Manuscript Preparation
Preparation of Manuscript
This instruction gives you guidelines for preparing articles for JAFM. All manuscripts are to be submitted online and in Word. Use this document as a template. Carefully follow the journal article submission process. The full text of the article (except the abstract and the figures and tables that are given after the references) is formatted in two columns. Manuscripts should be written in clear, concise and grammatically correct English so that they are intelligible to the professional reader who is not a specialist in any particular field. Manuscripts that do not conform to these requirements and the following manuscript format may be returned to the author prior to review for correction. Please note that each submitted manuscript has to be limited to 15 pages.
The following section outlines general (non-formatting) guidelines to follow. These guidelines are applicable to all authors and include information on the policies and practices relevant to the publication of your manuscript.
Publication by JAFM
Your manuscript cannot be published by JAFM if
1) The work is classified or has not been cleared for public release.
2) The work contains copyright-infringed material.
3) The work has been published or is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
During submission process, the copyright information must be filled out and uploaded on the website. Failure to complete the form correctly could result in your article not being published. As you will be uploading this form online, you do not need to fill out a hard-copy form. The corresponding authors signature is obligatory on this form. Do not include a copyright statement anywhere on your article. Please this form here.
Copy-right transfer form
All manuscripts should be limited to 15 pages using 9-point Times New Roman. Margins should be 3.99 cm on the left, 3 cm on the right, 2.54 cm at the top, and 2.69 cm at the bottom. The page size is standard A4 with mirrored margins. The manuscript should be set in two-column format, except for the title, author information. Figures and tables are urged to be set in two columns, if their content is not distorted and is illegible enough. The space between columns should be 0.69 cm. Paragraphs should not be indented, with a 6 pt vertical spacing between paragraphs.
The manuscript should be presented in the following order: Title and author information, abstract, keywords, nomenclature (optional), introduction, materials and methods, results, conclusion, acknowledgment (optional) and references.
Title and Author Information
All items in the title block should be centered across both columns. The title should be set in 16 pt bold, with a 14 pt space above and a 14 pt space below. The authors’ names should be set in 11 pt font, with a 11 pt space below. For each author, a numbered superscript should be used to indicate institutional affiliation and a symbol footnote mark to refer to author support information (to be included as footnotes at the bottom of the page). Following the author information, the institutions with which the authors are affiliated should be listed, including addresses. These should be indicated by superscripts as well, and set in 9 pt italic, with a 12 pt space below the final one. The final item in the title block is the corresponding author’s email address. This line should begin with the words "Corresponding Author Email:" (and the word "Email" for one-author manuscripts), followed by the email address in 9 pt italics font. A 9 pt space should follow this line.
An abstract of 150-400 words should be included in the article. The abstract should be formatted as an unnumbered section and should be one-column. Abstracts are required for all articles. Be sure to define all symbols used in the abstract, and do not cite references in this section.
Between 5 and 7 keywords should be provided below the Abstract to assist with indexing of the article. These should not duplicate key words from the title.