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环境科学与工程前沿(英文版)(Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering) (官网投稿)

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文版)》(Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering)(月刊)创刊于2007年2月,是由教育部主管,高等教育出版社有限公司、中国工程院、清华大学主办,Springer公司海外发行的Frontiers in China系列英文学术期刊之一,以网络版和印刷版两种形式出版,2012起为双月刊。该刊...[显示全部]
本刊为:CSCD核心(2023-2024), 高质量科技期刊(T1), 高质量科技期刊(T2), SCIE(2024版), EI 中国期刊(2024版), 科技核心(2024自然科学), 目次收录(维普), 目次收录(万方), 知网外文库,第一批认定学术期刊,外文期刊,
















Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering


General Introduction

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering (FESE) is an authoritative source of information for professionals in a wide range of environmental science and engineering, supervised by the Ministry of Education of China, administered by Higher Education Press of China, Chinese Academy of Engineering and Tsinghua University, and jointly published by Higher Education Press of China and Springer on a monthly basis in English. The journal is published both in print and online.

Online versions are available both at http://www.springer.com/environment/journal/11783 and http://journal.hep.com.cn/fese.

A checklist of specific requirements of FESE is provided as following in order to save time from scanning the whole guide and to help re-check before submission.

Types of Papers

The following types of papers can be submitted to the journal:

A RESEARCH FULL PAPER is a contribution describing original research, including theoretical exposition, extensive data and in-depth critical evaluation, and is peer reviewed. The total length of a manuscript excluding figures, tables and references must not be less than ~ 5000 words. A length of 6000 to 8000 words is appropriate.

REVIEW PAPERS are encouraged for giving an in-depth overview of certain topic or a review of one’s own work or one laboratory or a group of researchers. The format and length of review papers are more flexible than for a full paper. Review papers are peer reviewed.

FEATURE PAPERS present objective reports and analyses of the major advances, trends, and challenges in environmental science, technology, engineering and policy for diverse professionals. Feature papers are in principle invited and peer reviewed, but contributors are encouraged to recommend themselves by sending an initial query letter or email to the Managing Editor that describes the scope and significance of the topic and includes a summary or outline of the proposed article and brief introduction about contributor.

PERSPECTIVES mainly focuses on the outlooks based on in-depth review of the hot issues in environmental science, technology, engineering, and policy making. It also aims to promote interdisciplinary understanding in the environmental field. Although we welcome technical content in these articles, it is not a proper forum to present new data. Instead, the discussion should be based on data found in the peer-reviewed literature.

SHORT COMMUNICATION is for a concise, but independent report representing a significant contribution to environmental science and engineering, not intended to publish preliminary results, only if these results are of exceptional interest and are particularly topical and relevant will be considered for publication. It should be no more than 2000 words, and could include three figures/tables. It should have at least 8 references. Short communications are also needed to give a peer review.




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