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Information Visualization《信息可视化》 (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《信息可视化》
  • 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T3), SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子
  • 自引率



Information Visualization《信息可视化》(季刊). Information Visualization is essential reading for researchers and practitioners of information visualization an...[显示全部]












Manuscript Submission Guidelines: Information Visualization

This Journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics.

Please read the guidelines below then visit the Journal’s submission site http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/iv to upload your manuscript. Please note that manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines may be returned.

Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that meet the aims and scope of Information Visualization will be reviewed.

There are no fees payable to submit or publish in this journal.

As part of the submission process you will be required to warrant that you are submitting your original work, that you have the rights in the work, that you are submitting the work for first publication in the Journal and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere and has not already been published elsewhere, and that you have obtained and can supply all necessary permissions for the reproduction of any copyright works not owned by you.

If you have any questions about publishing with SAGE, please visit the SAGE Journal Solutions Portal

1. What do we publish?

1.1 Aims & Scope

Before submitting your manuscript to Information Visualization, please ensure you have read the Aims & Scope.

1.2 Article Types

Information Visualization publishes original articles and editorials, book reviews and letters for publication. The journal publishes articles on fundamental research and applications of information visualization; it acts as a dedicated forum for the theories, methodologies, techniques and evaluations of information visualization and its applications.

1.3 Writing your paper

The SAGE Author Gateway has some general advice and on how to get published, plus links to further resources.

1.3.1 Make your article discoverable

When writing up your paper, think about how you can make it discoverable. The title, keywords and abstract are key to ensuring readers find your article through search engines such as Google. For information and guidance on how best to title your article, write your abstract and select your keywords, have a look at this page on the Gateway: How to Help Readers Find Your Article Online.

2. Editorial policies

2.1 Peer review policy

Manuscripts will be reviewed by a panel of international reviewers in a double-blind review process. In addition, please see below for a set of article guidelines that are required to be met in order for manuscripts to be submitted to the peer review process.

Acceptance of material is based on broad interest and significance. In our continuing efforts to publish only the most high-quality materials, and with a mind to maximizing the speed and efficiency of our review process, it is the editorial policy of Information Visualization to require that submitted manuscripts meet certain guidelines before they can proceed to peer review. Among the criteria used to judge a submission are the following:

Does the manuscript adhere to the journal's editorial guidelines (Instructions for Authors)?

Does the manuscript clearly demonstrate its relevance to the journal's scope and readership?

Does the manuscript or its attending documentation explicitly state its significance and explain how it is relevant to the interests of our readers?

Does the manuscript appear to provide a high quality and reasoned argument?

Does the manuscript appear to provide an accurate and adequate list of references to the literature in its domain?

Are the manuscript's focus, content, and style consistent with similar articles published in recent issues of the journal?

Is the manuscript written in reasonably good English so that the content is readily accessible to reviewers?

Have the authors failed to declare to the editors that the manuscript has previously been published elsewhere?

Manuscripts that satisfy the above criteria will be reviewed by a panel of international reviewers in a double-blind review process. The Editor-in-Chief's decision is final.

As part of the submission process you will be asked to provide the names of 2 peers who could be called upon to review your manuscript. Recommended reviewers should be experts in their fields and should be able to provide an objective assessment of the manuscript. Please be aware of any conflicts of interest when recommending reviewers. Examples of conflicts of interest include (but are not limited to) the below:

The reviewer should have no prior knowledge of your submission

The reviewer should not have recently collaborated with any of the authors

Reviewer nominees from the same institution as any of the authors are not permitted

Please note that the Editors are not obliged to invite any recommended/opposed reviewers to assess your manuscript.

Information Visualization is committed to delivering high quality, fast peer-review for your paper, and as such has partnered with Publons. Publons is a third party service that seeks to track, verify and give credit for peer review. Reviewers the journal can opt in to Publons in order to claim their reviews or have them automatically verified and added to their reviewer profile. Reviewers claiming credit for their review will be associated with the relevant journal, but the article name, reviewer’s decision and the content of their review is not published on the site. For more information visit the Publons website.

The Editor or members of the Editorial Board may occasionally submit their own manuscripts for possible publication in the journal. In these cases, the peer review process will be managed by alternative members of the Board and the submitting Editor/Board member will have no involvement in the decision-making process.




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