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2022/5/6 14:44:21  阅读:239 发布者:

原创 毛毛弟 一起学科研 2022-05-02 17:00

Frequent moderate to vigorous physical activity is an important strategy in prevention of cardiovascular-specific and all-cause mortality, and is graded as “strong” evidence unlikely to be changed with new evidence by Health and Human Services. Exercise appears to be strongly associated with decreases in mortality risk at up to 5 times the minimum-recommended weekly exercise dose (HR: 0.58), although evidence from the Copenhagen City Heart Study suggests that extreme exercise routines beyond this threshold may attenuate these benefits, and a more recent review evaluated risks and benefits of extreme exercise. Thus, the relationship between exercise and mortality risk is nonlinear: more exercise appears to correspond to even greater reductions in mortality risk in cohort meta-analyses, within reason. This effect, as demonstrated in these prior studies, is comparable in magnitude across modality of exercise (ie, biking vs walking), race, sex, age, and weight. The association is also robust among participants living in countries differing in socioeconomic class, an important indicator that exercise does not benefit only the wealthy.




Because there is such strong evidence for the relationship of exercise with cardiovascular disease and mortality, estimation of the effect of exercise is primarily abstracted from cohort studies, rather than randomized controlled trials. As such, numerous selection biases are challenging to mitigate in generating reliable point estimates. Important confounders include other health behaviors associated with both exercise and mortality, such as chronic disease burden, dietary intake, medication adherence, and abstinence from maladaptive behaviors like tobacco and alcohol abuse. Further, these studies frequently rely on single or mean survey responses to quantify physical activity; participants who are followed longitudinally may change their activity levels without being accurately recategorized for analysis. Multivariable analysis with propensity score matching is frequently used to mitigate bias from known confounders in these studies, but little can be done to mitigate misclassification of exercise activity levels over time if there are no or few repeated surveys.




Meta-analysis, or the synthesis of evidence gathered from multiple studies of the same relationship, is a powerful method for maximizing the reliability of available evidence in an unbiased manner. Investigators typically rely on either pooled (individual patient) data or aggregate (studylevel) data to combine evidence across studies and generate effect estimates with greater precision. Typically, the studies are weighted for metaanalysis based on their variance; studies with more patients and more precise CIs contribute more heavily to the meta-analysis estimates. Investigators may even perform network meta-analysis, which synthesizes direct evidence from within studies with indirect evidence between studies. Thus, metaanalysis and network meta-analysis are used to generate the evidentiary foundation for cardiovascular guidelines on topics ranging from drug-related adverse events to intervention efficacy. The inherent danger of these methods is that differences between studies—heterogeneity—may still bias the estimated association. Therefore, it is critical to maintain strict inclusion criteria and to perform numerous sensitivity analyses to demonstrate that the main results are robust.




In this issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Gonzalez-Jaramillo et al synthesized evidence from cohort studies to estimate the effect of changes in exercise behavior on cardiovascular disease incidence and mortality in participants with established coronary heart disease. Although they did not have access to individual patient data, they used the published HRs and CIs from the included studies to estimate the effect, compared with remaining sedentary over time, of the following: 1) increasing physical activity over time; 2) decreasing physical activity over time; and 3) maintaining high physical activity levels over time on mortality. They searched for all cohort studies that contained at least 2 measures for physical activity over time and estimated the effect on cardiovascular and/or all-cause mortality. Although their search criteria allowed for both retrospective and prospective cohort designs, results yielded exclusively prospective cohort studies. Mixing retrospective and prospective study designs is potentially dangerous, as this is only reliable when there is strong certainty that the measured exposures are not different across study designs. The authors used random effects weighting, which is appropriate where the assumption is that the exposures across the study are not identical.




After screening >12,000 published papers, the authors identified 42 cohort studies that assessed physical activity and mortality over time. Of those, only 9 included multiple measures for physical activity and all-cause mortality, and were ultimately included in the meta-analysis. Of these, 6 included cardiovascular-specific mortality, 4 were in patients who had acute CHD, and 5 were in cohorts with chronic CHD.




