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  • 参考译名《印度传统知识杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普),外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向生物学-PLANT SCIENCES 植物科学



INDIAN JOURNAL OF TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE《印度传统知识杂志》(月刊). “Traditional knowledge" is employed to mean knowledge, innovations and practices of i...[显示全部]















Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (IJTK)

(Quarterly Journal Published by CSIR-NISCAIR, India)

Instructions to Authors

Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (IJTK), the journal devoted exclusively to Traditional Knowledge, provides an excellent platform for publication of research papers related to Traditional Knowledge Systems. The language of the Journal is English. IJTK carries original research papers, review articles, short communications concerned with the observation and experimental investigation of the biological activities of the materials from plants, animals and minerals used in the traditional health-care systems such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga, Unani, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Folk-remedies, etc. As validation of indigenous claims it will cover Ethno-biology, Ethno-medicine, Ethno-pharmacology, Ethno-pharmacognosy & Clinical studies on efficacy. Besides, the journal also welcomes interdisciplinary papers on traditional uses (non-medicinal) of Indian raw materials of plant, animal and mineral origin and development of appropriate technologies for community benefit with specific interest to the rural areas. IJTK invites original research and review manuscripts not submitted for publication elsewhere. The review article will only be entertained if author(s) has included his own research work in it or has been an authority in that field. Authors are required to read the ‘Instruction to Authors’ guidelines thoroughly before preparing the manuscript.

The journal covers papers on Traditional Knowledge in the following main areas:

1. Traditional Agriculture;

2. Traditional Animal husbandry;

3. Traditional Architecture;

4. Traditional Foods & Beverages;

5. Traditional Handicrafts and Handlooms;

6. Traditional Medicine;

7. Indian Systems of Medicine, and other related aspects

IJTK is committed and dedicated to the preservation, documentation and dissemination of Traditional Knowledge and attempts to bring the wisdom of the past to the present. IJTK is included in the Non Patent Literature (NPL) part of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Minimum Documentation. Inclusion of IJTK in NPL of PCT Minimum Documentation will make it obligatory on the part of patent examiners at global level to search IJTK for prior art before granting patents on Traditional Knowledge. Therefore, this will enable India to protect Indian Traditional Knowledge at the global level more effectively.

Nature of Manuscripts

Research articles [should not exceed 6000 words; display items (illustrations) should be limited to 10 numbers including tables and figures; and references should be limited to 40-45] discuss current trends in research in traditional knowledge. The articles should include an appropriate title, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, references, and appropriate illustrations including tables, figures and supplementary information that will help a general reader. The author(s) should also provide acknowledgements and funding details, conflict of interest, and author’s contribution statements, at the end of the manuscript before reference section.

Review articles [should not exceed 8000 words, display items should be limited to 10 numbers including tables and figures; and references should be limited to 70-80] survey and discuss the developments in fields related to traditional knowledge. They must dwell more on research work done during the last couple of years in the field and authors should integrate their own work with that of others with acumen and authenticity, mere compilation of references by a third party is discouraged. Kindly contact the Journal Editor at ijtk@niscair.res.in before you begin preparing your review articles, indicating why you believe the work would be of interest to IJTK readers, and why you are well-positioned to write the review.

Short communication [less than 1500 words; display items should be limited to 04 numbers] serves to rapidly communicate important new findings.

Preparation of the Manuscript

Manuscripts should be in MS Word format in single space (11 pt, Times New Roman font). All pages should be numbered consecutively. Use SI units, and give equivalent SI units in parenthesis when the use of other units is unavoidable. Symbols should conform to standard CSIR-NISCAIR guidelines.



Format (Times New Roman font)



It should be short & informative.

(15 pt), typed in only first letter of the first word capital. Latin names are to be given in italics.


Short Running Title

Not more than 50 characters.

All in capitals (9 pt)



Authors must provide 4 to 6 carefully chosen keywords, separated by comma and arranged alphabetically. First letter of each keyword should be given in capital letter.

