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学术快报:Nature(VOLUME 605 ISSUE 7909, 12 MAY 2022)

2022/5/19 11:32:41  阅读:489 发布者:


最新一期Nature(VOLUME 605 ISSUE 7909, 12 MAY 2022)的文献索引信息见下方Contents,扫描列表各二维码,即可查看该篇文献提炼的中英对译的要点内容(机器翻译)。


刊次:Volume 605 Issue 7909, 12 May 2022

ISSN:0028-0836 / 1476-4687


当白矮星从伴星吸积氢时,引发失控的热核反应,就会发生新星爆炸。释放的大量能量最终产生了可以用肉眼看到的明亮光源作为新星。但据预测,在反应的初始阶段,一些能量会以强烈的光度闪烁——火球阶段——以低能 X 射线的形式丢失。在本周的问题中,Ole König 和他的同事提出了证实这一预测的观察结果。使用仪器 eROSITA 进行的扫描,研究人员在新星 YZ Reticuli 中发现了短暂而明亮的 X 射线闪光,几小时后它在光谱中变得可见。封面展示了艺术家对火球阶段新星的印象。(详情见第16篇)

Nova explosions occur when a runaway thermonuclear reaction is triggered in a white dwarf that is accreting hydrogen from a companion star. The massive amount of energy released ultimately creates the bright light source that can be seen with a naked eye as a nova. But some of the energy has been predicted to be lost during the initial stages of the reaction as a flash of intense luminosity — a fireball phase — detectable as low-energy X-rays. In this week’s issue, Ole König and his colleagues present observations that corroborate this prediction. Using scans taken by the instrument eROSITA, the researchers identified a short, bright X-ray flash from the nova YZ Reticuli a few hours before it became visible in the optical spectrum. The cover shows an artist’s impression of the nova in the fireball phase.


1TLR7 gain-of-function genetic variation causes human lupus /TLR7功能增益基因变异导致人类狼疮

2Tbx2 is a master regulator of inner versus outer hair cell differentiation /TBX2是内毛细胞与外毛细胞分化的主要调节因子

3Author Correction: Efficient and targeted COVID-19 border testing via reinforcement learning /作者更正:通过强化学习进行高效和有针对性的新冠肺炎边境测试

4Author Correction: Metastability of diamond ramp-compressed to 2 terapascals /作者更正:金刚石斜压到2兆帕斯卡的亚稳性

5Publisher Correction: Emergence of Fermi arcs due to magnetic splitting in an antiferromagnet /出版商更正:由于反铁磁体中的磁分裂而产生的费米弧

6CDC7-independent G1/S transition revealed by targeted protein degradation /靶向蛋白降解揭示CDC7无关的G1/S转变

7Phytocytokine signalling reopens stomata in plant immunity and water loss /植物免疫和水分损失中的植物细胞因子信号重新打开气孔

8Reversible RNA phosphorylation stabilizes tRNA for cellular thermotolerance /可逆RNA磷酸化稳定细胞耐热性的tRNA

9A prebiotically plausible scenario of an RNApeptide world /RNA肽世界的一个可能的假说

10Amyloid fibrils in FTLD-TDP are composed of TMEM106B and not TDP-43 /FTLD-TDP中淀粉样原纤维由TMEM106B而非TDP-43组成

11A global reptile assessment highlights shared conservation needs of tetrapods /全球爬行动物评估强调四足动物的共同保护需求

12Alternative photosynthesis pathways drive the algal CO /替代光合作用途径驱动藻类CO

13A TMPRSS2 inhibitor acts as a pan-SARS-CoV-2 prophylactic and therapeutic /TMPRSS2抑制剂作为新型冠状病毒的预防和治疗剂

14Age-dependent formation of TMEM106B amyloid filaments in human brains /人脑TMEM106B淀粉样纤维的年龄依赖性形成

15Tackling psychosocial and capital constraints to alleviate poverty /消除社会心理和资本方面的限制,以减轻贫穷

16X-ray detection of a nova in the fireball phase /火球阶段新星的X射线探测

17Rolling back human pluripotent stem cells to an eight-cell embryo-like stage /人多能干细胞回滚至八细胞胚胎样阶段

