凡向本刊投稿的论文应遵循国家有关文献编写出版的法规和标准。根据《学术论文编写规则》(GB/T 7713.2-2022)要求,本刊制定如下学术规范。
理论与实证研究类文章,须阐明研究基础、研究假设、分析框架、论证过程与结论启示 ;
前沿动态跟踪类文章,须阐明学科领域、发展趋势、最新成果和综合影响 ;案例借鉴与反思类文章,须阐明案例范畴、选择依据、实践做法与主要启示 ;国内外比较研究类文章,须阐明评价视角、特征表现与结论启示 ;现实问题调研类文章,须阐明背景意义、进展成效、问题症结与对策建议 ;学术思想评论类文章,须体现适当语境与专业见解。
论文主标题应简明准确地表述研究的对象、内容、观点或问题,一般不超过 25 字,可分两行书写。须有英文题名。采用三号黑体,居中。
正文各级标题编号格式如下 :一级标题为“一、”“二、”“三、”……,独立成行,居中,采用三号楷体 ;二级标题为“(一)”“(二)”“(三)”……,独立成行,前置两空格,采用四号宋体加粗 ;三级标题为“1.”“2.”“3.”……,独立成行,前置两空格,采用小四号宋体 ;四级标题为“(1)”“(2)”“(3)”……,不独立成行,前置两空格,采用小四号宋体。标题编号一般不超过四级,标题一般不超过 15 字。
摘要置于作者信息后,200 ~ 300 字,包括研究目的、方法、结果和结论,是论文的创新点或基本观点的客观简短陈述,而非介绍性、评论性、总结性内容。须有英文摘要。采用五号仿宋体。
为方便文献检索、信息存储,应从论文特别是从题名和摘要中选取最能表达论文中心内容、表示论文主题的若干词、词组或术语,置于摘要下方。关键词 3 ~ 5 个,应是各学科中规范的、有特定含义的、通用的名词术语,尽量选用《汉语主题词表》中的规范词。关键词间用分号隔开,最后一个关键词后不加标点符号。须有英文关键词。采用五号仿宋体。
正文是论文的主体,应标注各级标题,采用规范化名词术语,一般不超过 15000 字。正文选题应新颖独特,或开拓新领域,或提出新观点,或发掘新资料,或运用新方法,有一定理论深度,具有较高学术价值或实践应用价值。正文表述应概念清晰,观点明确,资料翔实,论证严密,逻辑分明,结构合理,文字通畅,具有原创性。鼓励选用一手资料和最新资料。结论应是对研究成果和论点的提炼与概括,不是摘要或主体部分各章、节小结的简单重复,内容较多时宜分条陈述。
正文采用小四号宋体,标准字间距,1.5 倍行间距,标点符号全角。
图中文字一律用印刷体。应标明图序、图题。图序以阿拉伯数字连续编号 ;仅有 1 图者,图序仍标为图 1。图序与图题间空 1 个汉字间隙,居中置于图的下方。图题采用五号楷体。图应随文,较多时可集中附于文末或其他适当位置。
表应精心设计、结构简洁,具有自明性。尽可能采用三线表,必要时可加添辅助线。应有表序与表题,表序以阿拉伯数字连续编号,仅有 1 表者,表序仍标为表 1。表序和表题间空 1个汉字间隙,居中置于表的上方。表题采用五号楷体。表内文字一般采用小五号楷体。表内数字一律用阿拉伯数字。相邻行格内的数字或文字相同时,应重复填写,不可代以同上等字样。
参考文献在文后列出,应选用公开发表的资料,按照文中引用出现的顺序列全,且在文中注明引用位置。文中编码置于引文右上角,编码采用方括号加阿拉伯数字,如 [1][2][3][4][5]……;
文献代码为 :图书 [M]、期刊 [J]、报纸 [N]、论文集 [A]、电子文献 [EB/OL]。
各类参考文献的著录项目与著录格式如下 :
图书 :[1] 作者 . 书名 [M]. 出版地 :出版者,出版年 :页码 .
