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2022/9/13 14:41:18  阅读:190 发布者:

Nature8 September 2022, VOL 609, ISSUE 7926



Rapid quasi-periodic oscillations in the relativistic jet of BL Lacertae


 作者:S. G. Jorstad, A. P. Marscher, C. M. Raiteri, M. Villata, Z. R. Weaver, H. Zhang, et al.



研究组报道了蝎虎座BLBL Lac)在2020年一次剧烈爆发期间的强光学和γ射线通量监测结果。BL Lacblazars亚类的原型,由一个椭圆星系(距离= 313兆秒差距)中的一个1.7×108 MSun黑洞提供能量。研究组的观测结果显示,在爆发的最高状态下,光通量、线偏振和γ射线通量的QPOs周期短至约13 h


AbstractBlazars are active galactic nuclei (AGN) with relativistic jets whose non-thermal radiation is extremely variable on various timescales. This variability seems mostly random, although some quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs), implying systematic processes, have been reported in blazars and other AGN. QPOs with timescales of days or hours are especially rare in AGN and their nature is highly debated, explained by emitting plasma moving helically inside the jet, plasma instabilities or orbital motion in an accretion disc. Here we report results of intense optical and γ-ray flux monitoring of BL Lacertae (BL Lac) during a dramatic outburst in 2020. BL Lac, the prototype of a subclass of blazars, is powered by a 1.7 × 108 MSun black hole in an elliptical galaxy (distance=313megaparsecs). Our observations show QPOs of optical flux and linear polarization, and γ-ray flux, with cycles as short as approximately 13h during the highest state of the outburst. The QPO properties match the expectations of current-driven kink instabilities near a recollimation shock about 5parsecs (pc) from the black hole in the wake of an apparent superluminal feature moving down the jet. Such a kink is apparent in a microwave Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) image.


A sustained high-temperature fusion plasma regime facilitated by fast ions


 作者:H. Han, S. J. Park, C. Sung, J. Kang, Y. H. Lee, J. Chung, et al.





AbstractNuclear fusion is one of the most attractive alternatives to carbon-dependent energy sources. Harnessing energy from nuclear fusion in a large reactor scale, however, still presents many scientific challenges despite the many years of research and steady advances in magnetic confinement approaches. State-of-the-art magnetic fusion devices cannot yet achieve a sustainable fusion performance, which requires a high temperature above 100million kelvin and sufficient control of instabilities to ensure steady-state operation on the order of tens of seconds. Here we report experiments at the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research device producing a plasma fusion regime that satisfies most of the above requirements: thanks to abundant fast ions stabilizing the core plasma turbulence, we generate plasmas at a temperature of 100million kelvin lasting up to 20seconds without plasma edge instabilities or impurity accumulation. A low plasma density combined with a moderate input power for operation is key to establishing this regime by preserving a high fraction of fast ions. This regime is rarely subject to disruption and can be sustained reliably even without a sophisticated control, and thus represents a promising path towards commercial fusion reactors.

Imaging hydrodynamic electrons flowing without LandauerSharvin resistance


 作者:C. Kumar, J. Birkbeck, J. A. Sulpizio, D. Perello, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, et al.






AbstractElectrical resistance usually originates from lattice imperfections. However, even a perfect lattice has a fundamental resistance limit, given by the Landauer conductance caused by a finite number of propagating electron modes. This resistance, shown by Sharvin to appear at the contacts of electronic devices, sets the ultimate conduction limit of non-interacting electrons. Recent years have seen growing evidence of hydrodynamic electronic phenomena, prompting recent theories to ask whether an electronic fluid can radically break the fundamental LandauerSharvin limit. Here, we use single-electron-transistor imaging of electronic flow in high-mobility graphene Corbino disk devices to answer this question. First, by imaging ballistic flows at liquid-helium temperatures, we observe a LandauerSharvin resistance that does not appear at the contacts but is instead distributed throughout the bulk. This underpins the phase-space origin of this resistanceas emerging from spatial gradients in the number of conduction modes. At elevated temperatures, by identifying and accounting for electronphonon scattering, we show the details of the purely hydrodynamic flow. Strikingly, we find that electron hydrodynamics eliminates the bulk LandauerSharvin resistance. Finally, by imaging spiralling magneto-hydrodynamic Corbino flows, we show the key emergent length scale predicted by hydrodynamic theoriesthe Gurzhi length. These observations demonstrate that electronic fluids can dramatically transcend the fundamental limitations of ballistic electrons, with important implications for fundamental science and future technologies.

