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学术快报:Nature(VOLUME 604 ISSUE 7905, 14 APRIL 2022)

2022/5/11 9:35:32  阅读:830 发布者:


最新一期Nature(VOLUME 604 ISSUE 7905, 14 APRIL 2022)的文献索引信息见下方Contents


刊次:Volume 604 Issue 7905, 14 April 2022


ISSN:0028-0836 / 1476-4687




2015 12 月通过的巴黎气候协议见证了世界各国承诺将全球变暖限制在比工业化前水平高出 2°C 的范围内,并努力将变暖限制在 1.5°C。但当时对减排的有限承诺表明,这一目标很难实现。在本周的问题中,Malte Meinshausen 和他的同事分析了自 2015 年以来提出的国家气候目标。研究人员发现,如果各国迄今为止做出的所有承诺都得到充分实施,那么就有可能将变暖限制在略低于2℃。他们进一步指出,要将升温限制在远低于 2°C 1.5°C 的范围内,需要加强对 2030 年的承诺、采取行动来实现这些承诺以及实现 CO 2净零排放的长期目标到本世纪中叶的排放量。(详情见第15篇)


The Paris climate agreement adopted in December 2015 saw nations around the world commit to limiting global warming to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, and to pursue efforts to limit warming to 1.5 °C. But limited pledges on emissions cuts at the time suggested this goal would be tough to realize. In this week’s issue, Malte Meinshausen and his colleagues analyse the national climate targets put on the table since 2015. The researchers found that if all commitments so far made by nations were to be fully implemented then it would be possible to limit warming to just below 2 °C. They further note that to limit warming to well below 2 °C or 1.5 °C would require a strengthening of pledges for 2030, actions to match these promises and a longer-term target of net-zero CO2 emissions by the middle of the century.




1Publisher Correction: Mechanisms of inhibition and activation of extrasynaptic αβ GABA /发布者校正:突触外αβGABA的抑制和激活机制


2Author Correction: A chickpea genetic variation map based on the sequencing of 3,366 genomes /作者更正:基于3366个基因组测序的鹰嘴豆遗传变异图谱


3Publisher Correction: Evolution of enhanced innate immune evasion by SARS-CoV-2 /出版商更正:新冠病毒增强先天性免疫逃避的进化


4Publisher Correction: A trispecific antibody targeting HER2 and T cells inhibits breast cancer growth via CD4 cells /出版商更正:靶向HER2T细胞的三特异性抗体通过CD4细胞抑制乳腺癌生长


5A grass-roots science movement to rebuild Lebanon /重建黎巴嫩的草根科学运动


6Climate change four decades of missed opportunities /气候变化--错失机遇的四十年


7Maize under threat, and morality for cars: Books in brief /《濒危的玉米》和《知道太多的汽车》:书籍简介


8N6-methyladenosine in poly(A) tails stabilize VSG transcripts / 聚(A)尾中的N6甲基腺苷稳定VSG转录本


9Anatomic position determines oncogenic specificity in melanoma /解剖位置决定黑色素瘤的致癌特异性


10Structure deformation and curvature sensing of PIEZO1 in lipid membranes /PieZo1在脂质膜中的结构变形和曲率传感


11A complete temporal transcription factor series in the fly visual system /苍蝇视觉系统中一个完整的时间转录因子序列


12A joint NCBI and EMBL-EBI transcript set for clinical genomics and research /用于临床基因组学和研究的NCBIEMBL-EBI联合转录集


13Compartmentalized metabolism supports midgestation mammalian development /隔间代谢支持孕中期哺乳动物发育


14Structural basis of lipopolysaccharide maturation by the O-antigen ligase /O-抗原连接酶促脂多糖成熟的结构基础


15Realization of Paris Agreement pledges may limit warming just below 2 °C /《巴黎协定》承诺的实现可能会将升温限制在2°C以下


16Intelligent infrared sensing enabled by tunable moiré quantum geometry /可调谐莫尔量子几何实现的智能红外传感


17Capturing a rhodopsin receptor signalling cascade across a native membrane /在天然膜上捕获视紫红质受体信号级联


18Two defence systems eliminate plasmids from seventh pandemic /两个防御系统消除第七次大流行的质粒