期刊论文 :[2] 作者 . 论文名 [J]. 刊名,年(期):页码 .
报纸论文 :[3] 作者 . 论文名 [N]. 报纸名,年 - 月 - 日(版页号).
论文集论文 :[4] 作者 . 论文名 [A]. 论文集编者 . 文集名 [C]. 出版地 :出版者,出版年 :页码 .
电子文献 :[5] 作者 . 论文名 [EB/OL].(发表日期)[ 引用日期 ]. 出处 .
多作者文献的标注。作者间用“,”间隔。人数在 3 个及以下的应全部写出,3 人以上只列出前 3 人,后加“,等”或“et al.”。作者一律姓前名后(欧美作者名缩写,省略缩写点),如按照名前姓后姓名为 Herbert George Wells,参考文献中应当写为 Wells HG。
英文文献标题的大小写。英文标题和文献中涉及实词的首字母需要大写(介词、连词、冠词等除外);句首单词首字母一律大写 ;书名、刊名用斜体。
数字使用。应执行《出版物上数字用法》(GB/T 15835-2011)的规定,凡公历世纪、年代、年、月、日、时刻和各种记数与计量,均采用阿拉伯数字。年份不能简写,星期几一律用汉字。
应执行《标点符号用法》(GB/T 15834-2011)相关规定,正确理解和规范使用标点符号。
All submissions to this journal must adhere to national regulations and standards pertaining to document compilation and publication. In line with academic writing guidelines,we have established the following norms for scholarly contributions.
1. File format
We ask you to provide editable source files for your entire submission (including figures,tables, and text graphics). Some guidelines:
(1) Save files in an editable format, using the extension .doc/.docx for Word files. A PDF is not an acceptable source file.
(2) Lay out text in a single-column format.
(3) Use spell-check and grammar-check functions to avoid errors.
2. Title page
You are required to include the following details in the title page information:
(1) Article title.
(2) Author names.
(3) Affiliations.
3. Abstract
You are required to provide a concise and factual abstract. The abstract should briefly state the purpose of your research, principal results and major conclusions. Some guidelines:
(1) Abstracts must be able to stand alone as they are often presented separately from the article.
(2) Avoid references. If any are essential, ensure that you cite the author(s) and year(s).
(3) Avoid non-standard or uncommon abbreviations. If any are essential to include,ensure they are defined within your abstract at first mention.
4. Keywords
You are required to provide 3 to 5 keywords for indexing purposes. Keywords should be written in English. Please try to avoid keywords consisting of multiple words (using "and" or "of").
We recommend that you only use abbreviations in keywords if they are firmly established in the field.
Academic Norms for Journal of Metropolitan
Development Research
5. Math formulae
(1) Submit math equations as editable text, not as images.
(2) Present simple formulae in line with the normal text, where possible.
(3) Use the solidus (/) instead of a horizontal line for small fractional terms such as X/Y.
(4) Present variables in italics.
(5) Denote powers of e by exp.
(6) Display equations separately from your text, numbering them consecutively in the order they are referred to within your text.
6. Tables
Tables must be submitted as editable text, not as images. Some guidelines:
(1) Place tables next to the relevant text or on a separate page(s) at the end of your article.
(2) Cite all tables in the manuscript text.
(3) Number tables consecutively according to their appearance in the text.
(4) Provide captions along with the tables.
(5) Place any table notes below the table body.
(6) Avoid vertical rules and shading within table cells.
We recommend that you use tables sparingly, ensuring that any data presented in tables is not duplicating results described elsewhere in the article.
7. Figures, images, and artwork
Figures, images, artwork, diagrams, and other graphical media must be supplied as separate files along with the manuscript.
When submitting artwork, follow these guidelines:
(1) Cite all images in the manuscript text.
(2) Number images according to the sequence they appear within your article.
(3) Submit each image as a separate file using a logical naming convention for your files (for example, Figure_1, Figure_2, etc).
(4) Provide captions along with the artwork.
(5) Text graphics may be embedded in the text at the appropriate position.