18Transitioning organizations to post-quantum cryptography /向后量子密码学过渡的组织

19Suppression of black-hole growth by strong outflows at redshifts 5.86.6 /红移5.8-6.6处强外流对黑洞生长的抑制

20Chemical reprogramming of human somatic cells to pluripotent stem cells /人体细胞向多能干细胞的化学重编程

21Light-field control of real and virtual charge carriers /实、虚载流子的光场控制

22Materials synthesis at terapascal static pressures /超静压力下的材料合成

23Observation of chiral state transfer without encircling an exceptional point /不环绕异常点的手性态转移观察

24Author Correction: Expanded encyclopaedias of DNA elements in the human and mouse genomes /作者更正:人类和小鼠基因组中DNA元件的扩充百科全书

25Author Correction: Perspectives on ENCODE /作者更正:对编码的透视

26Climate change: put water at the heart of solutions /气候变化:把水放在解决方案的核心

27Russia: could cryptocurrency mining exploit unsold fuel? /俄罗斯:加密货币采矿能开采未出售的燃料吗?

28War: polar research must transcend borders /战争:极地研究必须超越国界

29Ukraine: restore Chernobyls radioecology collaboration /乌克兰:恢复切尔诺贝利放射生态学合作

30Methods combine to decode the biology of tuberculosis /方法结合解码结核病生物学

31Medicine in the blood /血液中的药物

32Why menopause matters in the academic workplace /为什么更年期在学术工作场所很重要

33A possible path towards encoded protein synthesis on ancient Earth /古地球编码蛋白质合成的可能途径

34Chance discovery sheds light on exploding stars /偶然发现揭示了爆炸恒星

35Weak links in finance and supply chains are easily weaponized /金融和供应链薄弱环节易被武器化

36The $93-billion plan to put astronauts back on the Moon /耗资930亿美元将宇航员送回月球的计划

37These six countries are about to go to the Moon heres why /这六个国家即将登月--原因如下

38Eating less beef and an extra-bright pulsar /少吃牛肉和一颗超亮脉冲星

39NASA should lead humanitys return to the Moon /美国宇航局应带领人类重返月球

40The US Supreme Court is wrong to disregard evidence on the harm of banning abortion /美国最高法院无视禁止堕胎危害的证据是错误的

4115 million people have died in the pandemic, WHO says /世卫组织表示,已有1500万人死于这场流行病

42Are COVID surges becoming more predictable? New Omicron variants offer a hint /冠状病毒激增是否变得更加可预测?奥密克戎的新变体提供了一个提示

43Stop squandering data: make units of measurement machine-readable /停止浪费数据:使测量单位机器可读

44Most US kids have caught the coronavirus, antibody survey finds /抗体调查发现,大多数美国孩子都感染了冠状病毒

45How to make a fruitier, more floral chocolate /如何制作水果味更浓、花香更浓的巧克力

46Some people with COVID shed nearly 60 times as much virus as others /一些新冠肺炎患者传播的病毒是其他人的近60

47Carbon dioxide glaciers sculpted Martian south pole /二氧化碳冰川雕刻火星南极

48The long trail of debris left by a tuna sandwich /金枪鱼三明治留下的长长的碎片

49Whos that in Father Fishs mouth? Another dads babies /鱼神父嘴里的那个是谁?另一个爸爸的孩子

50Former US mental-health tsar calls for a care overhaul /美国前精神健康沙皇呼吁医疗改革

51Cramped chamber hides some of North Americas biggest cave art /狭小的房间里藏着一些北美最大的洞穴艺术

52Risky gain-of-function studies need stricter guidance, say US researchers /美国研究人员表示,有风险的“功能增益”研究需要更严格的指导

53Gigantic toothy swimming reptile was among the largest beasts ever /巨大的长着牙齿的游动爬行动物是有史以来最大的野兽之一

54A rethink about enzymes that drive DNA replication /对驱动DNA复制的酶的再思考

55A switch in neuronal dynamics that helps to initiate movement /有助于启动运动的神经元动力学的开关

56Phosphorylation found inside RNA /RNA内的磷酸化

57An unexpected protein aggregate in diseased and ageing brains /疾病和衰老大脑中一种意想不到的蛋白质集合体

58Long-awaited accelerator ready to explore origins of elements /期待已久的加速器准备探索元素的起源



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