EHS资讯 EHS资讯 2022-10-27
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability(EHS)成为Science合作刊物(SPJ)后,新的投稿系统已正式开通:https://www.editorialmanager.com/ehs/.
即日起,EHS期刊的新投稿件将通过Editorial Manager进行处理,原投稿系统中的稿件将继续在原系统处理,直至文章被接收或拒稿。
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability(EHS)2023年将成为Science合作刊物(SPJ),目前期刊新网站已正式上线:
投稿指南Guide for Authors
Guidelines for Authors
To check on the status of your submission, please visit Ecosystem Health and Sustainability's manuscript submissions site.
For general guidance on using the manuscript submission system, please read the tutorials for Authors, Editors, and Reviewers. For questions on specific functionality, explore the Editorial Manager video library.
Categories Of Manuscripts
Research articles should present significant major advance. Submissions must include an abstract of up to 250 words, an introduction and sections with brief informative subheadings. Authors may include up to 10 figures and/or tables and 50 references. The total research article length should be under 10,000 words. Supplementary materials should be limited to information that is not essential for the general understanding of the research presented in the main text and can include data sets, figures, tables, videos or audio files. For ease in preparing your submission, please follow the manuscript templates in Word and LaTex.
Review articles should describe and synthesize recent developments of significance and highlight future directions in sustainability ecology fields. Reviews must include an abstract, an introduction that outlines the main theme, brief subheadings and an outline of important unresolved questions. Authors may include up to six figures and/or tables and up to 100 references. Reviews should be no longer than 8,000 words, although longer manuscripts will be considered when warranted. Most reviews are solicited by the editors, but unsolicited submissions will also be considered.
Editorials are short, invited opinion pieces that discuss an issue of immediate importance to the research community. Editorials should have fewer than 1,000 words total, no abstract, a minimal number of references (no more than five) and no figures or tables. Editorials are only solicited by the editors.
Perspectives highlight recent exciting research, but do not primarily discuss the author’s own work. They may provide context for the findings within a field or explain potential interdisciplinary importance. Perspectives that comment on papers in Ecosystem Health and Sustainability should add a dimension to the research and not merely be a summary of the experiments described in the paper. As these are meant to express a personal viewpoint, with rare exceptions, Perspectives should have no more than five authors. Perspectives should include an abstract and have no more than 2,000 words, one figure or table, and no more than 20 references.
Policy forums present issues related to the intersections between science and society that have policy implications. Policy forums should include an abstract and have no more than 2,000 words, one figure or table, and no more than 20 references.
Narrative is a new article type created by Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, which uses original high-resolution pictures and photos with short descriptions to present novel ideas or main findings. Narratives are suitable for those who conduct long-term field ecology studies to present their findings in a vivid manner. Only original pictures and photos taken by the co-authors are acceptable, accompanied by novel ideas and opinions. Narratives should include an abstract and have no more than 2,000 words and no more than 20 references.