19N6-methyladenosine in poly(A) tails stabilize VSG transcripts / 聚(A)尾中的N6甲基腺苷稳定VSG转录本


20Electrochemically driven cross-electrophile coupling of alkyl halides /卤代烷的电化学驱动交亲电偶联


21Obesity alters pathology and treatment response in inflammatory disease /肥胖改变炎症性疾病的病理和治疗反应


22AAV-delivered suppressor tRNA overcomes a nonsense mutation in mice /AAV介导的抑制tRNA克服小鼠无义突变


23Bat coronaviruses related to SARS-CoV-2 and infectious for human cells /与新冠病毒相关并对人体细胞具有传染性的蝙蝠冠状病毒


24Synthesis of chiral sulfinate esters by asymmetric condensation /不对称缩合法合成手性亚磺酸酯


25Thermophotovoltaic efficiency of 40% /40%的热光电效率


26Uniting tensile ductility with ultrahigh strength via composition undulation /用成分波动法统一拉伸延性与超高强度


27Perovskiteorganic tandem solar cells with indium oxide interconnect /具有氧化铟互连的钙钛矿-有机串联太阳电池


28A dusty compact object bridging galaxies and quasars at cosmic dawn /宇宙黎明时连接星系和类星体的尘埃致密物体


29Brain-inspired computing needs a master plan /脑启发计算需要一个总体规划


30Particles surprise mass threatens to upend the standard model /粒子惊人的质量有可能颠覆标准模型


31Three ways Europe could limit Russian oil and gas revenues /欧洲限制俄罗斯油气收入的三种方式


32Argentina: wildfires jeopardize rewilding /阿根廷:野火危及重建


33Ebola virus: DRC field laboratories rapid response /埃博拉病毒:刚果民主共和国实地实验室的快速反应


34We commercialized a methane capture technology in ten years heres how /我们在十年内将一项甲烷捕获技术商业化--以下是方法


35What's next for AlphaFold and the AI protein-folding revolution /AlphaFold和人工智能蛋白质折叠革命的下一步是什么


36Funny paper titles, COVID immunity and carbon storage /有趣的论文标题,Covid免疫和碳储存


37Global science must stand up for Irans imprisoned scholars /全球科学必须为伊朗被监禁的学者挺身而出


38The war in Ukraine is exposing gaps in the worlds food-systems research /乌克兰战争暴露了世界粮食系统研究的差距


39A detector that can learn the fingerprint of light /能学习光的指纹的探测器


40Your brain expands and shrinks over time these charts show how /你的大脑随着时间的推移而膨胀和收缩--这些图表显示了


41What the war in Ukraine means for energy, climate and food /乌克兰战争对能源、气候和粮食意味着什么


42What triggers severe COVID? Infected immune cells hold clues /什么引发了严重的COVID?受感染的免疫细胞掌握着蛛丝马迹


43Your morning coffee is served up by the birds and the bees /你早上的咖啡是由鸟儿和蜜蜂供应的


44Keeping it cool: a laser delicately carves up a crystal without heating /保持凉爽:激光在不加热的情况下精细地切割晶体


45The miniature mice locked in an evolutionary battle of the sexes /微型老鼠陷入了一场性别进化之战


46Scorching summers can now be predicted months earlier /炎热的夏天现在可以提前几个月预测


47Massive floodgates protect Venice but damage natural areas /巨大的闸门保护了威尼斯,但破坏了自然地区


48How to save water: plumbing can be changed but people cant /如何节约用水:水管可以换,人却不能换


49University culture wars over race theory recall 1920s fight to teach evolution /关于种族理论的大学文化之战回顾20世纪20年代为教授进化论而进行的斗争


50Net-zero commitments could limit warming to below 2 °C /净零承诺可将升温限制在2°C以下


51Cholera-causing bacteria have defences that degrade plasmid invaders /引起霍乱的细菌具有降解质粒入侵者的防御能力


52Cell position matters in tumour development /细胞位置在肿瘤发生发展中的作用


53Electrification promotes tricky synthetic chemical reactions /电气化促进复杂的合成化学反应


54Physicists think outside the box for better package design /物理学家跳出框框思考更好的包装设计




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