Special issue call for abstracts: Planetary health and mental health nursing.
Special issue advisors
Tanya Park
Lindsay Komar & Laura Reifferschied, Alberta representatives for the Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment (CANE)
Overview 概况
Our world is changing rapidly, so much so that we are now considered to be living in a new era of geological history. This era, known unofficially as the Anthropocene epoch, is characterized by permanent planetary changes caused by human activity (National Geographic Society, 2019). Human ecosystem interference has resulted in dramatic shifts in Earth’s life support systems. Rising temperatures, frequent violent weather events, diminished air and water quality and loss of biodiversity are impacting the well-being of all life on Earth (Almada et al, 2017).Accelerating environmental manipulation is a direct result of our disconnection from the Earth and its natural systems. Human exceptionalism allows us to see ourselves as separate and independent from nature and therefore able to exploit the biosphere for our own purposes(Guzman & Potter, 2021). The planet is calling on all mental health nurses to raise the standard in their relationship with the earth. How will we make a difference? How can we ensure that the health of the planet is central to our mental health?
我们的世界正在迅速变化,以至于我们现在被认为生活在地质历史的一个新时代。 这个时代被非正式地称为人类时代,其特征是由人类活动引起的永久性地球变化(国家地理学会,2019)。 人类对生态系统的干扰导致了地球生命维持系统的巨大变化。 气温上升、频繁的暴力天气事件、空气和水质下降以及生物多样性丧失正在影响地球上所有生命的福祉(Almada等人,2017年)。 加速环境控制是我们与地球及其自然系统脱节的直接结果。 人类例外论让我们看到自己是独立于自然的,因此能够为我们自己的目的开发生物圈(Guzman & Potter, 2021)。 这个星球正在呼吁所有精神健康护士提高与地球关系的标准。 我们将如何做出改变? 我们如何才能确保地球的健康对我们的心理健康至关重要?
Relational practice is the foundation of mental health nursing. Being in relationship with people and community is foundational and central to the work we do, but have mental health nurses also considered their relationship with the planet? In 2020 a joint statement was signed by Australian health groups, calling on the government to recognise climate change in future health policy developments (ANMF, 2020).Internationally the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals released in 2015 described a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet (UN, 2015). The list of calls to action is long, global and urgent if we are to improve the relationship between mental health nurses and the planet. For example, an estimated 25-50% of those exposed to climate-related extreme weather events, such as droughts, flooding, and intense heat, will experience negative mental health outcomes in the form of both acute mental trauma and/or persistent stress disorders such as depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (Trombley et al., 2017; Clayton, 2021, Shulka, 2013). Populations with fewer socioeconomic resources, such as low-income and those with pre-existing mental health diagnoses are more likely to be negatively affected and develop mental illness from the climate crisis (Trombley et al., 2017). The global health community is sounding the alarm over the urgent threat of global environmental change to the health of humanity. There is an urgent need to recognize,anticipate, and address these impacts.
