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The Aeronautical Journal 出版第25届 ISBAE 大会暨组织成立50周年纪念特刊

2022/11/17 17:11:10  阅读:159 发布者:

今年是 ISABEInternational Society for Air Breathing Engines,中文名:国际吸气式发动机学会) 成立50周年,为纪念学会成立50周年,ISBAE 在今年925日至30日于加拿大首府渥太华举行了第25ISBAE 大会。在这个充满不确定性的时代,ISABE 正学习如何更好地接受和适应各种复杂情况,以期为航空发展谋求更多机遇。

剑桥大学出版社旗下期刊 The Aeronautical Journal 出版了 The 25th ISABE Conference Special Issue 纪念特刊,收录了本届议题相关内容及研究文章。


The Aeronautical Journal

ISSN: 0001-9240 (Print), 2059-6464 (Online)

Editor: Professor Holger Babinsky FREng FRAeS FAIAA University of Cambridge, UK


Impact Factor: 1.222

一个多世纪以来,The Aeronautical Journal 一直是英国领先的科学和技术航空学报,也是世界上最古老的航空学报。The Aeronautical Journal 依托皇家航空学会的专业知识和资源,为英国和海外相关领域的研究者提供了一个世界性的学术论坛,期刊主要关注飞机和航天器的研究、设计和开发、建造和运行等相关领域研究。

此次纪念特刊专门对 ISABE 和推进器进行了介绍,囊括来自印度、加拿大、英国、美国、韩国、瑞典、德国和中国的科研团队最新研究成果,同时也展示了 ISBAE 在视野、灵感、知识、创新与资金方面所具备的实力。


其中2篇是来自中国科学院工程热物理研究所科研团队的研究,分别为 Y. Liu 及其同事关于跨音速压缩机转子中的径向平衡对冲击引起的分离损失研究和 Qinghui Zhou 及其同事的涡轮转子零进气漩涡中叶尖小翼对减少泄漏流量损失影响的数值研究。




Sand erosion modeling in generic compressor rig testing

L. Y. Jiang, X. Wu and Q. Yang

# Compressor rig

# Erosion modeling

# Sand

# 17-4PH steel


Based on erosion coupon tests, a sand erosion model for 17-4PH steel was developed. The developed erosion model was validated against the results of compressor erosion tests from a generic rig and from other researchers. A high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of the test rig was built, a user-defined function was developed to implement the erosion model into the ANSYS CFD software, and the turbulent, two-phase flow-field in multiple reference frames was solved. The simulation results are consistent with the test results from the compressor rig and with experimental findings from other researchers. Specifically, the sand erosion blunts the leading edge, sharpens the trailing edge and increases pressure-surface roughness. The comparisons between the experimental observations and numerical results as well as a quantitative comparison with three other sand erosion models indicate that the developed sand erosion model is adequate for erosion prediction of engine components made of 17-4PH steel.






Aeroengine transient performance simulation integrated with generic heat soakage and tip clearance model

Z. Li, Y.-G. Li and S. Sampath

# Heat soakage

# Tip clearance

# Transient performance

# Gas turbine engine

# Thermodynamic performance simulation


The simulations and assessment of transient performance of gas turbine engines during the conceptual and preliminary design stage may be conducted ignoring heat soakage and tip clearance variations due to lack of detailed geometrical and structural information. As a result, problems with transient performance stability may not be revealed correctly, and corresponding design iterations would be necessary and costly when those problems are revealed at a detailed design stage. To make an engine design more cost and time effective, it has become important to require better transient performance simulations during the conceptual and preliminary design stage considering all key impact factors such as fuel control schedule, rotor dynamics, inter-component volume effect as well as heat soakage and tip clearance variation effects. In this research, a novel transient performance simulation approach with generically simplified heat soakage and tip clearance models for major gas path components of gas turbine engines including compressors, turbines and combustors has been developed to support more realistic transient performance simulations of gas turbine engines at conceptual and preliminary design stages. Such heat soakage and tip clearance models only require thermodynamic design parameters as input, which is normally available during such design stages. The models have been implemented into in-house transient performance simulation software and applied to a model twin-spool turbojet engine to test their effectiveness. Comparisons between transient performance simulated with and without the heat soakage and tip clearance effects demonstrate that the results are promising. Although the introduced heat soakage and tip clearance models may not be as accurate as that using detailed component geometrical information, it is able to include the major heat soakage and tip clearance effects and make the transient performance simulations and analysis more realistic during conceptual and preliminary engine design stage.






