Herausgeber und Redaktion / Editorial Team
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas C. Mettenleiter, Honorarprofessor
Herausgeber Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift
Präsident des Friedrich-Loeffler-Instituts
Areas of expertise – animal virology, molecular virology, zoonoses
Telefon +49 38351 7 1250
Telefax +49 38351 7 1151
Prof. Dr. Franz J. Conraths, PhD, Dipl. EVPC
Herausgeber Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift
Vizepräsident des Friedrich-Loeffler-Instituts
Leiter des Instituts für Epidemiologie
Areas of expertise – animal diseases, zoonoses, epidemiology, parasitology
Telefon +49 38351 7 1522
Telefax +49 38351 7 1151
Dr. Katja Schulz
Telefon +49 38351 7 1803
Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift
Version: April 2021
Instruction for authors of the BMTW
Dear Authors,
Thank you for considering the publication of a contribution in the Berliner und Münchener Tierärztlichen Wochenschrift. The following guidelines provide you with important information about the submission process. Please note that these guidelines are binding. Thank you.
With the submission of your manuscript, you are thereby confirming that you are the corresponding author, and that all the co-authors have read the manuscript and agree with the submitted version. Submitted manuscripts may not have been submitted or published anywhere else.
If English is not your native language, please consider asking a native speaker to review your text before submission. In addition, please inform them that the journal uses British English.
Please submit your manuscript online via our electronic manuscript management system: https://www.manuscriptmanager.net/bmtw.
I. Submission of the data
Please upload all the files into our manuscript management system separately and in the following order. (Tip: the order of the files can be retrospectively amended by using drag and drop).
1. Cover letter (optional); for resubmissions: response letter (mandatory)
2. Manuscript (text file)
• Only in Word format (*.DOC/*.DOCX)
3. Figure and diagram files
• Send separately as an electronic picture file with the format *.TIF, *.JPG or *.EPS.
• Send as a high-resolution picture with at least 300 dpi (halftone) or 1200 dpi (line drawings).
• Please also send the original files (Word, Excel, PPT) for graphs, diagrams, etc.
• All pictures should be anonymised (all personalised data should be removed).
• File name: BMTW-[first author’s surname]-Fig.[no.] (Example: BMTW-Meyer-Fig.1)
4. Tables
• Each table should be sent separately (only the legends should be included in the text.)
• Tables should be sent in Word or Excel format (not as a photograph).
• File name: BMTW-[first author’s surname]-Table[no.] (Example: BMTW-Meyer-Table1)
5. Forms
The following two forms should be completed, signed and uploaded. Only when this has been done has the submission process in the manuscript management system been completed.
• Article Processing Charges (APC) to cover the Open Access fee.
• Granting of Rights of Use
Important: All illustrations/figures that have not been produced by the publication’s author(s) can only be published with the written consent of the copyright holder (printing permission). Each one must be submitted with its respective separately authorised printing permission. You can find the form here: Authorisation for the use of illustrations and photographs
6. Supplementary Material
All additional material should be denoted as Supplementary Material and uploaded separately.
II. Manuscript structure and contents
1. General information
• Text in *.DOC or *.DOCX format
• British English (BE), otherwise known as United Kingdom Standard English (UKSE) should be used.
• Line spacing: 1.5
• Use consecutive line and page numbering
• Use as little text formatting as possible: - no auto-hyphenation - no unnecessary tabulation - do not use the return key to start a new line unless it is at the end of a paragraph - do not enumerate titles/subtitles
• Please remove all field functions once you have completed using your bibliographic citation management software (e.g. EndNote etc.).
2. Title page(s)
• Institutions of the author(s). If there is more than one author, then the information about the institutions should be given according to the superscripted number behind each of the author’s names. (Example: ¹Small Animal Clinic, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, D, ²Institute of Veterinary Science, Liverpool University, UK)
• Title in English and German.
• Author’s name should be written in full and without any title (Example: Michael Müller¹, Erika Mustermann²))
• Summary (English) and Zusammenfassung (German) - max. 250 words each - content should be identical
• Keywords (English) and Schlüsselwörter (German)
- 3–5 words/phrases
- content should be identical - please do not repeat any words or phrases used in the publication’s title
3. Article structure (dependent on the type of article)
• Original research paper Title page(s), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Statement of good scientific practice, References, Address for correspondence, and where applicable, legends for tables and figures.
• Review article Title page(s), Introduction, subheadings according to the respective theme, Statement of good scientific practice, References, Address for correspondence, and where applicable, legends for tables and figures.
• Case report (max. three cases) Title page(s), Introduction, Case description, Discussion, Statement of good scientific practice, References, Address for correspondence, and where applicable, legends for tables and figures.
• Short communication (max. 3,500 words) Structure like an original research paper, sections such as Results and Discussion can be combined.
4. Statement of good scientific practice
The following details are needed in all types of articles. The regulations of COPE, IAVE and ARRIVE are applicable. If anything is not applicable, please write “not applicable” in the relevant section.
