communications, transmission systems, access systems, synchronization, error control coding, source coding/data compression, security/cryptography, cognitive radio, compressed sensing, and network coding
includes mobile and portable communications systems, transmission modulation and coding for mobile terrestrial and satellite systems, multicarrier systems, cooperative communications, multi antenna/user systems, ultra-wideband communications, wireless network design and performance evaluation including traffic analysis, ad hoc and sensor networks, MAC protocols, and generally simulation or analytical evaluation of any wireless systems.
includes network physical and software architecture, communication protocols, network hardware and software technologies, switching and routing, multimedia techniques, Internet/Intranet protocols and services, mobility networks and protocols, operations and management, signaling and control, active networks, services and applications.
Manuscript Preparation
JCN accepts double column FULL papers without page limits that follow the standard of JCN (or similar IEEE) publication format. however, we strongly recommend keeping the page count under 20 pages in double columns for ease of readability. (The new rule for page limit takes effect for papers submitted after October 9, 2020).
Introductory discussion should be kept to a minimum and material published elsewhere should be referenced, not reproduced. Material not essential to the continuity of the text should be placed in Appendices.
Formulas must be numbered. Figures must be numbered and referred to in the text, with captions typed on separate sheets in the same format as the main text. Tables must be numbered and referred to in the text. Each table, with caption, must be typed on a separate sheet. References must be numbered in the order of occurrence and referred to in the text by bracketed numbers. The list of references must be typed on separate sheets, in the same format as the main text, and ordered consecutively. Each reference item should include the author(s), title, journal name, volume, number, pages, month, year, and publisher, as applicable.
Submission (Download the Article Template)
All manuscript submissions must be in electronic format. Authors should submit the manuscript for publication consideration in electronic file (LaTex or MS Word) via JCN website (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jcommnet) to an appropriate Division Editor (for regular papers) or to any Guest Editor of an appropriate Special issue. (Special Issues may include regular papers to avoid unnecessary publication delays.) If successfully uploaded, the web-based paper processing system will automatically reply with an acknowledgement of receipt. Further information is available by activating the Click here to submit a new manuscript icon in the JCN website: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jcommnet.