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PCE: 组成型表达基因JAR1能诱导植物产生分子变化从而更好地抵御干旱

2022/8/12 11:16:13  阅读:425 发布者:

今天介绍的是由德国科学家Ute C. VothknechtPCE发表的《Constitutive expression of JASMONATE RESISTANT 1 induces molecular changes that prime the plants to better withstand drought》。

本研究中,作者研究了能将茉莉酸(JA)转化为茉莉酸-L-异亮氨酸(JA-Ile) JAR1酶水平改变的拟南芥植株。对一个新构建的JAR1过表达系(35S::JAR1)的分析表明,在35S::JAR1中结构性增加的JA-Ile产量会影响了植物的生长发育,导致生长不良和开花延迟。且在干旱胁迫条件下,35S::JAR1与野生型相比会表现出更好的抗旱性。相比之下,JA-Ile含量下降的JAR1-11植株却对干旱高度敏感。对正常和干旱条件下植物的RNA-seq分析和植物激素分析为研究JA-Ile含量变化引起的分子重编程提供了深入了解。


In this work we investigated Arabidopsis thaliana plants with altered levels of the enzyme JASMONATE RESISTANT 1 (JAR1) that converts jasmonic acid (JA) to jasmonyl-L-isoleucine (JA-Ile). Analysis of a newly generated over-expression line (35S::JAR1) revealed that constitutively increased JA-Ile production in 35S::JAR1 alters plant development, resulting in stunted growth and delayed flowering. Under drought-stress conditions, 35S::JAR1 plants showed reduced wilting and recovered better from desiccation than the wild type. By contrast, jar1-11 plants with a strong reduction in JA-Ile content were hypersensitive to drought. RNA-seq analysis and hormonal profiling of plants under normal and drought conditions provided insights into the molecular reprogramming caused by the alteration in JA-Ile content. Especially 35S::JAR1 plants displayed changes in expression of developmental genes related to growth and flowering. Further transcriptional differences pertained to drought-related adaptive systems, including stomatal density and aperture but also reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and detoxification. Analysis of wild type and jar1-11 plants carrying the roGFP-Orp1 sensor support a role of JA-Ile in the alleviation of MeV-induced H2 O2 production. Our data substantiate a role of JA-Ile in abiotic stress response and suggest that JAR1-mediated increase in JA-Ile content primes Arabidopsis towards improved drought stress tolerance. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.




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