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2022/4/20 13:55:52  阅读:380 发布者:chichi77

For approximately 30 years, supervised exercise therapy, typically consisting of walking for exercise on a treadmill at a health care facility in the presence of an exercise physiologist or nurse, has been first-line therapy for walking impairment in people disabled by lower extremity peripheral artery disease (PAD). In a metaanalysis of 25 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) that included 1054 participants with PAD, supervised walking exercise therapy was associated with an improvement in maximal treadmill walking distance of 180 m (95% CI, 130 m to 230 m) when compared with a control group that did not exercise.1 Currently, clinical practice guidelines from different countries and medical specialties unequivocally endorse supervised exercise as first-line therapy for PAD.


Based on the benefits of supervised walking exercise for PAD, in 2017 the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) began providing insurance coverage for supervised exercise therapy for patients with PAD. However, most people with PAD do not participate in supervised exercise.2,3 Among 129 699 people in the CMS Institutional Outpatient File between June 1, 2017, and December 31, 2018, with a diagnosis of symptomatic PAD (intermittent claudication), only 1735 (1.3%) were enrolled in supervised exercise therapy.2 Even among those enrolled in supervised exercise, only 89 (5.1%) completed all 36 sessions.2Reasons for low participation rates include the inconvenience of regular travel to a facility for supervised exercise and a lack of exercise facilities that provide supervised exercise therapy for PAD.3,4 Home-based walking exercise, defined by walking exercise conducted in or near the home without the presence of an exercise physiologist or nurse, circumvents the requirements for a facility and the inconvenience of traveling to a center for exercise and could increase participation in exercise activity by patients with PAD.


However, enthusiasm and evidence for home-based walking exercise for patients with PAD has been modest. In the 1990s, several clinical trials with sample sizes of approximately 20 people with PAD showed no benefits of homebased exercise when patients with PAD were simply given advice to go home and walk. Consequently, clinical practice guidelines in 2005 asserted that there was no evidence to advise people with PAD to walk for exercise at home.5 Since 2011, at least 7 RCTs of home-based exercise with sample sizes of more than 100 people with PAD have been published.4 Results of these trials were mixed, with some showing no benefit of home-based exercise on walking impairment in PAD and others demonstrating large gains of as much as a 41- to 53-m improvement in 6-minute walk distance compared with a nonexercise control group.4,6 In comparison, the most effective supervised treadmill exercise programs have typically demonstrated gains of 15 to 33 m in 6-minute walk distance, compared with nonexercise control groups in people with PAD.4 The inconsistency of results from RCTs of home-based walking exercise has contributed to uncertainty regarding the benefits of home-based exercise for PAD.


In this issue of JAMA, Bearne et al7 report results of a multicenter RCT evaluating the effects of a home-based walking exercise behavior change intervention delivered by physical therapists, compared with usual care, on 6-minute walk distance at 3-month follow-up in 190 people with PAD. The 12-week intervention consisted of two 60-minute individual in-person sessions in weeks 1 and 2 of the intervention and two 20-minute telephone calls in weeks 6 and 12 of the intervention. These 4 intervention sessions were delivered by physical therapists who used motivational interviewing, guided by behavior-change principles, to help participants set individualized walking exercise goals,monitor their progress, and identify and overcome challenges to walking exercise adherence. At 3-month follow-up, 6-minute walk distance changed from 352.9 m at baseline to 380.6 m in the intervention group and from 369.8m to 372.1m in the usual care group (adjusted mean between-group difference, 16.7 m [95% CI, 4.2 m to 29.2 m]; P = .009). This effect of the intervention was consistent with a statistically significant and modest but clinically meaningful improvement in 6-minute walk distance.7 In contrast with the RCTs that demonstrated larger effects of home-based walking exercise for people with PAD, the trial by Bearne et al7 included fewer in-person visits and did not objectively monitor intensity of walking exercise, which may have lessened the potency of the home-based exercise intervention.6-8


RCTs of home-based exercise interventions for patients with PAD have been heterogeneous, differing with regard to frequency and type of study coach interactions, extent of incorporation of behavioral-change methods, and the presence and type of devices, such as pedometers or other activity devices, used to monitor walking exercise activity. Home-based exercise interventions that engaged participants in monitoring their own exercise activity and included more frequent coach contact and feedback were more effective.4,6,8 Recently, the LITE (Low-Intensity Exercise Intervention in PAD) multicentered RCT demonstrated that helping patients to walk for exercise at home at a pace that induced maximal leg symptoms was also important for improving walking impairment in people with PAD.6 Of 305 participants with PAD in the LITE Trial randomized to either home-based walking exercise at a pace inducing maximal ischemic leg symptoms, home-based walking exercise at a comfortable pace without ischemic leg symptoms, or a control group that did not exercise, those randomized to home-based walking exercise at a pace inducing maximal ischemic leg symptoms significantly improved 6-minute walk distance, compared with the group randomized to home-based exercise at a comfortable pace without ischemic leg symptoms (49.6 m [95% CI, 24.3 m to 74.9 m]). Those randomized to home-based exercise at a comfortable pace without ischemic leg symptoms did not significantly improve 6-minutewalk distance more than individuals in the control group (8.7 m [95% CI, 17.0 m to 34.4 m]). The highly heterogeneous nature of home-based exercise interventions has likely contributed to the inconsistency of results of RCTs testing home-based exercise interventions for people with PAD.


In contrast, supervised treadmill exercise interventions for PAD have been consistent, typically composed of treadmill walking exercise conducted at a facility 3 days per week, in the presence of an exercise physiologist or nurse, lasting at least 12 weeks, and building to 30 to 50 minutes of exercise per session by the end of the intervention. The homogeneity of the typical supervised treadmill exercise intervention has likely contributed to the consistency of observed benefits of supervised treadmill exercise for PAD.1,4 The use of maximal treadmill walking distance as the primary outcome for most RCTs of supervised exercise has also likely accentuated the benefits of supervised treadmill exercise for PAD, due to a training to the outcome measureeffect.9


Over the past 10 years, results from RCTs have identified components of home-based exercise interventions that were associated with higher potency of the intervention for people with PAD. However, no definitive multicenter RCTs have directly compared supervised treadmill exercise to a potent home-based exercise intervention that includes behavioralchange principles, monitoring to help patients adhere to exercise at a pace inducing ischemic leg symptoms, and other characteristics of highly effective home-based exercise interventions for PAD. A highly effective home-based exercise program has the potential to help millions of people with PAD, including those in rural areas without access to supervised exercise therapy and those unable to travel regularly to the facility to participate. By avoiding the need for an exercise facility or a coach during each exercise session, home-based exercise programs are likely to be less costly than supervised exercise. Given the absence of alternative highly effective noninvasive therapies for PAD, developing home-based exercise into first-line therapy for PAD is an imperative.



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