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2022/8/23 8:50:55  阅读:177 发布者:

    《南开管理评论国际期刊(Nankai Business Review International)》由南开大学商学院与英国爱墨瑞得出版集团(Emerald)共同出版,于20102月创刊,是国内第一本管理学国际期刊。该刊特聘国内外知名工商管理、管理科学与工程、金融等相关领域的知名学者,担任期刊副主编和编委会成员,重点发表具有中国情景的管理学领域最新高水平研究成果与综述文章。本刊已被ESCIScopus等数据库收录,目前为Emerald出版社在中国地区重点支持的SSCI来源申请期刊。欢迎关注与投稿。

Control transfer and old shareholder governance of the seller: who hinders the management retention?

AuthorsYan Wang, Rong Dai, Shufang Xu, Li Luo


This research explores that negative earnings management behavior may reduce the real premium of control transfer after deducting the shell value. The lower the real premium of control transfer after deducting the shell value, the higher the probability of management retention after control transfer. This paper also reveals that the real premium of control transfer after deducting the shell valueplays complete mediation role between the negative earnings management behavior of the management and their own retention. The mediation effect of collusion and price reductionin the control transfer will be inversely moderated by the governance mechanism of noncontrolling shareholders including the old shareholders of the seller.

Research on influencing factors of platform leadership in business ecosystem

AuthorsYi Zhang, Renhuai Liu, Haiquan Chen


Based on the niche theory, this study used the grounded theory research methods to explore the strategic behavior of platform enterprises, analyze the characteristics of platform leadership and systematically explore the influencing factors of platform leadership based on four internet platform enterprises and their business ecosystem. The result shows that the acquisition of platform leadership is closely related to the platform enterprisesNiche, where they are located in the business ecosystem. Platform enterprises play the roles of the founder, coordinator, leader and arranger in the ecosystem, and there are four affecting factors of platformleadership: architecture foundation, connection and coordination, innovation leading and integratedexpansion. The architecture foundation consists of four factors: platform architecture, installation base,intellectual property and network coverage; the connection and coordination contain five factors: interactive collaboration, multilateral user connection, information matching, neutral arbitration and mutualism; the innovation leading is composed of four factors: research and development investment, common components, complementary innovation, cross-border search and standard-setting; the integrated expansion includes resource orchestration, modular design, data collaboration, supportive enabling and scenario application.

Research on the influence of online media reports on earnings management based on the perspective on abnormal investor attention

AuthorsYe Wang, Fusheng Wang, Shiyu Liu


This paper aims to discuss whether the attention of investors to abnormalities can serve as a mechanism for the influence of online media coverage on earnings management. Based on Baidu index data of Chinas A-share listed companies between 2014 and 2018, this paper studies influencing mechanism of online media reports on earnings management from the perspective on abnormal investor attention. The results show that internet media reports can impose pressure on managers of companies by inducing abnormal focus of the public on listed companies and further force the latter to generate more actions on the management of earnings. It is the abnormal rather than normal investor attention that mediates network media reports and earnings management. This research enriches and refines the theory on influencing mechanism of media effects on earnings management and provides significant empirical evidence for future researches. Meanwhile, the conclusion of the research is of great practical importance for instructing listed firms dealing with media reports, guiding rational investment of investors and intensifying precision regulation of regulators.


The effects of donation amount and ad orientation of cause-related marketing on consumersresponse

AuthorsAnran Zhang, Zhengliang Xu, Xin Yu


Cause-related marketing (CRM) is an increasing popular marketing strategy in which a firm donates a specific amount to a designed cause when customers engage in revenue-providing exchanges. Based on balance and attribution theory, this paper aims to explore the interaction effect of donation amount and ad orientation, two important factors of formulation and communication of CRM, respectively, on consumer response and the mediating effect of consumersperceived company motives. Two 2 (donation amount: small vs large) × 2 (ad orientation: product- vs cause-oriented) between-subjects experimental studies were conducted in marketing course with 284 and 157 Chinese undergraduate students participating in Studies 1 and 2, respectively. ANOVA and regression were used to test the hypotheses. Study 1 shows the significant interaction effects of donation amount and ad orientation on consumersresponse. When CRM has a large donation amount, cause-oriented (vs product-oriented) ad leads to consumersmore positive company attitude and higher purchase intention. The opposite is true for the small donation amount condition. Study 2 shows that the above interaction effect is mediated by consumer-attributed company motives. The attributed motive of sincerely caring about social cause has significant positive effect on consumer response, whereas the attributed motive of increasing sales or improving corporate image does not.


Does psychological safety at school affect psychological capital at work? Evidence from part-time MBA students

AuthorsFan Wu, Guoquan Chen, Shuting Xiang


Existing research regarding the value of school education focuses primarily on the effects of educational level on core task performance after graduation. However, it is worth noting that knowledge, skills and abilities are not the only individual gains from school education. For part-time Master of Business Administration (MBA) students, the impact of MBA education on their real-time work during their two-year or so study journey has not been reported. This study aims to provide theoretical reasoning and empirical insights to clarify the impact of psychological safety at school on psychological capital (PsyCap) at work for part-time MBA students and examines the moderating role of constructive controversy at school in this relationship. This study establishes a link between the school and the workplace. It explores the relationship between an individuals psychological states at school and at work and contributes to the literature on human resources and management education. Furthermore, the findings prove that students not only gain knowledge, skills and abilities from education but also positive psychological states, such as psychological safety.


Seeking approval: adopting impression management tactics upon experiencing workplace ostracism  

AuthorsXinyan Mu, Jih-Yu Mao, Mengying Liao


Being ignored or excluded is a painful experience. Belongingness theory suggests that individuals inherently desire for belongingness and social interactions. This study aims to explore whether ostracized employees take actions to seek potential re-inclusion in the workplace. Data were collected from a two-wave survey. Ordinary least squares regressions were conducted to test the hypotheses. Workplace ostracism is positively associated with victimsimpression management behaviors (i.e. self-promotion and exemplification) through need for approval. In addition, these indirect relationships are more salient for victims with stronger self-face concerns. This study examines how ostracized employees strive for potential re-inclusion and who are more likely to seek approval. Specifically, this study identifies two impression management behaviors as victimspotential re-inclusion tactics in response to ostracism in the workplace.


Action research: alternative paths for the transformation of management academic research to practice

AuthorsXingwang Li, Jingwei Zhang, Zhigang Li, Feng Gao, Cheng Yu


This paper takes the exploration of the application of AR in the field of management research as the starting point. Through the combing and induction of AR literature to accurately grasp the essential characteristics of AR, this paper analyzes the application prospects and possible difficulties of AR in the field of management research in China, puts forward specific suggestions and explores the specific path of the transformation of management academic research to practice from the perspective of research methods. This paper takes the exploration of the application of AR in the field of management research as the starting point. Through the combing and induction of AR literature to accurately grasp the essential characteristics of AR, this paper analyzes the application prospects and possible difficulties of AR in the field of management research in China, puts forward specific suggestions and explores the specific path of the transformation of management academic research to practice from the perspective of research methods.







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