8. Artwork formats
When your artwork is finalized, "save as" or convert your electronic artwork to the formats listed below taking into account the given resolution requirements for line drawings, halftones,and line/halftone combinations:
(1) Vector drawings: Save as EPS or PDF files, embedding the font or saving the text as "graphics".
(2) Color or grayscale photographs (halftones): Save as TIFF, JPG or PNG files using a minimum of 300 dpi (for single column: min. 1063 pixels, full page width: 2244 pixels).
(3) Bitmapped line drawings: Save as TIFF, JPG or PNG files using a minimum of 1000 dpi(for single column: min. 3543 pixels, full page width: 7480 pixels).
(4) Combinations bitmapped line/halftones (color or grayscale): Save as TIFF, JPG or PNG files using a minimum of 500 dpi (for single column: min. 1772 pixels, full page width: 3740 pixels).
Please do not submit:
(1) Files that are too low in resolution (for example, files optimized for screen use such as GIF, BMP, PICT or WPG files).
(2) Disproportionally large images compared to font size, as text may become unreadable.
9. Figure captions
All images must have a caption. A caption should consist of a brief title (not displayed on the figure itself) and a description of the image. We advise keeping the amount of text in any image to a minimum, though any symbols and abbreviations used should be explained.
Please provide captions in a separate file.
10. Article structure
10.1 Article sections
(1) Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Number subsections 1.1(then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...), then 1.2, etc.
(2) The length of the article should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words and no more than 10 pages.
(3) Use the numbering format when cross-referencing within your article. Do not just refer to "the text."
(4) You may give subsections a brief heading. Headings should appear on a separate line.
(5) Do not include the article abstract within section numbering.
10.2 Introduction
The introduction should clearly state the objectives of your work. We recommend that you provide adequate background to your work but avoid writing a detailed literature overview or summary of your results.
10.3 Material and methods
The materials and methods section should provide sufficient details to allow your work to be reproduced by an independent researcher. Some guidelines:
(1) If the method you used has already been published, provide a summary and reference the original publication.
(2) If you are quoting directly from a previously published method, use quotation marks and cite the source.
(3) Describe any modifications you have made to existing methods.
10.4 Results
Results should be clear and concise.
10.5 Discussion
The discussion section should explore the significance of your results but not repeat them.
You may combine your results and discussion sections into one section, if appropriate. We recommend that you avoid the use of extensive citations and discussion of published literature in the discussion section.
10.6 Conclusion
The conclusion section should present the main conclusions of your study. You may have a stand-alone conclusion section or include your conclusions in a subsection of your discussion or results and discussion section.
10.7 Footnotes
We advise you to use footnotes sparingly. If you include footnotes in your article, ensure that they are numbered consecutively.
You may use system features that automatically build footnotes into text. Alternatively, you can indicate the position of footnotes within the text and present them in a separate section at the end of your article.
11. References
11.1 Reference format
This journal does not set strict requirements on reference formatting at submission. Some guidelines:
(1) References can be in any style or format as long as the style is consistent.
(2) Author names, journal or book titles, chapter or article titles, year of publication,volume numbers, article numbers, or pagination must be included, where applicable.
(3) Use of DOIs is recommended.
Our journal reference style will be applied to your article after acceptance, at the proof stage. If required, at this stage we will ask you to correct or supply any missing reference data.
11.2 Reference style
Indicate references by adding a number within square brackets in the text. You can refer to author names within your text, but you must always give the reference number, e.g., "as demonstrated [3,6]. Barnaby and Jones [8] obtained a different result ....".
Number references in the order they appear in your article.
Reference to a book:
[1] Fukuyama F. Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity[M]. New York:Free Press, 1999.
Reference to a journal publication:
[2] Engers M., Gans J. S. Why Referees Are Not Paid (Enough)[J]. American Economic Review, 1998,88(05):1341-1349.
Reference to a work paper:
[3] Broda C., Greenfield J., Weinstein D. From Groundnuts to Globalization: A Structural Estimate of Trade and Growth[R]. NBER Working Paper, 2006.