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JIA | 中国农科院北京畜牧兽医研究所牟玉莲课题组鉴定一个新的猪基因组友好基因座

2022/5/12 8:47:31  阅读:193 发布者:


近期,中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所牟玉莲课题组提出一种将猪I型胶原α1链(collagen type I alpha 1 chainCOL1A1)基因座作为友好基因座表达外源基因的新策略。该研究为外源基因在猪基因组中稳定表达提供了新位点,可广泛应用于基因功能研究、多基因聚合生物育种材料研发、生物反应器和医学模型建立等多个领域。相关研究成果在Journal of Integrative Agriculture (《农业科学学报》(英文)JIA) 在线发表。


Figure 1. Schematic overview depicting the targeting strategy for the COL1A1 locus and sgRNA activity measurement. (A) Schematic overview used in this study. Cas9/sgRNA expression vector and donor vector co-transfected into PEF, PK15 and IPI-2I cells, then GFP positive cells were sorted by FACS for the subsequent experiments. One of the GFP positive, junction PCR-positive, and GFP homozygous PK15 cell clones (PK15-GFP) was selected for gene expression and cell proliferation analysis. (B) Targeting strategy. Exons of COL1A1 are shown as gray boxes, the black triangle in Exon 51 represents the sgRNA targeting site. The yellow arrow box represents the COL1A1 promoter. A targeting vector was created corresponding to the cleavage site of Cas9 and carried 900 bp regions of homology to the COL1A1 sequence astride the cleavage site.





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XIANG Guang-ming, ZHANG Xiu-ling, XU Chang-jiang, FAN Zi-yao, XU Kui, WANG Nan, WANG Yue, CHE Jing-jing, XU Song-song, MU Yu-lian, LI Kui, LIU Zhi-guo. 2022. The collagen type I alpha 1 chain gene is an alternative safe harbor locus in the porcine genome. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, in press.


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