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学术快报:Nature(VOLUME 604 ISSUE 7907, 28 APRIL 2022)

2022/5/7 11:41:49  阅读:367 发布者:

学术猫 2022-05-06 14:00



刊次:Volume 604 Issue 7907, 28 April 2022


封面是一名艺术家对皇帝雷神翼龙(Tupandactylus imperator)的描绘。虽然有报道称有羽毛翼龙,但这些说法一直存在争议,目前还不清楚这些皮革翅膀的飞行爬行动物是否像现代鸟类一样拥有不同颜色的羽毛。在本周的期刊中,奥德·辛科塔和她的同事们提出了证据,证明翼龙不仅有羽毛,而且羽毛可能有不同的颜色。研究人员分析了在巴西发现的约1.13亿年前的雷神翼龙的部分头骨。他们在羽毛冠的底部发现了两种类型的羽毛,其中一种具有与现代羽毛非常相似的分支结构。他们还在两种类型的羽毛和头冠上的皮肤中发现了产生色素的细胞器。研究小组认为,这些有颜色的羽毛可能用于视觉交流,它们在雷神翼龙的存在表明,控制羽毛颜色的能力可以追溯到比以前人们所知的更远的地方(详见第4篇)

The cover shows an artist’s impression of the pterosaur Tupandactylus imperator. Although feathered pterosaurs have been reported, these claims have been controversial and it has not been clear whether these leathery-winged flying reptiles had feathers of different colours like modern-day birds. In this week’s issue, Aude Cincotta and her colleagues present evidence that not only did pterosaurs have feathers but that the feathers probably had varied coloration. The researchers analysed a partial skull of Tupandactylus, found in Brazil and dated to around 113 million years ago. They identified two types of feather along the base of the crest, one of which featured branched structures very similar to modern feathers. They also found pigment-producing organelles in both types of feather and the skin on the head crest. The team suggests that these coloured feathers would have been used in visual communication and that their presence in Tupandactylus indicates the ability to manipulate feather colour stretches back farther than was previously realized.


1Somatic genomic changes in single Alzheimers disease neurons /阿尔茨海默病单个神经元的体细胞基因组变化

2CCNE1 amplification is synthetic lethal with PKMYT1 kinase inhibition /CCNE1的扩增是合成致死的,PKMYT1激酶抑制

3Modulation of inhibitory communication coordinates looking and reaching /抑制性通信坐标的调节

4Pterosaur melanosomes support signalling functions for early feathers /翼龙黑素体支持早期羽毛的信号功能

5Structural basis for the tethered peptide activation of adhesion GPCRs /粘附性GPCRs栓系肽激活的结构基础

6Engineered jumpers overcome biological limits via work multiplication /工程跳跃者通过功倍增克服生物极限

7Somatic mosaicism reveals clonal distributions of neocortical development /体细胞镶嵌揭示新皮质发育的克隆分布

8Specification of CNS macrophage subsets occurs postnatally in defined niches /CNS巨噬细胞亚群的特异性发生在出生后确定的小生境中

9Machine learning-aided engineering of hydrolases for PET depolymerization /机器学习辅助PET解聚水解酶工程

10Tethered peptide activation mechanism of the adhesion GPCRs ADGRG2 and ADGRG4 /粘附GPCRs ADGRG2ADGRG4的栓系肽激活机制

11Cell transcriptomic atlas of the non-human primate /非人灵长类动物细胞转录图谱

12Structural basis of tethered agonism of the adhesion GPCRs ADGRD1 and ADGRF1 /粘附性GPCRs ADGRD1ADGRF1系留激动的结构基础

13The tethered peptide activation mechanism of adhesion GPCRs /粘附性GPCRs的栓系肽激活机制

14Early Solar System instability triggered by dispersal of the gaseous disk /由气态盘扩散引发的早期太阳系不稳定性

15Environmental factors shaping the gut microbiome in a Dutch population /影响荷兰人肠道微生物群的环境因素

