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2022/7/13 14:51:48  阅读:377 发布者:


About the project

Application to the IMPRS-ESM

Outstanding young scientists with strong interest in climate research, especially in the study and the modeling of the Earth system are encouraged to apply.

Our regular annual Call is aiming at students holding a Master’s degree (with written thesis) in physics, geophysical sciences (incl. meteorology and oceanography), ecology, mathematics, computer science, engineering, economics, or political science. Programming skills are expected. Also students currently still working on their M.Sc. thesis are encouraged to apply.

We value teamwork and personal development. Furthermore, we strive for gender and diversity equality and thus welcome applications from diverse backgrounds and explicitly encourage women to apply. Proficiency in English is required.

Doctoral positions are available from March 2023. Individual starting agreements will be made with successful candidates. For each position funding of approximately EUR 1,850 monthly net payment (duration up to 3 years) is available through a doctoral contract. This amount is sufficient to cover all basic living expenses.

Please apply online through this website (registration button will be found further below from 1 July) and carefully follow the introduced procedure.

Online application is possible until 15 September 2022.

The selection procedure includes an interview (planned for early December 2022).

Advisors who are considering to associate project-funded PhD candidates of their own research group with IMPRS-ESM, please contact our office for guidelines.

Application procedure

Interested students should download the application guidelines and carefully follow the provided instructions. Be aware that we only and exclusively accept applications that follow the prescribed application scheme (online application, submission of all requested documents and arranging for reference letters using the prescribed reference forms).

Online registration address



马克斯·普朗克学会(Max-Planck-Gesellschaft)为德国的一流科学研究机构的联合。协会为纪念著名德国量子论创建者物理学家马克斯·普朗克,冠以普氏姓名。协会标志为罗马神话中的智慧女神蜜涅瓦。马普所下面设有国际研究院,学科主要以科学类为主,社会及人文科学为辅。国际马克斯·普朗克地球系统建模研究院(International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling -IMPRS-ESM)由马克斯·普朗克气候学研究所(Max Planck Institute for Meteorology)和汉堡大学(Universität Hamburg -UHH)共同组建,主要的研究工作为地球的气候系统,分为4个方向:大气(atomsphere),土地(land),海洋(ocean)及人类活动(human dimension),研究院使用英语进行教学和研究活动。



1. 硕士学位(专业为物理学,地球物理科学,生态学,数学,经济学,计算机科学,工程系,政治学等等)

2. 英语流利






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