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2022/5/12 9:54:12  阅读:262 发布者:


本文梳理了1949年到2021年中国境内学者发表在Review of Economic Studiesprint publication,不含接收和在线发表)上的论文,为致力于发表国际顶级期刊的学者和学生们提供借鉴,共同繁荣中国学术。

Review of Economic Studies(简称“RES”)于1933年由多位英美经济学家创立,旨在鼓励经济学家开展理论和应用经济学研究,始终致力于发表经济学各个领域的优秀研究论文。目前,该期刊被广泛认为是经济学领域的顶尖学术期刊之一。

RESAmerican Economic Review(不含P&P)、Quarterly Journal of EconomicsJournal of Political Economy Econometrica 称为经济学五大国际顶级期刊。

据统计,1949年到2021年中国境内机构共在 Review of Economic Studies 发表14篇论文,来自9所高校。

从首次发文时间来看,中国境内学者最早在 Review of Economic Studies 上发文的年份为2008年,来自清华大学和上海财经大学两所高校。

从发文篇次来看,中国境内机构在 Review of Economic Studies 发文总篇次为16,其中,上海财经大学和复旦大学最多(3篇)。其次,清华大学、上海财经大学和香港中文大学(深圳)分别发文2篇。

中国境内机构共在 Review of Economic Studies 发表的14篇论文具体列表如下:

01. China's Model of Managing the Financial System

发表时间:DEC 2021

Markus K. Brunnermeier


Princeton University, NBER


Sockin, M (Sockin, Michael)


University Texas Austin




Princeton University, NBER, 香港中文大学(深圳)


China's economic model involves regular and intensive government interventions in financial markets, while Western policymakers often refrain from substantial interventions outside crisis periods. We develop a theoretical framework to rationalize the approaches of both China and the West to managing the financial system as being optimal given the differences in their respective economies. In this framework, a government leans against trading of noise traders but at the expense of introducing policy noise to the market. Our welfare analysis shows that under certain underlying economic conditions, the optimal government policy induces a government-centric equilibrium, in which government intervention is so intensive that all investors choose to acquire private information about policy noise rather than fundamentals. This policy regime characterizes China's approach with financial stability prioritized over other policy objectives.


02. Property Rights, Land Misallocation, and Agricultural Efficiency in China


发表时间:JUL 2021


Amalavoyal Chari


University Sussex


Elaine M. Liu


University Houston, NBER


Shing-Yi Wang


NBER, University of Pennsylvania




上海交通大学, 香港中文大学(深圳)


This article examines the impact of a property rights reform in rural China that allowed farmers to lease out their land. We find the reform led to increases in land rental activity in rural households. Our results indicate that the formalization of leasing rights resulted in a redistribution of land toward more-productive farmers. Consequently, output and aggregate productivity increased by 8% and 10%, respectively. We also find that the reform increased the responsiveness of land allocation across crops to changes in crop prices.


03. Firm Response to Competitive Shocks: Evidence from China's Minimum Wage Policy


发表时间:NOV 2020


Harald Hau


University Geneva, Swiss Finance Institute, CEPR


Yi Huang


CEPR, Grad Inst Int & Dev Studies Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies






The large regional variation in minimum wage levels during the period 2002-8 in China implies that Chinese manufacturing firms experienced competitive shocks as a function of firm location and their low-wage employment share. We find that minimum wage hikes accelerate the input substitution from labour to capital, reduce employment growth and accelerate total factor productivity growth-particularly among the less productive firms under private Chinese or foreign ownership, but not among state-owned enterprises. The heterogeneous firm response to labour cost shocks can be explained by differences in management practices and suggests that management quality and competitive pressure are complementary.


04. International Financial Integration and Crisis Contagion


发表时间:MAY 2020


Michael Devereux


University British Columbia, NBER, CEPR






International financial integration helps to diversify risk but also may spread crises across countries. We provide a quantitative analysis of this trade-off in a two-country general equilibrium model with collateral-constrained borrowing using a global solution method. Borrowing constraints bind occasionally, depending upon the state of the economy and levels of inherited debt. We examine different degrees of international financial integration, moving from financial autarky, to bond and equity market integration. Financial integration leads to a significant increase in global leverage, substantially escalates the probability of crises for any one country, and dramatically increases the degree of "contagion" across countries. Outside of crises, the impact of financial integration on macroeconomic aggregates is relatively small. But the impact of a crisis with integrated international financial markets is much less severe than that under financial market autarky. Thus, a trade-off emerges between the probability of crises and the severity of crises. Using a large cross-country database of financial crises in developing and developed economies over a forty-year period, we find evidence in support of the model.