Sorted alphabetically (9 pt)



Names of authors to be typed in first letters capital separated by commas and ‘&’ before the last author. First and middle name to be abbreviated, and last name in full with first letter in Capital.

(10 pt)


Addresses of Authors

Addresses of the institution (s) where the work was carried out including pin code (office only), e-mail address. Author for correspondence should be indicated with an asterisk (*).

(9 pt)


Main Headings

Each manuscript should be divided into the following main headings: Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgement, Conflict of Interest, Author(s) Contribution and References

(11 pt), typed in bold, first letters capital, on the left hand side of the page.


Sub Headings

(11 pt), typed in italic, first letters capital.

Sub-Sub Headings

(9 pt), Bold-Italic, first letters capital.



The abstract should indicate the scope and significant content of the paper, highlighting the methodology adopted, principal findings and conclusions. It should be in such a form that abstracting periodicals can use it without modification. For full papers, it should not exceed 250 words and for short communications, about 100-150 words.

(9 pt), typed in normal



A brief and precise literature review with objectives of the research undertaken and essential background to be given.

(11 pt)



Methodology should include location of survey area, the source and nature of material, experimental design and the techniques employed with proper justification.

(11 pt)


Materials and methods

Details of all materials and methods used to be given with proper citations. New methods should be described in sufficient detail, but if the methods are already well recognized, a mere reference to them will do; deviation, if any, should, however, be given. Details of statistical analysis, if carried out should also be provided with proper references.

(11 pt)



Results should contain data, which are essential for drawing main conclusion from the study. Wherever needed, the data should be statistically analysed. Same data should not be presented in both table and figure form. Results should be exclusively for self-work and if based on past work then give proper citations.

(11 pt)



Long, rambling discussions should be scrupulously avoided. Discussion should deal with the interpretation of the results. It should have pros and cons of the results. It should be relevant and should not be mere compilation.

(11 pt)



The conclusion should be limited to 100 words, highlighting the main findings, research outcomes and policy implications, if any. It should address the objectives stated in Introduction of the paper. Authors may also state future perspectives and may provide recommendations based on the results.

(11 pt)



Tables should be inserted at the end of the manuscript and should be typed on separate sheets of paper without any text matter on the page. They should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and should bear brief titles. The table headings should be typed with the first letter capital. Column headings should be brief. Units of measurement should be abbreviated and placed below the headings. Negative result should be indicated as ‘Nil’ and absence of a datum by a dash. Inclusion of structural formulae inside the tables should be avoided. Tables should be set in Microsoft Word in single space using the Table option available in the Menu Toolbar (i.e. by inserting table, inserting rows and columns). The columns and rows should not be bordered.



The illustrations, photographs, etc. will be accepted in TIFF or JPEG format with at least 300 dpi resolutions for images/photographs; and up to 600 dpi for graphs/ plots/ line diagrams as supplementary files in online submission. Figures must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Lettering, numbering, symbols and lines in the graphs/illustrations should be sufficiently clear and large to withstand reduction up to 50%. Captions and legends to illustrations should be self-explanatory and typed after References.



For ethnobotanical/ethnomedicinal reports, authors are advised to acknowledge the Knowledge Providers for providing valuable information and share their compilation and findings with the Knowledge Providers in local language. If substantial contribution from the Knowledge Holder(s), due credit may be given to them in the form of Co-authorship in IJTK. Authors are also requested to ensure that Prior Informed Consent (PIC) was taken from the Knowledge Providers as per the NBA/CBD guidelines.

If the photographs of practices and knowledge holders are used, it should be with consent of respective knowledge holder/community chief/village Panchayat. If any unique practices are observed which have not been reported hitherto, this fact should be brought to the notice of knowledge providing community and/or individuals and only after sharing with them the implications of putting the same in public domain, these should be published. Various field tools of participatory rural appraisal (PRA) were applied to collect field data. How many villages visited, informants consulted, informants village’s name, and tentative quantity of dose, dosage forms, (i.e. paste, decoction, extract, powder, etc.), frequency, duration, etc. should be mentioned in the research paper.


Conflict of Interest

Authors should declare no competing or conflict of interest.


