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Call for Papers:Energy Economics

2022/5/11 11:33:16  阅读:264 发布者:

Special Issue on Inflation Dynamics in a New Era of Energy Price Shocks



Inflation is a complex process. It is subject to the nonlinear interconnectedness between key economic variables. At the same time demand-driven disturbances, energy price shocks and expectations can significantly impact inflationary dynamics. It is argued that the multiplicity of determinants of inflation in the short-run and the evolution of inflation expectations over time can impair the monetary policy transmission channel. Besides traditional demand and supply imbalances, factors such as climate change, renewable energy policies and geopolitical tensions are able to destabilize price behavior, fuel inflation persistence and influence output growth. In addition, their asymmetric and heterogeneous effects can undermine the effectiveness of the monetary policy to maintain price stability. The complex synergy that may arise between this unusual surge from the supply side and the economic recovery from Covid19 introduces a new era of inflationary dynamics.




The relevant topics for this special issue include, but are not limited to:


Inflation expectations and energy price shocks


Drivers of high energy prices and inflation dynamics


Supply shocks and inflation persistence


Impact of the renewable energy sources on inflation dynamics


Climate risks and energy prices


Monetary policy and low-carbon transition


Distributional Implications of increasing energy prices on inflation


Format: as normal papers in the journal.

All submissions must contain original unpublished work not being considered for publication elsewhere. Submissions will be refereed according to standard procedures for Energy Economics. Information about the journal and submission of papers can be found at




3Manuscript submission information


Submission (tentative):


Deadline for submission: end of December 2022

Notification of acceptance: until end of July 2023

Deadline for submission of the revised papers: end of September 2023


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4About Energy Economics


Energy Economics is the premier field journal for energy economics and energy finance. Themes include, but are not limited to, the exploitation, conversion and use of energy, markets for energy commodities and derivatives, regulation and taxation, forecasting, environment and climate, international trade, development, and monetary policy. Contributions to the journal can use a range of methods, if appropriately and rigorously applied, including but not limited to experiments, surveys, econometrics, decomposition, simulation models, equilibrium models, optimization models, and analytical models.




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