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2022/8/1 14:24:52  阅读:203 发布者:

Nature, 28 July 2022, Volume 607 Issue 7920



Evaporation of microwave-shielded polar molecules to quantum degeneracy


 作者:Andreas Schindewolf, Roman Bause, Xing-Yan Chen, Marcel Duda, Tijs Karman, Immanuel Bloch, et al.







微波处理诱导分子之间的强可调谐偶极相互作用,导致高弹性碰撞率,可超过非弹性碰撞率至少460倍。如此巨大的弹性与非弹性碰撞比允许研究组将分子气体冷却到21 纳开尔文,相当于费米温度的0.36倍。



Ultracold polar molecules offer strong electric dipole moments and rich internal structure, which makes them ideal building blocks to explore exotic quantum matter, implement quantum information schemes and test the fundamental symmetries of nature. Realizing their full potential requires cooling interacting molecular gases deeply into the quantum-degenerate regime. However, the intrinsically unstable collisions between molecules at short range have so far prevented direct cooling through elastic collisions to quantum degeneracy in three dimensions. Here we demonstrate evaporative cooling of a three-dimensional gas of fermionic sodiumpotassium molecules to well below the Fermi temperature using microwave shielding. The molecules are protected from reaching short range with a repulsive barrier engineered by coupling rotational states with a blue-detuned circularly polarized microwave. The microwave dressing induces strong tunable dipolar interactions between the molecules, leading to high elastic collision rates that can exceed the inelastic ones by at least a factor of 460. This large elastic-to-inelastic collision ratio allows us to cool the molecular gas to 21nanokelvin, corresponding to 0.36 times the Fermi temperature. Such cold and dense samples of polar molecules open the path to the exploration of many-body phenomena with strong dipolar interactions.


Exceptional-point-based accelerometers with enhanced signal-to-noise ratio


 作者:Rodion Kononchuk, Jizhe Cai, Fred Ellis, Ramathasan Thevamaran & Tsampikos Kottos









Exceptional points (EP) are non-Hermitian degeneracies where eigenvalues and their corresponding eigenvectors coalesce. Recently, EPs have attracted attention as a means to enhance the responsivity of sensors, through the abrupt resonant detuning occurring in their proximity. In many cases, however, the EP implementation is accompanied by noise enhancement, leading to the degradation of the sensors performance. The excess noise can be of fundamental nature (owing to the eigenbasis collapse) or of technical nature associated with the amplification mechanisms utilized for the realization of EPs. Here we show, using an EP-based paritytime symmetric electromechanical accelerometer, that the enhanced technical noise can be surpassed by the enhanced responsivity to applied accelerations. The noise owing to eigenbasis collapse is mitigated by exploiting the detuning from a transmission peak degeneracy (TPD) which forms when the sensor is weakly coupled to transmission lines as a measure of the sensitivity. These TPDs occur at a frequency and control parameters for which the biorthogonal eigenbasis is still complete and are distinct from the EPs of the paritytime symmetric sensor. Our device shows a threefold signal-to-noise-ratio enhancement compared with configurations for which the system operates away from the TPD.


信息科学Information Science

Experimental quantum key distribution certified by Bell's theorem


 作者:D. P. Nadlinger, P. Drmota, B. C. Nichol, G. Araneda, D. Main, R. Srinivas, et al.










Cryptographic key exchange protocols traditionally rely on computational conjectures such as the hardness of prime factorization to provide security against eavesdropping attacks. Remarkably, quantum key distribution protocols such as the BennettBrassard scheme provide information-theoretic security against such attacks, a much stronger form of security unreachable by classical means. However, quantum protocols realized so far are subject to a new class of attacks exploiting a mismatch between the quantum states or measurements implemented and their theoretical modelling, as demonstrated in numerous experiments. Here we present the experimental realization of a complete quantum key distribution protocol immune to these vulnerabilities, following Ekerts pioneering proposal to use entanglement to bound an adversarys information from Bells theorem. By combining theoretical developments with an improved optical fibre link generating entanglement between two trapped-ion qubits, we obtain 95,628 key bits with device-independent security from 1.5million Bell pairs created during eight hours of run time. We take steps to ensure that information on the measurement results is inaccessible to an eavesdropper. These measurements are performed without space-like separation. Our result shows that provably secure cryptography under general assumptions is possible with real-world devices, and paves the way for further quantum information applications based on the device-independence principle.