Design of a sub-scale fan for a boundary layer ingestion test with by-pass flow

H. Mårtensson, M. Lejon, D. Ghosh, M. Åkerberg, F. Rasimarzabadi and M. Neuteboom

# Distortion

# Boundary layer ingestion

# Fan


A design of a sub-scale Boundary Layer Ingestion (BLI) fan for a transonic test rig is presented. The fan is intended to be used in flow conditions with varying distortion patterns representative of a BLI application on an aircraft. The sub-scale fan design is based on a design study of a full-scale fan for a BLI demonstration project for a Fokker 100 aircraft. CFD results from the full-scale fan design and the ingested distortion pattern from CFD analyses of the whole aircraft are used as inputs for this study. The sub-scale fan is designed to have similar performance characteristics to the full-scale fan within the capabilities of the test facility. The available geometric rig envelope in the test facility necessitates a reduction in geometric scale and consideration of the operating conditions. Fan blades and vanes are re-designed for these conditions in order to mitigate the effects of the scaling. The effects of reduced size, increased relative tip clearance and thicknesses of the blades and vanes are evaluated as part of the step-by-step adaption of the design to the sub-scale conditions. Finally, the installation effects in the rig are simulated including important effects of the by-pass flow on the running characteristics and the need to control the effective fan nozzle area in order to cover the available fan operating range. The predicted operating behaviour of the fan as installed in the coming transonic test rig gives strong indication that the sub-scale fan tests will be successful.






On the effect of inter compressor duct length on compressor performance

T. Dygutsch, A. Kasper and C. Voss

# Aero-engine turbine

# Inter-compressor duct

# Aerodynamics

# low-pressure compressor


Compression systems of modern, civil aircraft engines consist of three components: Fan, low-pressure compressor (LPC) and high-pressure compressor (HPC). The efficiency of each component has improved over the last decades by means of rising computational power which made high level aerodynamic optimisations possible. Each component has been addressed individually and separated from the effects of upstream and downstream components. But as much time and effort has been spend to improve performance of rotating components, the stationary inter-compressor duct (ICD) has only received minor attention. With the rotating compression components being highly optimised and sophisticated their performance potential is limited. That is why more aggressive, respectively shorter, ICDs get more and more into the focus of research and engine manufacturers. The length reduction offers high weight saving and thus fuel saving potential as a shorter ICD means a reduction in aircraft engine length. This paper aims at evaluating the impact of more aggressive duct geometries on LPC and HPC performance. A multi objective 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) aerodynamic optimisation is performed on a preliminary design of a novel two spool compressor rig incorporating four different operating line and two near-stall (NST) conditions which ensure operability throughout the whole compressor operating range. While the ICD is free to change in length, shape and cross-section area, the blades of LPC and HPC are adjusted for changing duct aerodynamics via profile re-staggering to keep number of free parameters low. With this parametrisation length, reductions for the ICD of up to 40% are feasible while keeping the reduction in isentropic efficiency at aerodynamic design point for the compressor below 1%pt. Three geometries of the Pareto front are analysed in detail focusing on ICD secondary flow behaviour and changes of aerodynamics in LPC and HPC. In order to asses changes in stall margin, speedlines for the three geometries are analysed.





ISABE(国际吸气式发动机学会)建立于50年前——一个航空革命快速发展的年代,顺应 ICAS(国际航空科学理事会)对于不断增持的建立专业推进器论坛需求应运而生。第一批宽体民用运输机开始使用高旁路涡轮风扇、飞机油耗下降、噪音减少、发动机可用推力增加、飞行成本大大降低,这每一个令人鼓舞的进步让国际旅行在世界范围得到了全方位普及。在 ISABE 的见证下,70年代初,协和式超音速客机首次投入使用,这项了不起的发明实现了发动机技术领域的重大突破。而在这之后,关于超音速和高超音速技术推进的想法也纷至沓来,NASA、可变循环飞机发动机、涡轮喷气机和其他新颖的飞机发动机概念先后面世,The Aeronautical Journal ISBAE 都很幸运能够参与见证每一个改变。




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