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中国农业大学生物学院近期发表15篇高水平论文 ——植物方向

2022/8/3 14:30:39  阅读:424 发布者:

中国农业大学生物学院植物科学家2022年上半年在Science AdvanceNature CommunicationDevelopmental CellMolecular PlantPlant Cell等主流期刊上发表15篇论文,其中10篇聚焦植物逆境生物学领域。

植物耐低温领域:杨淑华课题组阐释了钙离子依赖型蛋白激酶CPK28和转录因子NLP7组成的调控网络在植物低温特异Ca2+信号的感知和传递中的作用 (Ding et al., 2022),并揭示了玉米早期驯化中受选择的转录因子bZIP68调控玉米耐冷性的分子机制 (Li et al., 2022);该团队应邀在Dev Cell杂志综述了植物感知和应答温度胁迫的研究进展 (Ding et al., 2022),同时与李继刚教授合作应邀在JIPB综述了植物光、温信号整合机制的研究进展 (Qi et al., 2022)

植物抗盐和抗旱领域:蒋才富课题组解析了凯氏带促进玉米耐盐的机制 (Wang et al., 2022);巩志忠团队发现RAF22-ABI1-OST1动态调控网络在植物生长和环境适应方面的重要作用 (Sun et al., 2022),同时揭示了蛋白激酶BAK1在调控ABA信号和响应过程中的作用机理 (Deng et al., 2022);李继刚课题组揭示了植物光形态建成的关键调控因子COP1在黑暗下介导ABA信号转导的分子机制 (Peng et al., 2022);傅缨团队发现拟南芥响应不同水平盐胁迫时的花青素合成的分子调控机制 (Li et al., 2022);郭岩团队发现PYR-PP2C-CKL2 模块调控ABA介导的气孔关闭过程 (Shi et al., 2022);于静娟团队绘制谷子干旱胁迫与生物钟之间的“串扰”图谱 (Yi et al., 2022)

植物发育与生物技术领域:张学琴课题组发现植物特异性小肽AtZSP1ROCK1通过细胞分裂素水平来调控器官大小的机制 (Zeng et al., 2022)。王涛、董江丽课题组利用基因编辑技术建立苜蓿隐性核不育系统 (Ye et al., 2022);苏震课题组对水稻KNOX II类蛋白HOS59进行染色质免疫沉淀测序(ChIP-seq),鉴定出的HOS59其下游靶基因和可能的相互作用蛋白 (Sheng et al., 2022);杨永青副教授筛选到了一个质子泵的特异性抑制剂,利用该抑制剂为研究工具,验证了生长素酸生长理论 (Yang et al., 2022)


1.  CPK28NLP7 module integrates cold-induced Ca2+ signal and transcriptional reprogramming in Arabidopsis

2.  The transcription factor bZIP68 negatively regulates cold tolerance in maize

3.Surviving and thriving: How plants perceive and respond to temperature stress

4.Integration of light and temperature signaling pathways in plants

5.A dirigent family protein confers variation of Casparian strip thickness and salt tolerance in maize

6.RAF22, ABI1 and OST1 form a dynamic interactive network that optimizes plant growth and responses to drought stress in Arabidopsis

7.BAK1 plays contrasting roles in regulating abscisic acid-induced stomatal closure and abscisic acid-inhibited primary root growth in Arabidopsis

8.COP1 positively regulates ABA signaling during Arabidopsis seedling growth in darkness by mediating ABA-induced ABI5 accumulation

9.ECAP is a key negative regulator mediating different pathways to modulate salt stress-induced anthocyanin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis

10.  The PYR-PP2C-CKL2 module regulates ABA-mediated actin reorganization during stomatal closure

11.Time-series transcriptomics reveals a drought-responsive temporal network and crosstalk between drought stress and the circadian clock in foxtail millet 

12.  Plant-specific small peptide AtZSP1 interacts with ROCK1 to regulate organ size in Arabidopsis

13.Construction of genic male sterility system by CRISPR/Cas9 editing from model legume to alfalfa

14.KNOX II transcription factor HOS59 functions in regulating rice grain size

15.Testing the polar auxin transport model with a selective plasma membrane H+-ATPase inhibitor



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