材料科学Materials Science

Magnetic memory and spontaneous vortices in a van der Waals superconductor


 作者:Eylon Persky, Anders V. Bjørlig, Irena Feldman, Avior Almoalem, Ehud Altman, Erez Berg, et al.










Doped Mott insulators exhibit some of the most intriguing quantum phases of matter, including quantum spin liquids, unconventional superconductors and non-Fermi liquid metals. Such phases often arise when itinerant electrons are close to a Mott insulating state, and thus experience strong spatial correlations. Proximity between different layers of van der Waals heterostructures naturally realizes a platform for experimentally studying the relationship between localized, correlated electrons and itinerant electrons. Here we explore this relationship by studying the magnetic landscape of tantalum disulfide 4Hb-TaS2, which realizes an alternating stacking of a candidate spin liquid and a superconductor. We report on a spontaneous vortex phase whose vortex density can be trained in the normal state. We show that time-reversal symmetry is broken in the normal state, indicating the presence of a magnetic phase independent of the superconductor. Notably, this phase does not generate ferromagnetic signals that are detectable using conventional techniques. We use scanning superconducting quantum interference device microscopy to show that it is incompatible with ferromagnetic ordering. The discovery of this unusual magnetic phase illustrates how combining superconductivity with a strongly correlated system can lead to unexpected physics.

Dislocation-induced stop-and-go kinetics of interfacial transformations


 作者:Xianhu Sun, Dongxiang Wu, Lianfeng Zou, Stephen D. House, Xiaobo Chen, Meng Li, et al.









Most engineering materials are based on multiphase microstructures produced either through the control of phase equilibria or by the fabrication of different materials as in thin-film processing. In both processes, the microstructure relaxes towards equilibrium by mismatch dislocations (or geometric misfit dislocations) across the heterophase interfaces. Despite their ubiquitous presence, directly probing the dynamic action of mismatch dislocations has been unachievable owing to their buried nature. Here, using the interfacial transformation of copper oxide to copper as an example, we demonstrate the role of mismatch dislocations in modulating oxide-to-metal interfacial transformations in an intermittent manner, by which the lateral flow of interfacial ledges is pinned at the core of mismatch dislocations until the dislocation climbs to the new oxide/metal interface location. Together with atomistic calculations, we identify that the pinning effect is associated with the non-local transport of metal atoms to fill vacancies at the dislocation core. These results provide mechanistic insight into solidsolid interfacial transformations and have substantial implications for utilizing structural defects at buried interfaces to modulate mass transport and transformation kinetics.


地球科学Earth Science

Threshold response to melt drives large-scale bed weakening in Greenland


 作者:Nathan Maier, Florent Gimbert & Fabien Gillet-Chaulet









Ice speeds in Greenland are largely set by basal motion, which is modulated by meltwater delivery to the ice base. Evidence suggests that increasing melt rates enhance the subglacial drainage networks capacity to evacuate basal water, increasing bed friction and causing the ice to slow. This limits the potential of melt forcing to increase mass loss as temperatures increase. Here we show that melt forcing has a pronounced influence on dynamics, but factors besides melt rates primarily control its impact. Using a method to examine friction variability across the entirety of western Greenland, we show that the main impact of melt forcing is an abrupt north-to-south change in bed strength that cannot be explained by changes in melt production. The southern ablation zone is weakened by 2040per cent compared with regions with no melt, whereas in northern Greenland the ablation zone is strengthened. We show that the weakening is consistent with persistent basal water storage and that the threshold is linked to differences in sliding and hydropotential gradients, which exert primary control on the pressures within drainage pathways that dewater the bed. These characteristics are mainly set by whether a margin is land or marine terminating, suggesting that dynamic changes that increase mass loss are likely to occur in northern Greenland as temperatures increase. Our results point to physical representations of these findings that will improve simulated ice-sheet evolution at centennial scales.



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