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发表SCI后,总结的Literature Review 结构句式!

2024/2/28 17:50:45  阅读:93 发布者:

文献综述(Literature Review),是回顾和总结已有的相关文献、研究和知识,为研究工作提供背景信息、理论基础和先前研究的现状。文献综述的质量和深度对研究工作的质量产生重要影响,因此它在学术写作中具有关键作用。今天小编就给大家分享Literature Review文献综述超详细的结构句型句式!


1. "The theoretical framework for this study is grounded in..."


2. "Previous research has established a strong theoretical foundation for..."


3. "Theoretical underpinnings of this research can be traced back to the work of..."


4. "Building upon the theoretical work of [Author], this study seeks to..."


5. "The study is situated within the theoretical framework of [Theory/Model]."


6. "The theoretical backdrop of this research is rooted in the concept of..."



1. "Previous studies have investigated.."


例子:Previous studies have investigated the impact of climate change on biodiversity (Smith et al., 2018).

2. "Extensive research has been conducted on..."


例子:Extensive research has been conducted on the effects of exercise on cardiovascular health (Johnson, 2017).

3. "A significant body of literature addresses the issue of..."


例子:A significant body of literature addresses the issue of social media's influence on adolescent behavior (Brown & White, 2019).

4. "Numerous scholars have explored the relationship between X and Y."


例子:Numerous scholars have explored the relationship between economic policies and inflation rates (Lee et al., 2020).

5. "Several investigations have focused on the role of..."


例子:Several investigations have focused on the role of genetic factors in the development of cancer (Johnson & Smith, 2019).


1. "However, there is a discrepancy in the findings regarding..."


例子:However, there is a discrepancy in the findings regarding the impact of caffeine on sleep quality (Smith et al., 2019; Johnson, 2020).

2. "In contrast to these findings, other studies have reported..."


例子:In contrast to these findings, other studies have reported a positive correlation between stress levels and immune system function (Brown & White, 2018).

3. "While some research suggests that X leads to Y, conflicting studies propose a different relationship."


例子:While some research suggests that high sugar consumption leads to obesity, conflicting studies propose a different relationship, indicating that genetic factors may play a significant role (Lee et al., 2017).

4. "Divergent results have been reported in the literature regarding..."


例子:Divergent results have been reported in the literature regarding the effects of environmental pollution on respiratory health (Johnson & Smith, 2021).

5. "The literature presents conflicting evidence about the impact of..."


例子:The literature presents conflicting evidence about the impact of social media on mental well-being (Smith et al., 2020).

4.介绍research gap

1. "However, there is a lack of research on [具体研究主题] in the existing literature."

例子:However, there is a lack of research on the impact of climate change on specific insect species' behavior in the existing literature.

2. "Previous studies have primarily focused on [先前的研究重点] while neglecting the exploration of [你的研究重点]."

例子:Previous studies have primarily focused on the genetic factors contributing to cancer, while neglecting the exploration of environmental factors' role in cancer development.

3. "Despite the wealth of research on [相关领域], there remains a significant gap in our understanding of [研究领域]."

例子:Despite the wealth of research on renewable energy sources, there remains a significant gap in our understanding of the socio-economic impact of renewable energy adoption in rural communities.

4. "To date, no studies have investigated the relationship between [因素 A] and [因素 B] in the context of [研究环境]."

 例子:To date, no studies have investigated the relationship between dietary habits and academic performance in the context of urban schools.

5. "This gap in the literature highlights the need for further research to address the specific question of [研究问题]."

 例子:This gap in the literature highlights the need for further research to address the specific question of how social media impacts individuals' mental health.


1. In summary, the existing literature highlights the importance of [specific topic or concept].


2. Taken together, these studies provide a comprehensive overview of [research area or subject].


3. To recap, the reviewed studies collectively suggest that [state the common findings or trends].


4. On the whole, the literature surveyed here underscores the need for further investigations into [specific research question].


5. In brief, the studies conducted thus far consistently support the idea that [state the supported idea].



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