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  • 参考译名《印度药物制剂科学》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2023版), 外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率1.50%















Instructions to Authors

The Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJPS) is a bi-monthly Journal, which publishes original research work that contributes significantly to further the scientific knowledge in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry and Molecular Drug Design, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacy Practice, Clinical and Hospital Pharmacy, Biomedical Research, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Pharmacovigilance, Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacoeconomics, Drug Information, Patient Counselling, Adverse Drug Reactions Monitoring, Medication Errors, Medication Optimization, Medication Therapy Management, Cell Biology, Genomics and Proteomics, Pharmacogenomics, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology of Pharmaceutical Interest). The Journal publishes original research work either as a Full Research Paper or as a Short Communication. Review Articles on current topics in Pharmaceutical Sciences are also considered for publication by the Journal.

IJPS uses Editorial Tracking system as online manuscript submission and review system. Manuscripts must be submitted online by the corresponding author at https://www.scholarscentral.org/submission/indian-pharmaceutical-sciences.html. You may go to the author section, fill all the details, attach the files and submit. Authors are requested to strictly follow the Journal format while formatting the manuscript. Figures may or may not be included in manuscript body. Figures separately uploaded as .jpeg file with file size restriction of 1 MB will be preferred. The title page and Manuscript body (which includes abstract, text of the manuscript, references, tables and legends for tables and figures.) must meet IJPS format requirements in all respects. Journal does not charge the authors or authors’ institutions for the submission of manuscripts. The Journal charges a levy processing and/or publications of manuscript and for colour reproduction of colour images/photographs/figures, which are applicable only after final acceptance of the manuscript. The details of the charges are given under “levy/processing charges”.

Submission of a manuscript to Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences for publication implies that the same work has not been either published or under consideration for publication in another Journal. Authors, in their cover note to the Editor, have to clearly mention whether the manuscript shall be considered as a Research Paper, Short Communication or Review Article and also confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal for publication. Authors publishing results from in vivo experiments involving animals or humans should state whether due permission for conduction of these experiments was obtained, from the relevant ethics committees, in the Materials and Methods section. In addition, authors wishing to publish research work involving human studies should also send a notary verified letter of approval from the Ethics Committee or the Institutional Review Board.

Peer Review Process

Once a manuscript is received, it is screened thoroughly to evaluate that it is within the scope of the journal, and prepared according to the format, usually followed by a plagiarism check. Manuscripts that fail to conform to the requirements of the journal, as specified under “Instructions to Authors”, will be rejected. Those manuscripts that meet the specified requirements of the journals are subsequently assigned to an Editor for further processing.

The Editor assigns a minimum of 3 potential reviewers to access the suitability of the scientific content for publishing. The editor’s decision of acceptance, rejection or request for revision of the manuscript is strictly based on the comments of at least two reviewers.

Human and Animal Rights Policy

The journal ascertains that the research studies conducted abide by ethical as well as human and animal rights policies. Presentation of approval of Independent Ethics Committee (IEC) or Institutional Review Board (IRB) in case of ethical clearance for clinical studies and Institutional animal ethics committee (IAEC) for animal studies is mandatory. In addition, the editor may choose to notify the host institution as well as the funding agency of the author regarding the breach in ethical policies of conduct of research.

In particular, the research studies involving human subjects or human data must have been performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and must comply with ethics guidelines of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) or appropriate independent or institutional or national ethics committee. The information on this has to be stated clearly in the manuscript.

If the study involves experiments on animals, the author/s should clearly state that the experimental study protocol have been approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) constituted as per the guidelines laid by the committee for the purpose of control and supervision of experiments on Animals (CPCSEA).




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