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Author Guidelines
The Annals of Neurology publishes articles of broad interest in neurology, particularly those with high impact in understanding the mechanisms and treatment of diseases of the human nervous system. Although Annals publishes papers using a wide variety of clinical and basic neuroscience methods, we are most interested in those manuscripts that will be of general interest to academic neurologists, including clinical trials and other large-scale studies that inform the practice of medicine. Purely basic studies, without strong clinical or translational potential, are unlikely to have sufficient priority for publication
Editorial Office and Reviewing Editor Information
All papers at Annals of Neurology are previewed by the Editor-in-Chief and an Associate Editor. Those papers that potentially have sufficient novelty and impact for publication are then sent to reviewers, and the rest are returned without review, usually in about 1-2 weeks. Once reviews are received, papers are considered at the weekly Editorial conference by all of the Editors, and authors are informed of their decisions. The mean time to making a decision on a new paper is about 5 weeks, but please permit up to 8 weeks before inquiring about the status of your paper.
For all new manuscripts, authors should indicate their preferences among the Associate Editors, whose names and specialties are listed below.
Reviewing Editors for Annals of Neurology and Their Specialties, Effective January 1, 2017
Michael Fox, MD, PhD
Specialty: Neuroimaging
Samia J. Khoury, MD
Specialties: Multiple sclerosis, demyelinating disorders, neuroimmunology
Christine Klein, MD
Specialties: Neurodegenerative disorders, movement disorders, neurogenetics
Alvaro Pascual-Leone, MD, PhD
Specialties: Cognitive neurology, neuroimaging, neurorehabilitation, brain stimulation/plasticity
Scott L. Pomeroy, MD, PhD
Specialties: Pediatric neurology, neuro-oncology
Seward Rutkove, MD
Specialty: Neuromuscular neurology, bioengineering
Martin A. Samuels, MD
Specialty: Evidence-based neurological practice, interactions of general medicine and neurology
Clifford B. Saper, MD, PhD
Specialties: Sleep, neural systems (autonomic, pain, auditory, vestibular, taste, smell, etc.)
Gottfried Schlaug, MD, PhD
Specialties: Stroke, neuroimaging, rehabilitation/stroke recovery, brain plasticity, communication disorders
Donald L. Schomer, MD
Specialties: Epilepsy and clinical neurophysiology
Christopher A. Walsh, MD, PhD
Specialties: Neurogenetics, cortical development, epilepsy
Statistical Editor
Rebecca A. Betensky, PhD
Managing Editors
Adam A. Gordon
Daniel Roe, PhD
Editorial Policies
1. Submission and Review Process
- Authors are required to submit manuscripts through our online submission website. If for any reason you are unable to do so, please contact the Managing Editor to discuss the possibility of alternate arrangements
- Submissions must not be under consideration by any other journal or published previously (apart from abstracts).
- All submissions are thoroughly vetted by Editors prior to peer review. Because Annals can only publish a small percentage of the papers we receive, our Editors only send out for review those papers that they feel have sufficient priority that they will have a reasonable chance of being published. However, fewer than half of papers sent for review can be published, so an invitation to revise your manuscript is not a guarantee of acceptance for publication.
- The Annals is committed to providing a timely decision for every submission we receive. To accomplish this, we strictly enforce time limits for peer review and for editorial consideration.If authors require a decision within a restricted time frame (because of a competing paper from another group or similar problem, but NOT to meet a grant or promotion deadline), please contact the Managing Editor at aon@bidmc.harvard.edu.
- To ensure your communications are properly routed to the appropriate Editors, all correspondence regarding your submission must be directed to the Managing Editor, at aon@bidmc.harvard.edu. Do not contact the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, or members of the Editorial Board.
2. Conflict of Interest Disclosure:
- An ICMJE conflict of interest form must be completed by each author. The Annals is in compliance with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations regarding conflicts of interest. Relevant information and a copy of the necessary information and the ICMJE disclosure form can be obtained here: http://icmje.org/disclosure-of-interest/
- In addition, there must be a section of the text, after the body of the text but before the References, labeled “Potential Conflicts of Interest”. This should contain a succinct summary of all commercial relationships of any author with a company whose product is used in the study or may be affected by its outcome. Please do not include relationships with non-profit or governmental bodies, or commercial relationships that are not of direct relevance to the current research. For each potential conflict, please identify why the conflict exists (e.g., not “Dr. A is a consultant to Company X” but “Dr. A receives consultant fees from Company X, which manufactures the drug that is tested in this study.”
- Failure to disclose information in the ICMJE forms or in the Potential Conflicts of Interest section of the text will be grounds for immediate rejection of a manuscript. Additional sanctions, at the discretion of the Editors, may be undertaken for repeat offenders.
3. Experimental Studies of Human Subjects:
- The Methods section of the manuscript must contain a statement verifying that the protocol for the study has received prior approval by the appropriate Institutional Review Board, and that informed consent was obtained from each subject. A copy of the IRB approval must be provided if it is requested.
- Clinical trial reports must be written in accordance with the CONSORT reporting guidelines. (Download PDF file - 110K).
- All clinical trials must be registered in a database that meets the requirements set forth by the ICMJE: (1) The registry must be publicly accessible. (2) It must be open to all registrants and managed by a not-for-profit group. (3) The registry must have a mechanism to guarantee accuracy and validity of the information submitted.(4) The registry must adhere to the ICMJE mandates described in the table found on their website:http://www.icmje.org/update_may05.html Additional information can be found here: http://www.icmje.org/publishing_10register.html. Endpoints in the paper should be those in the registration. If other endpoints are used, this should be pointed out and the reasoning discussed in the text.
4. Animal Experiments. The Methods section must contain a statement verifying that the protocol for the study has received approval by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, and that all studies were conducted in accordance with the United States Public Health Service's Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. A copy of the IACUC approval must be provided if it is requested.
5. Sharing of Data and Reagents. Authors will be required following publication to make available any new nucleic acid constructs, recombinant organisms, antibodies, or other unique reagents and to make their data available to other investigators for the purpose of verifying and replicating results. The Editors strongly encourage authors to make their data available to other investigators for other purposes, e.g. to deposit microarray data in a public repository, such as GEO or ArrayExpress.
6. One author must be designated when the paper is uploaded to the ManuscriptCentral website as corresponding author for the purpose of being the point person for dealing with the Editors. It is understood that this person will communicate with the other authors and serve as the main contact person for the group. In addition, the manuscript should designate on its Title Page, a “corresponding author” who will be the person who will be responsible for answering questions about the paper once it is published. These need not be (and frequently are not) the same person. The “corresponding author” in the final paper should be a member of the team who is well established in the field and likely to remain in the field and to maintain contacts with the other authors, because questions about the paper may occur many years in the future. In some limited cases, it may be necessary to name more than one “corresponding author” for this purpose, e.g., if the two “corresponding authors” represent very different areas of expertise, and would find it difficult to answer questions in the other’s domain.
Editorial Office Contact Information:
Managing Editor
330 Brookline Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
tel: 617 667 1812
email: aon@bidmc.harvard.edu
Manuscript Submission Information
Submission requirements for the Annals of Neurology are in accordance with the ICMJE Uniform Requirements. Please review the following document prior to submission of your manuscript: http://www.icmje.org/about-icmje/faqs/icmje-recommendations/
Submit your manuscripts online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ana where you and your coauthors may view the status of your manuscript as it progresses through the review process. Notification of the disposition of each manuscript will be sent by e-mail to the submitting author on the day of decision.