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Call for papers:npj Urban Sustainability

2022/5/19 15:10:01  阅读:734 发布者:



Pandemic conditions have imposed a natural experiment upon global populations. The dramatic changes in societal interactions due to social distancing measures to control the spread of the virus disrupt normal routines and the ability to connect to the larger world as part of daily life. Cities are innovating and are embracing new strategies to safely maintain access to public space to provide a critical connection to the larger world. These changes are reshaping the landscape of cities by reducing pollution, supporting urban local food systems, spurring changes to local biodiversity and improving opportunities for multimodal transportation.

To understand the influence of changes in city policy and practice that facilitate access to nature and the outdoors in response to the pandemic, Biophilic Cities and its partners in the Biophilic Cities Network are undertaking research with two broad components.



The first aim will be to catalog and assess best practices that cities are utilizing during the time of the pandemic. Investigations will combine recent cellphone data with existing data to analyze which policies influence the ability of vulnerable populations to use urban green space during the time of the pandemic. The second aim is to examine how lessons learned from the current pandemic instruct cities as to their future planning and design, so that urban communities can maximize their resilience in response to future natural resource crises and pandemics.

This new themed Collection of npj Urban Sustainability will help us understand how cities are adapting to the Covid pandemic to enable them to be:

  more resilient in the future, and

more sustainable as they respond to new opportunities created from the Covid-related economic disruption.

The article selection below showcases some of research the journal has already published on this topic. Visit our website to learn more about npj Urban Sustainability’s aims and scope, or to browse all available articles.

COVID-19 recovery and the global urban poor

Early pandemic COVID-19 case growth rates increase with city size

A take-home message from COVID-19 on urban air pollution reduction through mobility limitations and teleworking

Beyond Demonstrators—tackling fundamental problems in amplifying nature-based solutions for the post-COVID-19 world



To submit your manuscript for consideration at npj Urban Sustainability as part of this Collection, please follow the steps detailed on this page. Once logged in you can submit your manuscript to a Collection by selecting the appropriate manuscript type and clicking “Continue”. Then when filling out the "Manuscript Information", select the "Covid and Cities" Collection from the "Subject Terms" tab. Authors should also express their interest in the Collection in their cover letter.

Please direct any queries to Dr. Bo Liu, Executive Editor: bo.liu@nature.com

Deadline for full submissions is 31st October 2022. We welcome all types of content on this topic, including Article, Brief Communication, Comment, Perspective, and Review.


Collection Editors

Peter Newman – Professor, Curtin University, Australia,

Bill Hare – CEO / Senior Scientist, Climate Analytics, Germany,

Timothy Beatley – Professor, University of Virginia, US,

Christopher Raymond – Professor, University of Helsinki, Associate Editor, npj Urban Sustainability,

Bo Liu – Executive Editor, npj Urban Sustainability, Nature Portfolio

Call for Papers

Leveraging Nature-based Solutions for climate resilient and biodiverse urban futures



Following the joint IPCC and IPBES call to action to align policy, finance, and action for solving the twin crises of biodiversity and climate change, we propose to launch a Special Collection in npj Urban Sustainability that will publish high quality case studies, comparative assessments, and conceptual advances for leveraging urban nature-based solutions to reveal progress and advance research and action on climate mitigation, adaptation, and biodiversity conservation in ways that support equity and human well-being.  How can cities take the lead?  What empirical examples of successes can be championed to create models for replication and scaling up NBS approaches to transform cities for resilience, equity and sustainability? What can we learn from successes and difficulties in urban NBS initiatives to jointly address the biodiversity and climate crises in urban territories?

At COP26, trillions of dollars were pledged to invest in NBS for carbon drawdown, but none were committed in urban areas.  There is a disconnect between NBS for climate mitigation and the need to invest in NBS for adaptation in cities where most people live and are impacted by climate driven extreme events.  Additional Urban areas have the most direct potential impacts of NBS on human health. Aligning goals for solving the biodiversity crisis and limiting impacts of climate change on people, infrastructure, and economies requires a focus on cities and urban regions.



We are seeking a balance of perspective papers, empirical papers and case studies from the Global North and Global South across the following three themes.

Studies that uncover tensions in the assessment and achievement of carbon neutrality, biodiversity and well-being goals through NBS that point towards solutions for uniting adaptation and mitigation to conserve biodiversity and support human well-being outcomes

Empirical case studies and analyses that demonstrate shifts in policy, planning, and new governance structures that can enable joint biodiversity and climate solutions at local scales (e.g., new forms of public-private partnerships, or multi-level governance arrangements)

Examples of enabling finance and other business and governance measures to support the upscaling of nature-based and climate solutions to support rapid transformations toward sustainability

The article selection below showcases some of research the journal has already published on this topic. Visit our website to learn more about npj Urban Sustainability’s aims and scope, or to browse all available articles.

Diagnosing delivery capabilities on a large international nature-based solutions project

Beyond Demonstrators—tackling fundamental problems in amplifying nature-based solutions for the post-COVID-19 world



To submit your manuscript for consideration at npj Urban Sustainability as part of this Collection, please follow the steps detailed on this page. Once logged in you can submit your manuscript to a Collection by selecting the appropriate manuscript type and clicking “Continue”. Then when filling out the "Manuscript Information", select the "Nature-based solutions" Collection from the "Subject Terms" tab. Authors should also express their interest in the Collection in their cover letter.

Please direct any queries to Dr. Bo Liu, Executive Editor: bo.liu@nature.com

Deadline for full submissions is 31st October 2022. We welcome all types of content on this topic, including Article, Brief Communication, Comment, Perspective, and Review.


Collection Editors

Sandra Lavorel – Senior Scientist, CNRS Grenoble,

Christopher Raymond – Professor, University of Helsinki, Associate Editor, npj Urban Sustainability,

Timon McPhearson – Professor, The New School, Associate Editor, npj Urban Sustainability,

Pippin Andersson – Senior Lecturer, University of Cape Town, Associate Editor, npj Urban Sustainability,

Bo Liu – Executive Editor, npj Urban Sustainability, Nature Portfolio



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