Author(s) Contribution

For transparency, we encourage authors to submit an author statement outlining their individual contributions to the paper such as Conceptualization; Formal analysis; Funding acquisition; Resources; Software; Supervision; Roles/Writing - original draft; Writing - review & editing. Authorship statements should be provided using the initials of the names of authors. Example: Charu Lata should be written as CL.



References should be cited in the text by the consecutive numbers of their occurrence. Following the same sequence of the text, the list of references has to be appended under the References heading. Authors may also provide DOI link of the references cited in the Reference section. Authors should cite recent (last two years) articles published in the subject area. Citations to previous articles published in Indian J Tradit Know are also encouraged.

(9 pt)

The Reference numbers are to be shown as superscript at the end of the statement related to that particular reference, e.g., Folk medicines were found to play an important role in rural healthcare system in Bahirdar Zuria district Northwestern Ethiopia5. If necessary, authors may cite a reference by name in a sentence itself by quoting last name of the author in the case of single author [e.g. Qasim*]; last names of both the authors in the case of two authors separated by ‘&’ in between [e.g. Padate and Revonker*]; and by last name of the author followed by ‘et al.’ in the case of more than three authors [e.g. Hegde et al.*]. The ‘*’ indicates reference number in superscript as provided in reference list. If the reference number comes on any numeral, it should be given within parenthesis (e.g. ref. 2 or refs 2-8).

See References Style Guide below.


References Style Guide

Each reference should provide names and initials of all the authors, giving coma in between the authors and ‘&’ before the last author. In case, the authors are more than five, then use et al. after the 5th author. It should be followed by title of the paper, abbreviated title of journal (in italics), volume number, year of publication (within circular bracket), and the starting and closing page numbers. Abbreviated titles should conform to the international guidelines, e.g., The Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI) or BIOSIS.

The style of references should be:

Research Papers

1. Narayanasamy P, Traditonal knowledge of tribals in crop protection, Indian J Tradit Know, 5 (1) (2006) 64-70.

2. Hegde S, Yenagi N B & Kasturiba B, Indigenous knowledge of the traditional and qualified Ayurvedic practitioners on the nutritional significance and use of red rice in medications, Indian J Tradit Know, 12 (3) (2013) 506-511.

3. Kumar S, Negi N, Reetu, Nath S, Singh R, et al., Traditional knowledge for dairy animals in Una district of Himachal Pradesh, Indian J Tradit Know, 19 (3) (2020) 662-668.

Books & Proceedings of Conferences

1. Bhattacharjya B K, Ecology and fisheries of coldwater resources of Assam, In: Coldwater fisheries research and development in North East region of India, edited by B C Tyagi, Shyam Sunder & Madan Mohan, (NRC on Coldwater Fisheries, Bhimtal, UA), 2005, p. 24.

2. Pushpangadan P, Rajendraprasad M & Krishnan P N, Conserving the sacred for biodiversity management, (Oxford & IBH Publication, New Delhi), 1998, p. 93.

3. Anonymous, The Wealth of India: A Dictionary of Raw Materials and Industrial Products, Raw Materials, Vol 1, (Publications and Information Directorate, New Delhi), 1985, p. 95-97.

4. Anonymous, Ashtanga Sangraham, Sustra Stanam, 23rd Chapter, 34th Sloka, 1996.

5. Adkoli N S, Indian Bamboos in early 21st century, In: Bamboos for Sustainable Development, Proc Vth Int Bamboo Cong & VIth Int Bamboo Workshop, (A Kumar, IV Ramanuja Rao & CB Sastry), (INBAR & VSP), 2002, p. 17-25.

6. Singh R K & Sureja A K, Dynamics of Traditional Knowledge and Prior Informed Consent of Conservators of Indigenous Biological Diversity of Northeast India, In: UGC sponsored National Seminar on Natural Resources and Tribal Communities in North Eastern India, 7-8th February, 2006, (Jawaharlal Nehru College, Rajiv Gandhi University, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh, India), 2066b.