关系实践是心理健康护理的基础。与人们和社区的关系是我们工作的基础和核心,但精神健康护士是否也考虑过他们与地球的关系? 2020年,澳大利亚健康组织签署了一份联合声明,呼吁政府在未来的健康政策发展中认识到气候变化(ANMF,2020)。在国际上,2015年发布的联合国可持续发展目标描绘了人类和地球和平与繁荣的共同蓝图(联合国,2015)。如果我们要改善精神卫生护士与地球之间的关系,行动呼吁的清单很长,具有全球性和紧迫性。例如,在遭受与气候相关的极端天气事件(如干旱、洪水和高温)的人群中,估计有25-50%的人会经历消极的精神健康后果,表现形式为急性精神创伤和/或持续性应激障碍,如抑郁症和创伤后应激障碍(特伦布利等人,2017; 克莱顿,2021年,舒尔卡,2013年)。社会经济资源较少的人群,如低收入人群和已被诊断患有精神健康疾病的人,更有可能受到气候危机的负面影响,并发展为精神疾病(特伦布利等人,2017)。全球卫生界正在就全球环境变化对人类健康的紧迫威胁发出警报。现在迫切需要认识、预测和解决这些影响。
Topics for the special issue
Let’s start a conversation about the health of the planet. The evidence is clear and compelling, the planet's health needs our urgent attention. Mental health nurses are a large influential group, our collective voice can make a difference. We have championed social justice and human rights; our planet now needs our voice and collective wisdom to work together. We invite abstracts that outline proposed manuscripts in the following areas:
• Planetary health, mental health and nursing education
• Climate change and the impact on mental health
• Disasters and the impact on mental health
• Climate change and mental health experiences
• The role of mental health nurses in planetary health
• Mental health and nature
让我们开始一场关于地球健康的对话。有明显和令人信服的证据表明,地球的健康需要我们迫切关注。心理健康护士是一个有影响力的大群体,我们的集体声音可以带来改变。我们倡导社会正义和人权; 我们的星球现在需要我们的声音和集体智慧来共同努力。我们邀请在以下方面概述拟议手稿的摘要:
Call for abstracts
The Editors recommend that interested authors discuss their planned contributions directly via the email addresses provided above. Abstracts should be submitted via email to the IJMHN Editorial Officeijmhn.eo@wiley.combefore 5pm AEST 1 August 2022. Abstracts will be reviewed for suitability by the Guest Editors with the support of Editor-in-Chief,Prof Kim Usher. All abstract submissions will be replied to by 15 August 2022. Successful abstracts will be provided with details for submission of a full manuscript, submission of which will be due by 10 October 2022. All full manuscript submissions will be subject to editorial board assessment and peer review;
approval of an abstract for subsequent full manuscript submission is not a guarantee of publication. Editorial decisions are final.
编辑建议有兴趣的作者直接通过上面提供的电子邮件地址讨论他们计划的贡献。 摘要应通过电子邮件提交到IJMHN社论Officeijmhn.eo@wiley.combefore美国东部时间2022年8月1日下午5点。 客座编辑将在总编辑Kim Usher教授的协助下审阅摘要是否合适。 所有摘要提交将于2022年8月15日之前回复。成功的摘要将提供提交完整手稿的详细信息,提交日期为2022年10月10日。 所有提交的完整稿件都要经过编辑委员会的评估和同行评审,后续完整稿件提交的摘要获得批准并不保证发表。 编辑决定是最终决定。
Abstract submission deadline: 5pm AEST 1 August 2022
Post-abstract approval full-manuscript invitations sent: 15 August 2022
Submission of invited full manuscripts: 5pm AEST 10 October 2022
Almada, A. A., Golden, C. D., Osofsky, S. A., & Myers, S. S. (2017). A case for Planetary Health/GeoHealth. In GeoHealth (Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 75–78). John Wiley and Sons Inc.
ANMF (2020). Joint statemen on recognising climate change in the national preventative health strategy.
http://www.anmf.org.au/documents/Joint_Statement_on_Recognising_Climate_Change_in_th e_National_Preventive_Health_Strategy_23_September_2020.pdf
Clayton, S. (2021). Climate Change and Mental Health. Current Environmental Health Reports, 8(1), 1. https://doi-org.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/10.1007/s40572-020-00303-3
Guzman, C. A. F., & Potter, T. (2021). The Planetary Health Education Framework (C. A. Faerron Guzmán & T. Porter (eds.)). https://doi.org/10.5822/phef2021
National Geographic Society. (2019). Anthropocene.
Shukla, J. (2013). Extreme weather events and mental health: Tackling the psychosocial challenge. ISRN Public Health, 2013, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/127365
Trombley, J., Chalupka, S., & Anderko, L. (2017). Climate change and mental health. The American Journal of Nursing, 117(4), 44–52.
United Nations. (2015). Sustainable Development Goals.https://sdgs.un.org/goals
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