• Ethical approval “The authors hereby declare that they have followed the universally accepted guidelines of good scientific practice while preparing the present paper.” If applicable, please add the following: “All relevant international, national and/or institutional ethical guidelines for the handling and care of the animals used in the study were observed. The information regarding the application for approval of animal experimentation and its authorisation is given in the publication.”
• Conflict of interest “The authors hereby declare that they have no proprietary, professional or other personal interests in any product, service and/or company that could have influenced the contents or opinions expressed in this publication.” If there is any conflict of interest, then it has to be elucidated here.
• Funding “This work was supported by … (grants, other sponsorships). The authors hereby agree to provide the details of such funding upon a reasonable request.”
• Authors’ contribution In publications with more than one author, the individual authors must be assigned one or more of the following roles or tasks (the information may be given either in a running text or an informal list): conception or design of the project; data collection, analysis and interpretation; drafting of the manuscript; critical revision of the article; or approval of the final draft for publication. It is enough to just give the initials of the authors’ given names(s) and surname(s).
5. Literature All the sources cited in the text must be given in the reference list and vice versa. If you use the reference management software EndNote, you can download the appropriate style here. Citavi also provides a citation style.
5.1 Literature citation in the running text
• None of the sources given in the running text may be represented by a number.
• There is no comma between the author and the year (Meyer 2018).
• Please give any list of citations in the running text in chronological order according to publication year and within rounded brackets. Both surname and year of publication should be given. Between the individual sources, there should be a comma not a semicolon. Example: … (Meyer 2018, Adam 2019, Müller 2020).
• When an author is cited by name in the text, the year of publication is written in round brackets next to it. Example: “... according to Müller (2004)”.
• If there are two authors then their names are joined with an “and”, but with three or more authors, the first author is named and the rest are summarised using “et al.” Example: (Müller and Frank 1995, Meyer 2003, Albrecht 2018, Schmitz et al. 2019).
5.2 Reference list
The reference list is organised alphabetically according to the first letter of the first author’s surname.
• All the authors of a source must be listed using their surnames followed by their initials.
• There is no comma between the surname and initials.
• Each of the author’s names are separated by a comma, even the last one (no “and” is to be used here).
• An en dash (–, without spaces) is used between the page numbers, not a hyphen (-).
• Please remove all field functions associated with bibliographic citation management software (e.g. EndNote, etc.).
• Please use only official abbreviations according to Medline (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) without any full stops. Example: the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association should be written as J Am Vet Med Assoc
• The edition number of a book is first given from the second edition onwards.
• When citing websites, please always give the URL and the last date of access (accessed DD.MM.YYYY).
The following citation methods should be used depending on the type of source (examples).
• Journal article Gais K, Schäfer I, Kohn B (2020): Hyperkalzämie infolge einer Vitamin-D-Intoxikation bei einer Katze. Kleintierprax 65: 64–74.
• Book chapter Schöning B (2020): Verhaltensauffälligkeiten von Seniorhunden. In: Solms P (ed.), Verhaltensprobleme beim Hund. Von den Grundlagen bis zum Management. 2nd ed. Schlütersche, Hannover, 196–213.
• Book Sinowatz F, Rodler D (2019): Histologie in der Tiermedizin. Grundlagen, Techniken, Präparate. Schlütersche, Hannover.
• Dissertation Heide C (2017): Larvenmehl von Hermetia illucens als Proteinträger im Futter für Hunde. Berlin, FU, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Diss.
• Conference proceedings Reusch CE (2010): Trilostan – Übersicht über eine Erfolgsgeschichte. Proceedings of the 35th World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, June 2–5, 2010.
• Online-Publication (e-pub) Weich K, Hohlbaum K, Zintzsch A (2020): Belastungsbeurteilung im Tierversuch – ist das eigentlich ethisch? Berl Münch Tierärztl Wochenschr 133: DOI 10.2376/0005-9366-19060.
• Law German Animal Welfare Act (2006): German Animal Welfare Act in the version of the publication of 18 May 2006 (Federal Law Gazette I pp. 1206, 1313), last amended by
Article 101 of the Act of 20 November 2019 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1626).
http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/tierschg/BJNR012770972.html (accessed DD.MM.YYYY). •
Web sites German Society of Veterinary Medicine (DVG) (2020): DVG-Desinfektionsmittellisten. DVG-geprüfte Desinfektionsmittel für den Einsatz in der Tierhaltung. https://www.desinfektion-dvg.de/index.php?id=1800 (accessed DD.MM.YYYY).
6. Figure legends
• Please put the legends at the end of the manuscript.
• All figure legends must be self-explanatory. In addition, all symbols and abbreviated labels used in a figure have to be explained in its legend.
• Source: please always (!) give the source (name of person or institution) of a figure at the end of the legend. Example: Photo: Michael Müller.
• Sequential numbering (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.)
• Reference in text: every figure must be referred to in the text. Example: “… (Fig. 1)” or “As shown in Fig. 1, …”
7. Table headings
• Please place table headings (legends) at the end of the manuscript.
• Sequential numbering: (Table 1, Table 2, etc.)
• Reference in text: every table must be referred to in the text. Example: “… (Table 1)” or “As can be seen in Table 1, …”
• Please note: Table is not abbreviated in English.