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2022/5/5 10:03:37  阅读:1012 发布者:

学术世界 2022-05-05 07:30












T1 期刊

序号     期刊名称

1    Applied Surface Science

2    Ceramics International

3    Combustion and Flame

4    Composite Structures

5    Composites Science and Technology

6    Defence Technology(防务技术)

7    Fuel

8    Information Sciences

9    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

10  International Journal of Impact Engineering

11  International Journal of Mechanical Sciences

12  International Journal of Plasticity

13  Journal of Alloys and Compounds

14  Journal of Fluid Mechanics

15  Journal of Hazardous Materials

16  Journal of Sound and Vibration

17  Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

18  Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

19  Reliability Engineering and System Safety

20  爆炸与冲击

21  兵工学报

22  含能材料



T2 期刊

序号     期刊名称

1    Advances in Applied Mechanics

2    Annual Review of Fluid Mechnics

3    Combustion Science and Technology

4    Computational Mechanics

5    Engineering Fracture Mechanics

6    IEEE Sensors Journal

7    IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

8    IEEE Transactions on Robotics

9    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

10  IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation

11  Intemational Journal for Numerical Methods In Engineering

12  International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow

13  Intemational Journal of MultiphaseFlow

14  Intemational Journal of Solids and Structures

15  Jounal of Applied Physics

16  Joumal of Fluids and Structures

17  Joumal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries

18  Journal of Materials Science

19  Jounal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

20  Materials Science and Engineering: A

21  Measurement

22  Mechanics of Materials

23  Neurocomputing

24  Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

25  Physics of Fluids

26  Safety Science

27  Signal Processing

28  Surface and Coatings Technology

29  Thermochimica Acta

30  北京理工大学学报

31  表面技术

32  哈尔滨工程大学学报

33  哈尔滨工业大学学报

34  火炸药学报

35  计算机集成制造系统

36  南京理工大学学报

37  西北工业大学学报

38  应用光学

39  中国舰船研究




序号     期刊名称

1    Arabian Jounal for Science and Engineering

2    Australian Journal of Chemistry

3    Combustion. Explosion,and Shock Waves

4    Digital Signal Processing

5    Experiments in Fluids

6    IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science

7    International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics

8    International Journal of Damage Mechanics

9    International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks

10  International Jounal ofThemophvsics

11  Joumal of Enerzetic Materials

12  Joumal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics

13  Joumal of Spacecraft and Rockets

14  Materials Letters

15  Materials Research Express

16  Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics

17  RSC Advances

18  Shock and Vibration

19  Shock Waves

20  Signal Image and Video Processing

21  The International Jounal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

22  Thermal Science

23  包装工程

24  爆破

25  爆破器材

26  兵器材料科学与工程

27  兵器装备工程学报

28  测试技术学报

29  车辆与动力技术

30  弹道学报

31  弹箭与制导学报

32  飞航导弹

33  高压物理学报

34  工程塑料应用

35  固体火箭技术

36  光学技术

37  航空兵器

38  红外技术

39  火力与指挥控制

40  火炮发射与控制学报

41  舰船科学技术

42  精密成形工程

43  水下无人系统学报

44  无人系统技术

45  战术导弹技术

46  长春理工大学学报(自然科学版)

47  指挥控制与仿真

48  指挥信息系统与技术

49  指挥与控制学报

50  中北大学学报(自然科学版)

51  重庆理工大学学报(自然科学)

52  装备环境工程




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