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2022/8/16 9:06:19  阅读:130 发布者:

Nature11 August 2022, Volume 608 Issue 7922

《自然》 2022811日,第608卷,7922

材料科学Material Science

Quantum cascade of correlated phases in trigonally warped bilayer graphene


 作者:Anna M. Seiler, Fabian R. Geisenhof, Felix Winterer et al.







Here we report the observation of a cascade of correlated phases in the vicinity of electric-field-controlled Lifshitz transitions and van Hove singularities in Bernal bilayer graphene. We provide evidence for the observation of Stoner ferromagnets in the form of half and quarter metals. Furthermore, we identify signatures consistent with a topologically non-trivial WignerHall crystal at zero magnetic field and its transition to a trivial Wigner crystal, as well as two correlated metals whose behaviour deviates from that of standard Fermi liquids. Our results in this reproducible, tunable, simple system open up new horizons for studying strongly correlated electrons.

A mechanically strong and ductile soft magnet with extremely low coercivity


 作者:Liuliu Han, Fernando Maccari, Isnaldi R. Souza Filho et al.





在此,我们介绍一种克服此类困境的方法。我们设计了一种Fe-Co-Ni-Ta-Al多元合金(MCA),它具有铁磁基体和顺磁性相干纳米颗粒(尺寸约为 91nm,体积分数约为 55%)。它们阻碍位错运动,增加强度和延展性。它们的小尺寸、低相干应力和小静磁能在磁畴壁宽度以下产生相互作用体积,导致畴壁钉扎最小化,从而保持软磁性。

这种合金在54%的拉伸伸长率下抗拉强度为1336 MPa,矫顽力为78 Am−1(小于1 Oe),饱和磁化强度为100 Am2kg−1,电阻率为103 μΩ cm


The electrification of transport, households and manufacturing leads to an increase in energy consumption owing to hysteresis losses. Therefore, minimizing coercivity, which scales these losses, is crucial. Yet meeting this target alone is not enough: SMMs in electrical engines must withstand severe mechanical loads; that is, the alloys need high strength and ductility. Here we introduce an approach to overcome this dilemma. We have designed a FeCoNiTaAl multicomponent alloy (MCA) with ferromagnetic matrix and paramagnetic coherent nanoparticles (about 91nm in size and around 55% volume fraction). They impede dislocation motion, enhancing strength and ductility. Their small size, low coherency stress and small magnetostatic energy create an interaction volume below the magnetic domain wall width, leading to minimal domain wall pinning, thus maintaining the soft magnetic properties. The alloy has a tensile strength of 1,336MPa at 54% tensile elongation, extremely low coercivity of 78Am−1 (less than 1Oe), moderate saturation magnetization of 100Am2kg−1 and high electrical resistivity of 103 μΩ cm.


Self-emergence of robust solitons in a microcavity


 作者:Maxwell Rowley, Pierre-Henry Hanzard, Antonio Cutrona et al.







Here we show that the slow non-linearities of a free-running microresonator-filtered fibre laser can transform temporal cavity solitons into the systems dominant attractor. This phenomenon leads to reliable self-starting oscillation of microcavity solitons that are naturally robust to perturbations, recovering spontaneously even after complete disruption. These emerge repeatably and controllably into a large region of the global system parameter space in which specific states, highly stable over long timeframes, can be achieved.

地球科学Earth science

Giant impacts and the origin and evolution of continents


 作者:Tim E. Johnson, Christopher L. Kirkland, Yongjun Lu et al.




地球是已知的唯一有大陆的行星,尽管大陆形成和演化的方式尚不清楚。在此,通过对岩浆锆石的氧同位素分析,我们发现西澳大利亚皮尔巴拉克拉顿是地球上保存最完好的太古宙(40 - 25亿年前)大陆遗迹,它的形成经历了三个阶段。第一阶段锆石(3.6 ~ 3.4 Ga)形成两个团簇,其中1 / 3记录为下地幔δ18O,表明岩浆来自于热液蚀变的玄武岩地壳(如今天的冰岛)。

浅层融化与代表地球最初10亿年历史的大碰撞是一致的。大碰撞为地壳破裂提供了动力,并通过与全球广泛的海洋的相互作用建立了长期的热液蚀变。大约发生在3.6 Ga的一次巨大撞击,与最古老的低δ18O锆石同时代,可能会触发大规模的地幔融化,产生厚的镁铁质-超镁铁质核。

