“中华文明视角下的新闻与传播”英文学术丛书征稿启事(Call for Book Manuscripts)
2022/7/14 11:52:26 阅读:222 发布者:
劳特利奇(Routledge)是世界第三大出版集团泰勒-弗朗西斯集团的一个著名出版品牌,是一家全球性的人文社会科学学术书籍、期刊和在线资源出版商。贾文山教授应邀担任Taylor & Francis/Routledge出版发行的“中华文明视角下的新闻与传播”(Chinese Perspectives on Journalism & Communication)英文学术丛书主编。该学术丛书已出版或正在出版发行七部专著。本学术丛书不收取任何出版费。欢迎专家学者投稿。贾教授投稿邮箱地址:wjia66@hotmail.com .微信号:culturemountain。丛书链接:https://www.routledge.com/Chinese-Perspectives-on-Journalism-and-Communication/book-series/CPJC
Call for Book Manuscripts
Routledge is a famous publishing brand of Taylor Francis Group, the third largest publishing group in the world. It is a global publisher of academic books, journals and online resources of humanities and social sciences. Professor Wenshan Jia serves as Editor-in -Chief of the English scholarly series “Chinese perspectives on Journalism & Communication" published by Taylor & Francis / Routledge. This series currently consists of seven book monographs, some of which have already been published and some others are in the process of publishing. The publisher does not charge any publication fees. Instead, each author will be paid an honorarium based on the volume of sales of the book. Interested Experts and scholars are welcome to make an inquiry directly with Professor Jia at his email address wjia66@hotmail.com with the Email subject heading “Re: Contributing to your Routledge book series ”or add Prof. Jia on wechat (wechat ID “culturemountain ”).Series links:https://www.routledge.com/Chinese-Perspectives-on-Journalism-and-Communication/book-series/CPJC