16SARS-CoV-2 is associated with changes in brain structure in UK Biobank /英国生物库中新冠病毒与大脑结构变化有关

17Catalytic synthesis of phenols with nitrous oxide /氧化亚氮催化合成酚类化合物

18Observation of a linked-loop quantum state in a topological magnet /拓扑磁体中链环量子态的观测

19The field-free Josephson diode in a van der Waals heterostructure /Van der Waals异质结中的无场Josephson二极管

20Computer-designed repurposing of chemical wastes into drugs /计算机设计的化学废物再利用成药物

21FAIR data enabling new horizons for materials research /数据公正,为材料研究开辟新的视野

22Macron win relieves French researchers /马克龙获胜让法国研究人员松一口气

23Cliff falls: using a smartphone to track erosion /悬崖瀑布:用智能手机追踪侵蚀

24Base edit your way to better crops /基础编辑您的方式更好的作物

25How to handle a supervisors sudden departure /如何处理主管突然离职

26How ancient DNA hit the headlines /DNA是如何登上头条的

27Enslaved people and the birth of epidemiology /被奴役者与流行病学的诞生

28COVID is spreading in deer. What does that mean for the pandemic? /Covid正在鹿中传播。这对流行病意味着什么?

29Collegiality pays and biodiversity struggles /合议付出与生物多样性斗争

30Medical regulators: look beyond animal tests /医疗监管机构:超越动物试验

31Chemistry education must change to help the planet: heres how /化学教育必须改变以帮助地球:如下所示

32One Health: new evaluation framework launched /一个健康:新评估框架推出

33World Bank speeds Africas COVID vaccination /世界银行加快非洲Covid疫苗接种

34Arctic science diplomacy maintains Russia co-operation /北极科学外交维护俄罗斯合作

35Trove of tumour genomes offers clues to cancer origins /大量肿瘤基因组为癌症起源提供线索

36A superfluid sets out on an endless circular journey /一个超流体开始了无止境的循环之旅

37Huge ice shelves collapse after sky rivers surge into Antarctica /天空河流涌入南极洲后巨大冰架坍塌

38Tourists sweet treats threaten rare iguanas health /游客甜食威胁珍稀鬣蜥健康

39Next stop, Uranus? Icy planet tops priority list for next big NASA mission /下一站,天王星?冰行星是美国宇航局下一次大任务的首要任务

40Jumping robot bests biology by enhancing stored energy /跳跃机器人提高能量储存能力胜过生物学

41Tailor-made enzymes poised to propel plastic recycling into a new era /量身定制的酶将推动塑料回收进入新时代

42Long-sought structure of Pepto-Bismol decoded /长时间寻找的Pepto-Bismol解码结构

43Biotech firm announces results from first US trial of genetically modified mosquitoes /生物技术公司宣布美国首次转基因蚊子试验结果

44Are new Omicron subvariants a threat? Heres how scientists are keeping watch /新的奥密克戎亚变种是威胁吗?以下是科学家们的观察

45Dressed for success: soft gel cloaked in membrane can snap brick /为成功而穿衣:软凝胶披在薄膜里可以卡扣砖

46Deer symbol hints at early adoption of Maya calendar /鹿的符号暗示玛雅历法的早期采用

47Record-breaking simulation hints at how climate shaped human migration /破纪录的模拟暗示气候如何影响人类迁徙

48Employers can make remote working a success by listening to research /雇主可以通过听取研究来成功地进行远程工作

49A colourful view of the origin of dinosaur feathers /恐龙羽毛起源的多姿多彩

50Bacteria spin sugar for a greener and better plastic /细菌旋转糖分制造出更环保更好的塑料

51Animals that count, and the history of death: Books in brief /有价值的动物和死亡的历史:书籍简介

52Self-activated adhesion receptor proteins visualized /自激活黏附受体蛋白的可视化

53Brain changes after COVID revealed by imaging /影像学研究COVID后脑组织的变化



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