材料科学Materials Science

Exciton-coupled coherent magnons in a 2D semiconductor


 作者:Youn Jue Bae, Jue Wang, Allen Scheie, Junwen Xu, Daniel G. Chica, Geoffrey M. Diederich, et al.




研究组报道了2D A型反铁磁半导体CrSBr中的强磁子-激子耦合。通过上述间隙激发发射的相干磁子调制激子能量。时间分辨激子传感显示磁子可以相干移动超过7微米,相干时间超过5纳秒。


AbstractThe recent discoveries of two-dimensional (2D) magnets and their stacking into van der Waals structures have expanded the horizon of 2D phenomena. One exciting application is to exploit coherent magnons as energy-efficient information carriers in spintronics and magnonics or as interconnects in hybrid quantum systems. A particular opportunity arises when a 2D magnet is also a semiconductor, as reported recently for CrSBr and NiPS3 that feature both tightly bound excitons with a large oscillator strength and potentially long-lived coherent magnons owing to the bandgap and spatial confinement. Although magnons and excitons are energetically mismatched by orders of magnitude, their coupling can lead to efficient optical access to spin information. Here we report strong magnonexciton coupling in the 2D A-type antiferromagnetic semiconductor CrSBr. Coherent magnons launched by above-gap excitation modulate the exciton energies. Time-resolved exciton sensing reveals magnons that can coherently travel beyond seven micrometres, with a coherence time of above five nanoseconds. We observe these exciton-coupled coherent magnons in both even and odd numbers of layers, with and without compensated magnetization, down to the bilayer limit. Given the versatility of van der Waals heterostructures, these coherent 2D magnons may be a basis for optically accessible spintronics, magnonics and quantum interconnects.


Intrinsically unidirectional chemically fuelled rotary molecular motors


 作者:Ke Mo, Yu Zhang, Zheng Dong, Yuhang Yang, Xiaoqiang Ma, Ben L. Feringa, et al.







AbstractBiological systems mainly utilize chemical energy to fuel autonomous molecular motors, enabling the system to be driven out of equilibrium. Taking inspiration from rotary motors such as the bacterial flagellar motor and adenosine triphosphate synthase, and building on the success of light-powered unidirectional rotary molecular motors, scientists have pursued the design of synthetic molecular motors solely driven by chemical energy. However, designing artificial rotary molecular motors operating autonomously using a chemical fuel and simultaneously featuring the intrinsic structural design elements to allow full 360° unidirectional rotary motion like adenosine triphosphate synthase remains challenging. Here we show that a homochiral biaryl Motor-3, with three distinct stereochemical elements, is a rotary motor that undergoes repetitive and unidirectional 360° rotation of the two aryl groups around a single-bond axle driven by a chemical fuel. It undergoes sequential ester cyclization, helix inversion and ring opening, and up to 99% unidirectionality is realized over the autonomous rotary cycle. The molecular rotary motor can be operated in two modes: synchronized motion with pulses of a chemical fuel and acidbase oscillations; and autonomous motion in the presence of a chemical fuel under slightly basic aqueous conditions. This rotary motor design with intrinsic control over the direction of rotation, simple chemical fuelling for autonomous motion and near-perfect unidirectionality illustrates the potential for future generations of multicomponent machines to perform mechanical functions.

地球科学Earth Science

Delayed use of bioenergy crops might threaten climate and food security


 作者:Siqing Xu, Rong Wang, Thomas Gasser, Philippe Ciais, Josep Peñuelas, Yves Balkanski, et al.





AbstractThe potential of mitigation actions to limit global warming within 2 °C might rely on the abundant supply of biomass for large-scale bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) that is assumed to scale up markedly in the future. However, the detrimental effects of climate change on crop yields may reduce the capacity of BECCS and threaten food security, thus creating an unrecognized positive feedback loop on global warming. We quantified the strength of this feedback by implementing the responses of crop yields to increases in growing-season temperature, atmospheric CO2 concentration and intensity of nitrogen (N) fertilization in a compact Earth system model. Exceeding a threshold of climate change would cause transformative changes in socialecological systems by jeopardizing climate stability and threatening food security. If global mitigation alongside large-scale BECCS is delayed to 2060 when global warming exceeds about 2.5 °C, then the yields of agricultural residues for BECCS would be too low to meet the Paris goal of 2 °C by 2200. This risk of failure is amplified by the sustained demand for food, leading to an expansion of cropland or intensification of N fertilization to compensate for climate-induced yield losses. Our findings thereby reinforce the urgency of early mitigation, preferably by 2040, to avoid irreversible climate change and serious food crises unless other negative-emission technologies become available in the near future to compensate for the reduced capacity of BECCS.



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