05. Frictional Goods Markets: Theory and Applications


发表时间:MAR 2020


Zachary Bethune


University Virginia


Michael Choi


University California Irvine


Randall Wright


浙江大学, University Wisconsin, FRB Minneapolis


We analyse dynamic general equilibrium models with more-or-less directed search by informed buyers and random search by uninformed buyers. This nests existing specifications and generates new insights. A quantitative application concerns the welfare cost of inflation, which is known to be quite high with pure random search and low with pure directed search. Our calibration implies the impact of inflation is fairly low, in part because, in addition to the usual costs, it provides benefits by more heavily taxing high-price sellers that inefficiently profit from exploiting the uninformed. Other applications analyse analytically and numerically changes in credit conditions and information.


06. Immigrants and the Making of America


发表时间:JAN 2020

Sandra Sequeira


London Sch EconLondon School of Economics and Political Science, CEPR


Nathan Nunn


Harvard University, NBER


Nancy Qian


CEPR , NBER, 复旦大学泛海国际金融学院


We study the effects of European immigration to the U.S. during the Age of Mass Migration (1850-1920) on economic prosperity. Exploiting cross-county variation in immigration that arises from the interaction of fluctuations in aggregate immigrant flows and of the gradual expansion of the railway network, we find that counties with more historical immigration have higher income, less poverty, less unemployment, higher rates of urbanization, and greater educational attainment today. The long-run effects seem to capture the persistence of short-run benefits, including greater industrialization, increased agricultural productivity, and more innovation.


07. Growth Through Inter-sectoral Knowledge Linkages


发表时间:OCT 2019






Li, N (Li, Nan)


International Monetary Fund


The majority of innovations are developed by multi-sector firms. The knowledge needed to invent new products is more easily adapted from some sectors than from others. We study this network of knowledge linkages between sectors and its impact on firm innovation and aggregate growth. We first document a set of sectoral-level and firm-level observations on knowledge applicability and firms' multi-sector patenting behaviour. We then develop a general equilibrium model of firm innovation in which inter-sectoral knowledge linkages determine the set of sectors a firm chooses to innovate in and how much R&D to invest in each sector. It captures how firms evolve in the technology space, accounts for cross-sector differences in R&D intensity, and describes an aggregate model of technological change. The model matches new observations as demonstrated by simulation. It also yields new insights regarding the  mechanism through which sectoral fifixed costs of R&D affect growth.


08. The Role of Firm Factors in Demand, Cost, and Export Market Selection for Chinese Footwear Producers


发表时间:OCT 2018


Mark Roberts


Penn State University, NBER


Daniel Yi Xu


NBER, Duke University






Shengxing Zhang


London Sch EconLondon School of Economics and Political Science


In this article, we use micro data on both trade and production for a sample of large Chinese manufacturing firms in the footwear industry from 2002 to 2006 to estimate an empirical model of export demand, pricing, and market participation by destination market. We use the model to construct indexes of firm-level demand, marginal cost, and fixed cost. The empirical results indicate substantial firm heterogeneity in all three dimension with demand being the most dispersed. The firm-specific demand and marginal cost components account for over 30% of market share variation, 40% of sales variation, and over 50% of price variation among exporters. The fixed cost index is the primary factor explaining differences in the pattern of destination markets across firms. The estimates are used to analyse the supply reallocation following the removal of the quota on Chinese footwear exports to the EU. This led to a rapid restructuring of export supply sources on both the intensive and extensive margins in favour of firms with high demand and low fixed costs indexes, with marginal cost differences not being important.


09. Something in the Air: Pollution and the Demand for Health Insurance


发表时间:JUL 2018


Tom Chang


University Southern California








University Southern California, 上海交通大学


We find that daily air pollution levels have a significant effect on the decision to purchase or cancel health insurance in a manner inconsistent with rational choice theory. A one standard deviation increase in daily air pollution leads to a 7.2% increase in the number of insurance contracts sold that day. Conditional on purchase, a one standard deviation decrease in air pollution during the cooling-off (i.e. cost-free cancellation) period relative to the order-date level increases the return probability by 4.0%. We explore a range of potential mechanism and find the most support for projection bias and salience.