Submission of the Manuscript

Authors should submit their manuscripts online at: http://op.niscair.res.in/index.php/IJTK. Submission of a manuscript to this journal implies that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Author (Corresponding) may provide names of four potential reviewers including at least two active foreign researchers of repute along with their complete postal and email addresses.

Authors should consult and peruse carefully recent issues of IJTK for format and style or may visit CSIR-NISCAIR website (www.niscair.res.in). Authors may check the manuscript status online as soon as a decision has been made to accept or return a manuscript that may be outright or with the possibility of revision and resubmission for a new evaluation. The Editor’s decision in these matters is final. Manuscript along with

referees’ comments will be sent to the author identified for correspondence on the title page of the manuscript. It should be checked carefully and the revised manuscript should be uploaded online within 30 days of receipt. PDF of the published papers will be published online and also provided to the author via e-mail. It is mandatory for the corresponding author to mention his/her e-mail ID. The copyright of the paper will be transferred from the author to publisher.

NISCAIR Policy on Plagiarism

The system of formal communication in science through publication in primary journals is based on originality and quality of information being the only criteria for publication. However, there have been tendencies to misuse the system and vitiate the process of science communication for personal benefits. One of the ills afflicting science communication is plagiarism. Attempts at plagiarism may range from verbatim, copying of extensive material of other authors, misappropriating results/data of others with minor changes in language/presentation without giving credit to original source, to publish essentially the same information more than once.

As the premier publisher in India of primary scientific journals in various disciplines of science and technology, NISCAIR strongly reiterates its policy of discouraging plagiarism of all kinds. All efforts are made detect and frustrate attempts at plagiarism through editorial screening and rigorous peer review in respect of communications received for publication in NISCAIR publications. Cooperation of the scientific community is sought in our efforts to frustrate all attempts at plagiarism.

It is mandatory on the part of the corresponding author to furnish the following certificate at the time of submission of the manuscript:

This is to certify that the reported work in the paper entitled <Title> submitted for publication is an original one and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. I/we further certify that proper citations to the previously reported work have been given and no data/tables/figures have been quoted verbatim from other publications without giving due acknowledgement and without the permission of the author(s). The consent of all the authors of this paper has been obtained for submitting the paper to the ‘Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (IJTK)’.

Signatures and names of all authors

In case any attempt to plagiarize is brought to our attention accompanied with convincing evidence, following steps would be taken:

(a) After consulting the respective Editorial Board Members, authors guilty of plagiarism will be debarred from publishing their papers in NISCAIR journals;

(b) Heads of the departments/institutes of the offending authors will be intimated of such incidences of plagiarism; and

(c) Such incidents of plagiarism will be publicized through the concerned NISCAIR journals in consultation with the respective Editorial Board Members.

Whenever an illustration (Table/Figure/Plate) is reproduced as such from a published source, author(s) must obtain prior permission from the Publisher/Author to avoid ‘copyright’ problems. Obtaining the permission is entirely the responsibility of the author and not that of the editorial office of IJTK.

Authors reporting/documenting unique ethnobotanical/ethnomedicinal/traditional knowledge are advised to submit a copy of the Prior Informed Consent obtained from the Traditional Knowledge holders/representatives.

Ethical Issues

IJTK values publication ethics and guidelines as defined by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE). For human/animal experimental model, authors should follow ethics prepared by Indian National Science Academy

 (INSA), New Delhi, India; Animal Welfare Division of the Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India, New Delhi; Council of International Organization of Medical Sciences (WHO/UNESCO), NIH and PHS. In such research communications, it is mandatory for authors to mention about the approval for the particular research work obtained from the relevant/respective institutional committee on ethics. Studies involving human subjects should follow the required procedure of securing ‘informed consent’. A statement on ‘conflict of interest (COI)’ has to be included in the declaration at the time of submission of the manuscript.

The Editor

Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (IJTK)

National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (CSIR-NISCAIR)

Dr K S Krishnan Marg, New Delhi - 110 012, India

E-mail: ijtk@niscair.res.in Phones: +91-11-2696 2560; +91-11-2584 6301, Ext. 251

Website: www.niscair.res.in

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