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数据与情报科学学报(英文版)(Journal of Data and Information Science)(原:中国文献情报(英文)) (官网投稿)

《数据与情报科学学报(英文版)》(Journal of Data and Information Science)(原:中国文献情报(英文)(CJLIS)(Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science)(季刊),由中国科学院文献情报中心主办,是我国大陆图书情报领域第一本英文...[显示全部]
本刊为:AMI核心(2022版), CSCD核心(2023-2024), 维普收录, 万方收录, 知网收录,外文期刊,第二批认定学术期刊,












Submission Guidelines

Aims & Scope

JDIS focuses on data-based research oriented toward the exploration of scientific research and innovation. The main areas of interest are science of science, evidence-based policymaking, research evaluation, computational social science, and scientometrics/bibliometrics/altmetrics/informetrics. Emphasis is given to research that focuses on data, analytics, and knowledge discovery, and supports decision making and science policy. This includes modeling, innovation, data security, media and communications, and social development. Topics may include studies of metadata or full content data, text or non-textural data, structured or non-structural data, domain-specific or cross-domain data, and dynamic or interactive data.

Specific topic areas may include (but are not limited to):

Knowledge organization

Knowledge discovery and data mining

Knowledge integration and fusion

Semantic Web

Science of science

Bibliometrics and scientometrics

Analytic and diagnostic informetrics

Competitive intelligence

Predictive analysis

Social network analysis and metrics

Semantic and interactively analytic retrieval

Evidence-based policy analysis

Intelligent knowledge production

Knowledge-driven workflow management and decision-making

Knowledge-driven collaboration and its management

Domain knowledge infrastructure with knowledge fusion and analytics

Training for data & information scientists

Development of data and information services

Refereeing Process

Articles covering the topics or themes mentioned above will be refereed through a single-blind peer review process.

Manuscripts Categories

Research Articles: original research work or a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of a topic (around 5,000 to 8,000 words)

Review Articles: manuscripts that provide a novel synthesis of a research area (around 5,000 to 10,000 words)

Research notes: short data-based discussions of research findings of interest to the wider community.

Perspectives: forward-looking viewpoints that advocate important future directions in the field (around 2,000 to 3,000 words)

Commentaries: call attention to published articles, books, or reports (around 1,000 to 2,000 words)

Letters to the Editor: comments on previously published articles in JDIS, or short research reports (around 1,000 to 2,000 words)

Opinions: pieces to present ideas, discuss recent books, propose arguments, or initiate debates (around 1,000 to 3,000 words)

Editorial: editors or guest editors may occasionally provide background information on an issue or an event


All contributions published in JDIS will be under a Creative Commons Attributions license, with the default as CC-BY.

Notes for Intending Submissions

A guide for authors and other relevant information, including submitting papers online, is available at www.jdis.org. For any questions, you can e-mail the Office at jdis@mail.las.ac.cn.

The JDIS Editorial Office

National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences No 33, Beisihuan Xilu, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing 100190, P.R. China

Website: www.jdis.org

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