另一个低δ18O锆石簇约为3.4 Ga,与球粒层同生,为地球上的巨大撞击提供了最古老的物质证据。第2阶段(3.4 ~ 3.0 Ga)锆石的δ18O多为类似地幔δ18O,主要来源于大陆核基底附近的母岩浆。第三阶段(<3.0 Ga)锆石δ18O具有上地幔特征,反映了表壳岩石的高效循环。最古老的长英质岩石形成于3.9-3.5 Ga,接近所谓的晚期重轰击末期,并非巧合。


Earth is the only planet known to have continents, although how they formed and evolved is unclear. Here using the oxygen isotope compositions of dated magmatic zircon, we show that the Pilbara Craton in Western Australia, Earths best-preserved Archaean (4.02.5 billion years ago (Ga)) continental remnant, was built in three stages. Stage 1 zircons (3.63.4Ga) form two age clusters with one-third recording submantle δ18O, indicating crystallization from evolved magmas derived from hydrothermally altered basaltic crust like that in modern-day Iceland. Shallow melting is consistent with giant impacts that typified the first billion years of Earth history. Giant impacts provide a mechanism for fracturing the crust and establishing prolonged hydrothermal alteration by interaction with the globally extensive ocean. A giant impact at around 3.6Ga, coeval with the oldest low-δ18O zircon, would have triggered massive mantle melting to produce a thick maficultramafic nucleus. A second low-δ18O zircon cluster at around 3.4Ga is contemporaneous with spherule beds that provide the oldest material evidence for giant impacts on Earth. Stage 2 (3.43.0Ga) zircons mostly have mantle-like δ18O and crystallized from parental magmas formed near the base of the evolving continental nucleus. Stage 3 (<3.0Ga) zircons have above-mantle δ18O, indicating efficient recycling of supracrustal rocks. That the oldest felsic rocks formed at 3.93.5Ga, towards the end of the so-called late heavy bombardment, is not a coincidence.


Dairying, diseases and the evolution of lactase persistence in Europe


 作者:Richard P. Evershed, George Davey Smith, Mélanie Roffet-Salque et al.








In European and many African, Middle Eastern and southern Asian populations, lactase persistence (LP) is the most strongly selected monogenic trait to have evolved over the past 10,000years. Here we provide detailed distributions of milk exploitation across Europe over the past 9,000years using around 7,000 pottery fat residues from more than 550 archaeological sites. European milk use was widespread from the Neolithic period onwards but varied spatially and temporally in intensity. Notably, LP selection varying with levels of prehistoric milk exploitation is no better at explaining LP allele frequency trajectories than uniform selection since the Neolithic period. In the UK Biobank cohort of 500,000 contemporary Europeans, LP genotype was only weakly associated with milk consumption and did not show consistent associations with improved fitness or health indicators. This suggests that other reasons for the beneficial effects of LP should be considered for its rapid frequency increase. We propose that lactase non-persistent individuals consumed milk when it became available but, under conditions of famine and/or increased pathogen exposure, this was disadvantageous, driving LP selection in prehistoric Europe. Comparison of model likelihoods indicates that population fluctuations, settlement density and wild animal exploitationproxies for these driversprovide better explanations of LP selection than the extent of milk exploitation. These findings offer new perspectives on prehistoric milk exploitation and LP evolution.


The developing bird pelvis passes through ancestral dinosaurian conditions


 作者:Christopher T. Griffin, João F. Botelho, Michael Hanson et al.








We used embryological imaging techniques to examine the morphogenesis of avian pelvic tissues in three dimensions, allowing direct comparison with the fossil record. Many ancestral dinosaurian features (for example, a forward-facing pubis, short ilium and pubic boot) are transiently present in the early morphogenesis of birds and arrive at their typical avianform after transitioning through a prenatal developmental sequence that mirrors the phylogenetic sequence of character acquisition. We demonstrate quantitatively that avian pelvic ontogeny parallels the non-avian dinosaur-to-bird transition and provide evidence for phenotypic covariance within the pelvis that is conserved across Archosauria. The presence of ancestral states in avian embryos may stem from this conserved covariant relationship. In sum, our data provide evidence that the avian pelvis, whose early development has been little studied, evolved through terminal additiona mechanism whereby new apomorphic states are added to the end of a developmental sequence, resulting in expression8,11 of ancestral character states earlier in that sequence. 



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