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AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE《澳大利亚全科医学杂志》(原:Australian Family Physician) (官网投稿)

  • 参考译名《澳大利亚全科医学杂志》
  • 核心类别 SCIE(2024版), 目次收录(维普), 知网外文库,外文期刊,
  • IF影响因子0.852
  • 自引率
  • 主要研究方向医学-MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL医学:内科



AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE《澳大利亚全科医学杂志》(月刊). The Australian Journal of General Practice (AJGP) aims to provide relevant, evidence...[显示全部]












Australian Journal of General Practice

Author guidelines

Last revision: May 2021

Update: Coronavirus (COVID-19) articles – Seeking author submissions

To help support our colleagues working in general practice, the Australian Journal of General Practice (AJGP) has developed a dedicated coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage. Important, relevant and timely articles will be published as they become available, in addition to the scheduled monthly release of AJGP.

Authors are invited to submit short articles specifically for the COVID-19 section. All articles will undergo a rapid peer review process, with intended electronic publication within 10 days of acceptance. This manuscript category is outlined in further detail below in section 2.7.

Authors are also invited to submit standard-length articles on COVID-19-related topics. However, as articles of greater extent will require standard editorial review, the information must be of sufficient importance to be considered and time independent to ensure the content is not obsolete at the time of publication.

1. About the journal

The Australian Journal of General Practice (AJGP) aims to provide relevant, evidence-based, clearly articulated information to Australian general practitioners (GPs) to assist them in providing the highest quality patient care, applicable to the varied geographic and social contexts in which GPs work and to all GP roles as clinician, researcher, educator, practice team member and opinion leader. All articles are subject to peer review before they are accepted for publication. The journal is indexed in MEDLINE, Index Medicus and Science Citation Index Expanded.

The Journal was established in 1956 as the Annals of General Practice. In 1971 the Journal was retitled Australian Family Physician (AFP). In 2018 the Journal was renamed Australian Journal of General Practice (AJGP).

AJGP is a member, and subscribes to the principles, of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and to those of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

All submitted articles are subject to a peer-review process before they are accepted for publication. AJGP is indexed in MEDLINE, Index Medicus and Science Citation Index Expanded.

AJGP does not charge author, editorial or publication fees. All articles are available online free of charge. In addition, Fellows and members of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) receive a published hard copy of each issue.

2. Manuscript categories and requirements

Manuscript requirements for accepted categories are outlined below. On application from the author in the covering letter, the editor may consider a variation of these requirements.

2.1 Clinical articles

Description – Evidence-based review articles relating to the assessment and/or management of specific clinical problems relevant to general practice

Structure – Introduction, aim, body, conclusion (summary of critical issues including demonstrating relevance to general practice)

Word limit – 1500 words maximum, excluding abstract, tables, boxes, figures and references

Abstract – 150 words maximum, structured under the headings: Background, Objective, Discussion

References – 40 maximum

Figures/tables/images – 5 maximum

Key points – 5 salient points, each one line maximum in length

2.2 Clinical case studies

Description – Clinical cases seen by the authors that demonstrate important principles of general practice. AJGP is unlikely to publish cases describing rare conditions, or cases that have been mismanaged. We encourage the patient’s perspective to be included.

Structure – Must be presented as a short description of the clinical presentation followed by a series of relevant questions and their answers; please see published examples on the AJGP website

Word limit – 750 words maximum, excluding tables, boxes, figures and references

Abstract – nil

References – 10 maximum

Figures/tables/images – 5 maximum

Key points – 3 salient learning points, each one line maximum in length

2.3 Professional articles

Description – Evidence-based review articles relating to non-clinical topics relevant to general practice (eg practice management, medico-legal issues, medical ethics, patient safety, healthcare systems and service delivery, clinical workforce and medical education)

Structure – Introduction, aim, body, conclusion (summary of critical issues including demonstrating relevance to general practice)

Word limit – 1500 words maximum, excluding abstract, tables, boxes, figures and references.

Abstract – 150 words maximum, structured under the headings: Background, Objective, Discussion

References – 40 maximum

Figures/tables/images – 5 maximum

Key points – 5 salient points, each one line maximum in length

2.4 Viewpoint articles

Description – Clearly argued opinion, supported by appropriate references, discussing an important and relevant topic for general practice. The article must be presented in a scholarly framework.

Word limit – 750 words maximum; excluding tables, boxes, figures and references

Abstract – nil

References – 10 maximum

Figures/tables/images – 2 maximum

2.5 Letters to the editor

Description – A brief discussion considering a recently published article in AJGP or a current, important and relevant topic for general practice. The article must be presented in a scholarly framework.

Word limit – 350 words maximum; excluding references

Abstract – nil

References – 5 maximum




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