Note for the authors
1. Papers must be submitted in English, French or German having compulsorily an even number of pages (maximum 10 - 12 pages).
2. For papers writing it is recommended the use of the text processor WINWORD and of the template, which can be found below.
3. The papers will be compulsorily submitted on line on our journal's web site: www.scientificbulletin.upb.ro)
4. The papers will be reviewed by two specialty scientific reviewers, well-known in their domains of activity.
5. The papers will be send back to the authors for corrections if:
- the instructions presented in Model.doc or tex and bulletinUPB.sty are not respected
- the figures, pictures or tables are not contained in the text
- the reviewers require modifications or supplementary information.
6. The papers will be rejected if their scientific content is not adequate, if they don’t contain original elements and if they are not properly written in English, French or German.
7. The bibliography must show the authors adequate documentation.
8. The whole responsibility for the calcul exactitude, experimental data, scientific affirmation and paper translation belongs to the authors.
9. The authors will declare on their own responsibility that the article or parts of it were not published before in others journals.
10. It is mandatory that the authors respect the Copyright laws.