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学术快报:Science(VOLUME 376, ISSUE 6594, 13 MAY 2022)

2022/5/24 14:57:43  阅读:575 发布者:


最新一期Science(VOLUME 376, ISSUE 6594, 13 MAY 2022)的文献索引信息见下方Contents


刊次:VOLUME 376, ISSUE 6594, 13 MAY 2022

ISSN:0036-8075 / 1095-9203



A survey of cell types across tissues as part of the Human Cell Atlas, mapped with single-cell transcriptomics in three papers in this issue, lays the foundation for understanding how cellular composition and gene expression vary across the human body in health, and for understanding how genes act in disease.


1Mapping cell types across human tissues /绘制跨人体组织的细胞类型图

2Immune cells impede repair of old neurons /免疫细胞阻碍老神经元的修复

3The limits of forest carbon sequestration /森林固碳的限度

4Odds improve for winning NSF grants, but drop in applications troubles some observers /获得NSF资助的几率提高,但申请数量的下降困扰了一些观察者


6Comment on Cryoforged nanotwinned titanium with ultrahigh strength and ductility /评《超高强韧性低温锻造纳米孪晶钛》

7Scalable processing for realizing 21.7%-efficient all-perovskite tandem solar modules /实现21.7%效率的全钙钛矿串联太阳能组件的可扩展处理

8Cross-biome synthesis of source versus sink limits to tree growth /树木生长源库界限的跨生物群合成

9Recovery mechanisms in the dragonfly righting reflex /蜻蜓翻正反射的恢复机制

10Modular access to substituted cyclohexanes with kinetic stereocontrol /动力学立体控制下取代环己烷的模块化获取

11High-resolution mapping of losses and gains of Earths tidal wetlands /地球潮汐湿地得失的高分辨率制图

12Wrestling with bird flu, Europe considers once-taboo vaccines /与禽流感搏斗,欧洲考虑一度禁忌的疫苗

13Ultrafast water permeation through nanochannels with a densely fluorous interior surface /内表面致密氟纳米通道的超快水渗透

14Highly enhanced ferroelectricity in HfO2-based ferroelectric thin film by light ion bombardment /轻离子轰击HfO2基铁电薄膜中的高增强铁电性

15Paradoxical somatodendritic decoupling supports cortical plasticity during REM sleep /在快速眼动睡眠中,反常的体突去耦支持皮层可塑性

16Observing emergent hydrodynamics in a long-range quantum magnet /长程量子磁体中的突现流体力学观测

17Quantum gas microscopy of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang superdiffusion /Kardar-Parisi-Zhang超扩散的量子气相显微镜

18Noninvasive assessment of gut function using transcriptional recording sentinel cells /转录记录前哨细胞对肠道功能的无创性评估

19Cross-tissue immune cell analysis reveals tissue-specific features in humans /跨组织免疫细胞分析揭示人类组织特异性特征

20The Tabula Sapiens: A multiple-organ, single-cell transcriptomic atlas of humans /白板:人类多器官单细胞转录图谱

21Single-nucleus cross-tissue molecular reference maps toward understanding disease gene function /单核跨组织分子参考图谱在疾病基因功能研究中的应用

22Reversible CD8 T cellneuron cross-talk causes aging-dependent neuronal regenerative decline /可逆性CD8 T细胞-神经元串扰导致衰老依赖性神经元再生衰退

23In Other Journals /在其他期刊中

24In Science Journals /在科学期刊上

25Addressing patent gender disparities /解决专利的性别差异

26India must protect Himalayan headwaters /印度必须保护喜马拉雅源头

27Investor-state disputes threaten the global green energy transition /投资者与国家争端威胁全球绿色能源转型

28Anomalous fluid flow in quantum systems /量子系统中的反常流体流动

29Beating natural proteins at filtering water /过滤水中打浆天然蛋白质

30Recording bacterial responses to changes in the gut environment /记录细菌对肠道环境变化的反应

31The becoming of the human brain /人脑的形成

32Rethinking genetic disease /对遗传病的再思考

33New versions of Omicron are masters of immune evasion /新版Omicron是免疫逃避大师

34News at a glance: A major marsquake, Stanfords windfall for a climate school, and how birds keep their place in flocks /新闻一瞥:一场重大的Marsquake,斯坦福大学气候学院的意外之财,以及鸟类如何在群体中保持自己的位置



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