Findings for all-cause mortality were statistically and clinically significant: maintaining an active lifestyle was associated with a 50% reduction in all-cause mortality, participants who increased physical activity over time had a 45% reduction, and patients who decreased physical activity over time had a 20% reduction compared with those who remained sedentary. These trends were largely consistent in both the acute and chronic CHD subcohorts. The main findings were robust in sensitivity analyses, but there was substantial heterogeneity bias risk in each category: it is likely that the cohorts and exposures meaningfully differed across studies. Although this means that the reported effect may be biased, stratification by source population (studies with participants from the general population vs studies with participants from a CHD-exclusive population) drastically decreased the calculated heterogeneity bias risk scores across all categories. Findings were similar for cardiovascular disease–specific mortality: in the 6 studies (n =9,422) that reported cardiovascular mortality, there was a 51% reduction in risk for those that stayed active over time, a 37% reduction in risk for those that became more active over time, and a nonsignificant 9% reduction in risk for those that decreased physical activity over time.


对全因死亡率的研究结果具有统计学和临床学意义:保持积极的生活方式与全因死亡率减少50%有关,随着时间推移增加体力活动的参与者减少45%,而随着时间推移减少体力活动的患者与保持久坐的人相比减少20%。这些趋势在急性和慢性CHD亚群中基本一致。主要研究结果在敏感性分析中是稳健的,但在每个类别中都有大量的异质性偏倚风险:在不同的研究中,队列和暴露可能有意义的不同。虽然这意味着报告的效果可能有偏倚,但按来源人群进行分层(由普通人群参与的研究与由CHD专属人群参与的研究)大大降低了所有类别的异质性偏倚风险计算得分。对心血管疾病特异性死亡率的研究结果类似:在报告心血管死亡率的6项研究中(n =9,422),随着时间的推移保持活动的人的风险降低了51%,随着时间的推移变得更加活跃的人的风险降低了37%,随着时间的推移减少体力活动的人的风险降低了9%,但这并不显著。


The authors are to be commended for the development of this important meta-analysis. They performed numerous sensitivity analyses and subanalyses that should give the reader greater confidence in the findings as a whole. The authors also point out the limitation that unmeasured confounders that may have appeared in the follow-up periods, such as peripheral arterial disease and heart failure, may affect the association of decreased physical activity over time and mortality, and that these factors should be examined in future studies.




What then is the impact of the study for the practicing clinician? First, it is important to recognize that there will not be any long-term randomized trials that have groups assigned to maintaining, increasing, reducing, or stopping physical activity. Thus, this meta-analysis provides the highest level of evidence generated on the long-term benefits of physical activity and survival in CHD patients. The message therefore is clear and straightforward: physical activity is extremely important for long-term outcomes in the patient with CHD! Increasing physical activity after an event is highly beneficial, and conversely, if an individual becomes inactive, much of the benefit is lost, which is supportive of the phrase “use it or lose it.” Physical activity, which ideally according to guidelines should include aerobic exercise and resistance training, should be considered a foundational therapy for patients with CHD. Cardiac rehabilitation programs have proven benefits in patients with CHD and should be used routinely. Unfortunately, they are very underutilized, and thus it is imperative that all health care providers include a history of physical activity and exercise at every visit for patients with CHD and include recommendations in the treatment plan and after-visit summary to address this critical issue.


那么,这项研究对实践中的临床医生有什么影响?首先,重要的是要认识到,不会有任何长期的随机试验,将小组分配到维持、增加、减少或停止体力活动。因此,这项Meta分析提供了关于体力活动和CHD患者生存的长期益处的最高水平的证据。因此,信息是清晰而直接的:体力活动对CHD患者的长期疗效极为重要! 在事件发生后增加体力活动是非常有益的,反之,如果一个人变得不活跃,大部分的好处就会丧失,这也是对“不使用就失去”这句话的支持。体力活动,根据指南,理想情况下应该包括有氧运动和阻力训练,应该被认为是CHD患者的基础治疗。心脏康复项目已被证明对CHD患者有好处,应常规使用。不幸的是,它们的利用率很低,因此,所有医疗服务提供者必须在CHD患者的每次就诊中包括体育活动和运动史,并在治疗计划和就诊后总结中包括建议,以解决这一关键问题。

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