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2022/5/26 9:12:04  阅读:512 发布者:

题目:Response and feedback of soil respiration to global climate change (发表于 Nature Communications)


会议时间:报告总时长约35分钟, 留言板&语音提问讨论25~40分钟

北京时间 527日(周五)上午10:00

纽约时间 526日(周四)晚上19:00

悉尼时间 527日(周五)中午13:00




Understanding the mechanisms of the terrestrial soil carbon cycle, and accounting for and simulating the fluxes of the terrestrial soil carbon cycle is critical to understanding the global terrestrial carbon cycle. To achieve these research objectives, a global multi-temporal scale soil respiration database has been constructed, which provides key data for terrestrial carbon cycling studies. Based on the global soil respiration database, modeling approaches were used to understand sources of error and to improve the accuracy of global soil respiration estimates. Several attempts have been made to access global terrestrial vegetation primary productivity (GPP) based on soil respiration and some assumptions about soil respiration to GPP ratio and vice versa, which opens a new way to improve the accuracy of global terrestrial GPP estimates.





A. 构建了多时间尺度(年、月和小时)全球土壤呼吸数据库,确定了全球土壤呼吸估算的误差来源,通过改进全球土壤呼吸估算方法提高了其估算精度


Figure 1. Spatial distribution of soil respiration (RS) sites. The gray circles are RS sites from the fourth version of the global soil respiration database (SRDB-V4); the red dots are sites from the literature published in Chinese and added in the fifth version of the global soil respiration database (SRDB-V5); the orange dots represent sites from the literature published in Russian and added in SRDB-V5; the blue dots are sites from the literature published in other languages (mainly in English) and added in the SRDB-V5.

1. 全球土壤呼吸数据库站点空间分布图。黑色点为第四版本全球土壤呼吸数据库(SRDB-V4)的站点分布,红色(中国区)、黄色(俄罗斯)和蓝色(其他区域)点为第五版(SRDB-V5)更新后新增的数据站点分布。

B. 系统研究了土壤呼吸的时间尺度效应及其对土壤呼吸估算精度的影响,发现了消除土壤呼吸日内变异误差的最优观测时间窗口,针对我国不同植被类型提出了土壤呼吸最佳观测频率


Figure 2. Models developed based on the annual and monthly soil respiration (RS) data.

2. 基于月尺度和年尺度土壤呼吸数据进行建模。

C. 在全球尺度上分析了不同植被类型土壤呼吸中根系呼吸的占比,发现先前的研究通过根系呼吸占比与总土壤呼吸之间的回归关系估算土壤异养呼吸会导致偏差,构建了全球高空间分辨率根系呼吸占比数据产品,进一步把土壤呼吸拆分为根系呼吸和异养呼吸组分


Figure 3. Global spatial distribution of the contribution of root respiration to soil respiration (Root: RS) predicted by the random forest model, with a spatial resolution of 0.5°.

3. 随机森林模型预测的根系呼吸对土壤呼吸的贡献(Rroot:RS)的全球空间分布,空间分辨率为0.5°。

D. 探索了土壤呼吸和陆地植被初级生产力相互反推的方法,发现基于土壤呼吸和基于遥感数据估算的陆地生态系统碳通量存在巨大差异,为提高全球植被生产力和土壤呼吸的估算精度开辟了新途径

基于全球土壤呼吸估算量、根系呼吸与土壤呼吸的比值、根系呼吸与总自养呼吸比值等数据,反推得到全球GPP149 Pg C yr-1,显著高于基于遥感方法估算得到的结果(113 Pg C yr-1);同时,基于遥感数据估算的GPP反推得到的全球土壤呼吸量为68  Pg C yr-1,显著低于基于全球土壤呼吸数据库得到的结果(87 Pg C yr-1)。两种方法得到的全球GPP之间一致的可能性小于3%,而全球土壤呼吸之间一致的可能性小于2%,说明目前对全球GPP和土壤呼吸量的估算至少有一个与实际值具有较大的偏差。但是,本研究所估算的GPP与基于日光诱导叶绿素荧光(SIF)技术、基于全球长期通量观测网络以及基于同位素技术估算的GPP结果更加接近,说明基于遥感方法估算得到的GPP可能偏低,而申请人率先通过采用土壤呼吸数据的独立估算方法,为减小GPP的估算误差开辟了新途径。

Figure 4. Distribution and comparison of annual global soil respiration (RS) and gross primary productivity (GPP).

4. 全球年度土壤呼吸量(RS)和总初级生产力(GPP)的分布和比较。



The accuracy of soil respiration estimation directly affects the global terrestrial carbon sink evaluation and affects reliability of Earth System Models (ESMs) in predicting future climate change. Therefore, accurately estimate global soil respiration is the key to understand the feedbacks between soil carbon and global climate change. The updated SRDB-V5 aims to be a data framework for the scientific community to share seasonal to annual field soil respiration measurements, and it provides opportunities for the biogeochemistry community to better understand the spatial and temporal variability in soil respiration, its components, and the overall carbon cycle. The proposed optimal observation window and optimal observation frequency for soil respiration provide guidelines that reduce measurement frequency while retaining reasonable accuracy for better soil respiration estimates using manual chamber systems. The splitting of soil respiration into root respiration and heterotrophic respiration at the global scale provide critical insights into global GPP and soil respiration estimation.


[1] Jinshi Jian, Vanessa Bailey, Kalyn Dorheim, Alexandra G. Konings, Dalei Hao, Alexey N. Shiklomanov, Abigail Snyder, Meredith Steele, Munemasa Teramoto, Rodrigo Vargas, and Ben Bond-Lamberty. Historically inconsistent productivity and respiration fluxes in the global terrestrial carbon cycle. Nature Communications. 2022.

[2] Jinshi Jian, Max Frissell, Dalei Hao, Xiaolu Tang, Erin Berryman, and Ben Bond-Lamberty. The global contribution of roots to total soil respiration. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 2021.

[3] Jinshi Jian, Ben BondLamberty, Dalei Hao, Benjamin N. Sulman, Kaizad F. Patel, Jianqiu Zheng, Kalyn Dorheim,, Will Wieder. Leveraging observed soil heterotrophic respiration fluxes as a novel constraint on globalscale models. Global Change Biology, 2021.

[4] Jinshi Jian, Rodrigo Vargas, Kristina Anderson-Teixeira, Emma Stell, Valentine Herrmann, Mercedes Horn, Nazar Kholod, …, Ben Bond-Lamberty*. A restructured and updated global soil respiration database (SRDB-V5). Earth System Science Data, 2021.

[5] Jinshi Jian, Micheal Bahn, Chuankuan Wang, Vanessa L. Bailey, and Ben Bond-Lamberty. Prediction of annual soil respiration from its flux at mean annual temperature. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2020.

[6] Jinshi Jian, Meredith Steele., Susan Day, R. Quinn Thomas, and Steven Hodges. Measurement strategies to account for soil respiration temporal heterogeneity across diverse regions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018.

[7] Jinshi Jian, Meredith Steele, R. Quinn Thomas, Susan Day, and Steven Hodges. Constraining estimates of global soil respiration by quantifying sources of variability. Global Change Biology, 2018.

[8] Jinshi Jian, Meredith Steele, Susan Day, R. Quinn Thomas. Future Global Soil Respiration Rates Will Swell Despite Regional Decreases in Temperature Sensitivity Caused by Rising Temperature. Earth’s Future, 2018.


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