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丹麦奥胡斯大学Prof. Caragiannis课题组全奖博士招生

2022/7/13 15:02:57  阅读:356 发布者:

丹麦奥胡斯大学(Aarhus Universitet)计算机algorithms+Ecom交叉方向全职博士招生,可申请该校自然科学研究生院计算机科学课程的博士奖学金,预计202211月入学。

About the project

Conceptual and Computational Challenges in Fair Division

Applications are invited for a PhD fellowship/scholarship at Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark, within the Computer Science programme. The position is available from November 2022 or later.


Research description

We are looking for talented PhD students interested in conducting research in fair division. This is a very active research area at the interface of Computer Science (in particular, theoretical computer science, algorithms and complexity) and Economics (microeconomics, game theory, and social choice). Information about the research project follows.

Dividing resources effectively has been a concern of societies since antiquity. In today’s complex economic and political environment, such problems are ubiquitous and often highly non-trivial. Let us give some examples: An inheritance consisting of a jewellery collection, pieces of antique furniture, and estate property, has to be divided among heirs. Food donated to a food bank has to be given to charities. Access to rainwater reservoirs has to be granted to farmers. A territorial dispute has to be resolved between neighbouring countries. A partnership is dissolved, and the ex-partners have to split assets and liabilities. Greenhouse gas emission quotas have to be agreed upon among countries as part of climate change mitigation policies. Responsibility for the protection of refugees has to be shared among EU members. In all these examples, fairness is a crucial desideratum for the viability of solutions.

How should fair division procedures (or, better, algorithms) for the above scenarios work? Before answering this computational question, we need to define fairness as a concept. Envy-freeness has prevailed as the main fairness criterion in early studies in economics, political science, and philosophy. Extensive recent work in computer science has refined it, aiming to better model applications like the ones above. Still, even though several compelling fairness concepts have been proposed, they are yet unsatisfactory, mainly for two reasons. The first is conceptual: the proposed concepts are not known to be satisfied in all problem instances. The second is computational: computing such fair allocations is either a computationally hard problem or has unknown computational complexity. These are the challenges we aim to tackle with the research agenda of the proposed project. Our utmost goal is to establish new, widely accepted fairness concepts for different allocation problems with important real-world applications.

As a project description, you can upload the above two paragraphs, pumped up with your thoughts about it (the total length should be no more than a page). If you wish, you can indicate an URL where brief further information can be found.

Qualifications and specific competences

Applicants to the PhD position must have a relevant BSc or MSc degree (e.g., Computer Science, Mathematics, or Economics) and mathematical maturity. Previous involvement with topics such as design and analysis of algorithms and computational complexity is a plus.

Place of employment and place of work

The place of employment is Aarhus University, and the place of work is Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University, Aabogade 34, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark. 


Applicants seeking further information for this project are invited to contact:

Professor Ioannis Caragiannis, e-mail: 


How to apply

For information about application requirements and mandatory attachments, please see the Application guide (https://phd.nat.au.dk/for-applicants/application-guide/  ).

Please read the Application guide thoroughly before applying.

When ready to apply, go to https://phd.nat.au.dk/for-applicants/apply-here/ (Note, the online application system opens 1 June 2022)

1. Choose August 2022 Call with deadline 1 August 2022 at 23:59 CEST.

2. You will be directed to the call and must choose the programme “Computer Science”.

3. Under the headline Study: In the dropdown menu, please choose: “Conceptual and Computational Challenges in Fair Division (CCCFaD)”

Please note:

The programme committee may request further information or invite the applicant to attend an interview.

Aarhus University’s ambition is to be an attractive and inspiring workplace for all and to foster a culture in which each individual has opportunities to thrive, achieve and develop. We view equality and diversity as assets, and we welcome all applicants. All interested candidates are encouraged to apply, regardless of their personal background.




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