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Npj Comput. Mater.: 解析原子分辨图像数据—贝叶斯深度学习

2022/7/26 11:36:54  阅读:203 发布者:


来自美国橡树岭国家实验室纳米材料科学中心的Sergei V. Kalinin(本刊副主编)研究团队,提出了一种基于贝叶斯的深度学习方法来分析空间解析数据。该方法利用了三个基本概念的协同作用,即对应于稳定原子构型的原子级描述符的简约,理想化描述符中存在的扭曲,和可能存在的离散或连续性旋转对称。这三个概论在一个工作流中实现,结合了特征选择(原子查找),一个旋转不变变分自动编码器,以及一个条件自动编码器。该方法适用于2D图像数据,但也可以推广到更复杂的多维数据集。作者提出的工作流程,不仅能对原子分辨 STEM 成像数据进行自下而上的对称性和结构分析,还为研究材料系统中的对称破坏畸变开辟了道路。
该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 7, 181 (2021),英文标题与摘要如下: 

Deep Bayesian local crystallography

Sergei V. Kalinin, Mark P. Oxley, Mani Valleti, Junjie Zhang, Raphael P. Hermann, Hong Zheng, Wenrui Zhang, Gyula Eres, Rama K. Vasudevan & Maxim Ziatdinov 

The advent of high-resolution electron and scanning probe microscopy imaging has opened the floodgates for acquiring atomically resolved images of bulk materials, 2D materials, and surfaces. This plethora of data contains an immense volume of information on materials structures, structural distortions, and physical functionalities. Harnessing this knowledge regarding local physical phenomena necessitates the development of the mathematical frameworks for extraction of relevant information. However, the analysis of atomically resolved images is often based on the adaptation of concepts from macroscopic physics, notably translational and point group symmetries and symmetry lowering phenomena. Here, we explore the bottom-up definition of structural units and symmetry in atomically resolved data using a Bayesian framework. We demonstrate the need for a Bayesian definition of symmetry using a simple toy model and demonstrate how this definition can be extended to the experimental data using deep learning networks in a Bayesian setting, namely rotationally invariant variational autoencoders.



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