10. Deliberating Collective Decisions


发表时间:APR 2018


Jimmy Chan




Alessandro Lizzeri


New York University




University Hong Kong


Leeat Yariv


California Institute of Technology


We present a dynamic model of sequential information acquisition by a heterogeneous committee. At each date, agents decide whether to vote to adopt one of two alternatives or continue to collect more information. The process stops when a qualified majority vote for an alternative. Three main insights emerge from our analysis and are consistent with an array of stylized facts regarding committee decision making. First, majority rule is more vulnerable than super-majority rules to the disproportionate influence of impatient committee members. Second, more diverse preferences, more patient members, or more unanimous decision voting rules lead to lengthier deliberation and more accurate decisions. Finally, balanced committees unanimously prefer to delegate deliberation power to a moderate chairman rather than be governed by a rule such as unanimity.


11. Self-Fulfilling Credit Cycles


发表时间:OCT 2016


Costas Azariadis


Washington University, Fed Reserve Bank St Louis


Leo Kaas


University Konstanz




清华大学, Fed Reserve Bank St Louis


In U.S. data 1981-2012, unsecured firm credit moves procyclically and tends to lead GDP, while secured firm credit is acyclical; similarly, shocks to unsecured firm credit explain a far larger fraction of output fluctuations than shocks to secured credit. In this article, we develop a tractable dynamic general equilibrium model in which unsecured firm credit arises from self-enforcing borrowing constraints, preventing an efficient capital allocation among heterogeneous firms. Unsecured credit rests on the value that borrowers attach to a good credit reputation which is a forward-looking variable. We argue that self-fulfilling beliefs over future credit conditions naturally generate endogenously persistent business-cycle dynamics. Adynamic complementarity between current and future borrowing limits permits uncorrelated sunspot shocks to unsecured debt to trigger persistent aggregate fluctuations in both secured and unsecured debt, factor productivity, and output. We show that these sunspot shocks are quantitatively important, accounting for around half of output volatility.


发表时间:OCT 2015


David M. Frankel


Iowa State University






We study the effects of securitization on interbank lending competition. An applicant's observable features are seen by a remote bank, while her true credit quality is known only to a local bank. Without securitization, the remote bank does not compete because of a winner's curse. With securitization, in contrast, ignorance is bliss: the less a bank knows about its loans, the less of a lemons problem it faces in selling them. This enables the remote bank to compete successfully in the lending market. Consistent with the empirical evidence, remote and securitized loans default more than observationally equivalent local and unsecuritized loans, respectively.


13. Bank credit cycles


发表时间:OCT 2008


Gary B. Gorton


University of Pennsylvania, NBER






A bank determines whether potential borrowers are creditworthy, that is, whether they meet the bank's credit or lending standards. In making this determination, each bank is in competition with other banks, but without knowing the competitor banks' credit standards. The resulting unique form of competition leads to endogenous credit cycles, periodic "credit crunches". Empirical tests of this repeated bank lending game are constructed based on parameterizing public information about relative bank performance that is at the root of banks' beliefs about rival banks' lending standards. The relative performance of rival banks has predictive power for subsequent lending in the credit card market, where we can identify the main competitors. At the macroeconomic level, the relative bank performance of commercial and industrial loans is an autonomous source of macroeconomic fluctuations. In an asset pricing context, the relative bank performance is a priced risk factor for both banks and non-financial firms. The factor coefficients for non-financial firms are decreasing with size, consistent with smaller firms being more bank dependent.


14. A spatial theory of news consumption and electoral competition


发表时间:JUL 2008


Jimmy Chan


上海财经大学 (现为香港中文大学)


Wing Suen


University Hong Kong


We characterize the optimal editorial positions of the media in a model in which the media influence both voting behaviour and party policies. Political parties are less likely to choose partisan policies when more voters consume informative news. When there are two media outlets, each should be slightly biased relative to its audience in order to attract voters with relatively extreme views. Voter welfare is typically higher under a duopoly than under a monopoly. Two media outlets under joint ownership may provide more diverse viewpoints than two independent ones, but voter welfare is not always higher.



转自:中国经济学教育科研网 2022-05-10 17:28



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