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ACS Nano编辑教你如何写论文标题:实例分析及扫雷大法

2023/2/24 10:13:28  阅读:158 发布者:

以下文章来源于ACS材料X ,作者ACS Publications


First Impressions of Your Science:

Title Matters

by Jillian M. Buriak Executive Editor

所谓“做科学”(To Do Science),科学家需要在多重工作压力下开展工作,包括阅读领域内的最新科学出版物、撰写报告和论文、准备讲稿和演讲、与团队开会讨论、在实验室工作等。作为一名科学家,当查阅科学论文时,通常使用标题来迅速地确定出版物与他们工作的相关性,并在浏览论文标题时快速决定是否继续深入阅读。因此,论文标题对于吸引潜在读者的注意力并引导阅读论文,绝对是至关重要的。

论文标题是检索文献时给人留下的第一印象,一个简洁但引人注目且易于理解的标题会获得更多潜在的关注。ACS Nano 执行编辑 Jillian M. Buriak 总结了一些技巧,帮助大家跨越写论文标题的障碍,鼓励忙碌的研究人员点击并阅读你的论文。

这篇 Editorial 建立在 ACS Publications 编辑 Prashant KamatGeorge Schatz 和作者/编辑之前撰写的文章的基础上。ACS Energy Letters  主编 Prashant V. Kamat 总结了一个有效标题的五个关键要素(图1)。每一个文章题目都应该尽可能地满足这5个元素,同时保持简洁明了。为了证明这一标题五点模型的有效性,我们列出了ACS Nano 下载最多的五篇论文,并对其进行分析。

1. Five elements of an effective title.



Lipid NanoparticlesFrom Liposomes to  mRNA Vaccine Delivery, a Landscape of Research Diversity and Advancement


Journal scope: This article is a review on lipid-based nanoparticles, so it clearly fits scope.

Simplicity: For a very extensive review with almost 300 references that covers a range of applications, the title is simple and effective, starting with the subject and then providing some hints as to the breadth of coverage and forward-looking analyses.

Curiosity: The terms "landscape of research diversity and advancement" suggest valuable interpretation by the authors that reflects their viewpoint as experts in the area.

Conjunctions and two parts: The authors use a hyphen to break the title into two parts. The first part provides the noun, "lipid nanoparticles", and the second hints at the scope of the review.



Tutorial on Powder X-ray Diffraction for Characterizing Nanoscale Materials


Journal scope: This piece is a tutorial discussing XRD-based characterization of nanoscale materials, which is an essential technique for many papers in the journal, and thus clearly falls within the scope of the journal.

Simplicity: The title is short, simple, and practical. No superlatives or adjectives needed.

Curiosity: It is clear that the tutorial will teach the reader the basics, and because it was written by experts, it sparks curiosity as the authors will certainly provide important tips or insights.

Conjunctions and two parts: No conjunctions needed as the title is already concise.


article/original research

Targeting to Tumor-Harbored Bacteria for Precision Tumor Therapy


Journal scope: Thearticle describes original research revealing bacteria-targeted mesoporoussilica nanoparticles for targeting tumors, and thus fits the scope of ACS Nano.

Simplicity: The interesting application forms the theme of the title. No overly technical details or chemical names distract from the focus and the "story".

Curiosity: The title leaves the reader curious as to how bacteria within tumors can be targeted and the efficacy of the approach.

Conjunctions and two parts: No conjunctions needed as the title is already concise.


article/original research

Surface Topography-Adaptive Robotic Superstructures for Biofilm Removal and Pathogen Detection on Human Teeth


Journal scope: The article describes original research on robotic superstructures comprising magnetic nanoparticles that can mimic scrubbing motions of biofilms on teeth, and thus fits within the scope.

Simplicity: This title is an example of one that is longer than usual for an effective lede. The authors succeed as the subject, the adaptive robotic superstructures, is not laden with overly technical details.

Curiosity: The interesting and unique applications involving robots and human teeth pique the interest of the reader.

Conjunctions and two parts: While not formally divided with a colon (:) or hyphen (), the title is split using the conjunction "for". The title is therefore broken into bite-sized pieces, starting with the subject (robotics), followed by the objects (applications involving human teeth). Easy for the reader to quickly parse.



Aerogels Meet Phase Change Materials: Fundamentals, Advances, and Beyond


Journal scope: A review on aerogels, a class of nanostructured materials that fall squarely within the scope of ACS Nano.

Simplicity: The reader knows the subject (the meeting of aerogels and phase change materials), and that the review is forward-looking (as signaled by 'advances, and beyond').

Curiosity:The title inspires curiosity as the review connects phase change materials and aerogels, which is a very interesting intersection of topics.

Conjunctions and two parts: The title uses a colon to break the title into two parts. The first part provides the subject, "is", and the second tells the reader that the review is more than a summary of published data.



避免使用report, study, or

effects of







标题中诸如 (1,1-biphenyl)-4,4-diamine 等冗长的专业名称很难解析,并暗示这篇论文可能读起来很费劲;不要无意中给潜在的读者一个难阅读、难消化的负面印象。



许多读者不会立即认出 TPD, HER, PEG, VPO, GO, TMB 等;一些缩略语可能有多种含义,在不同的领域代表不同的材料或化合物。请不要强迫读者使用搜索引擎来理解你标题中的术语,因为许多人可能会跳过你的论文,继续阅读下一篇论文。

如果一篇论文的标题为 High efficiency unprecedented reaction of nanoscale particles N,N-Bis(3-methylphenyl)-N,N-bis(phenyl)-benzidine with cadmium sulfide quantum dots on reduced GO in water-based solvents for green photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and overall water splitting with high solar irradiation”,读者是否能够轻松地抓住这篇论文的主题。请回顾上述4点提示,提取最能代表你的作品的基本名词,并写几个不同版本的标题,一个更短、更容易理解的标题将鼓励未来的读者阅读你来之不易的成果!



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