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2022/5/5 9:31:21  阅读:554 发布者:

高校财会新闻 会计学术联盟 2022-05-04 11:31


近日,小编在浏览北大会计系教师主页时发现两位新面孔,通过网站检索到2021910日北京大学光华管理学院《你好,新教员!| 祝老师们教师节快乐!》报道证实,光华管理学院会计系有两位新教员加入!分别是胡丹琪副教授和黄芊助理教授。胡丹琪副教授此前任美国西北大学凯洛格商学院,博士毕业于多伦多大学;黄芊助理教授则在2021年从哥伦比亚大学取得会计学博士学位。


胡丹琪,现任北京大学光华管理学院副教授,此前任美国西北大学凯洛格商学院助理教授。胡博士从多伦多大学获得管理学博士学位,从北京大学获得金融学硕士学位,以及从武汉大学获得金融工程学士学位(Danqi Hu holds a PhD in Management from the University of Toronto and a Master of Finance from Peking University, andBA in Financial Engineering from Wuhan University.)。

主要研究领域是财务会计和资本市场;她致力于使用新技术(比如文本分析和机器学习)和高频数据来研究市场透明度,公司透明度,二者的互动关系以及它们对于资本市场制度设计和公司财务披露监管的政策意义。胡博士曾经获得美国会计师协会FARS Best Dissertation AwardDoctoral Dissertation Award for Innovative Research in Accounting Education。她的研究成果发表在Journal of Accounting and Economics, The Accounting Review,  Review of Accounting Studies等国际顶级期刊上。




[1] The Benefits of Specific Risk-Factor Disclosures, with Ole-Kristian Hope and Hai Lu, Review of Accounting Studies 2016

[2] Third-Party Consequences of Short-Selling Threats: The Case of Auditor Behavior, with Ole-Kristian Hope and Wuyang Zhao, Journal of Accounting and Economics 2017

Best Paper Award of Conference on Investor Protection, Corporate Governance, and Fraud Prevention

[3] News at the Bell and a Level Playing Field, with Andrew Stephan, The Accounting Review Forthcoming

[4] Strategic Entry Deterrence in the Audit Industry: Evidence from the Merger of Professional Accounting Bodies, with Stephanie Cheng and Ole-Kristian Hope, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 2021



[5] Persistence of Activist Short-Sellers' Performance, with Beverly Walther (R&R at Management Science)

[6] Information Processing in a Transparent Market: Evidence from Defi, with Sarit Markovich and Valerie Zhang (R&R at Management Science)

[7] When Do Informed Short Sellers Trade? Evidence from Intraday Data and Implications for Informed Trading Models, with Charles Jones and Xiaoyan Zhang (NBER Summer Institute Workshop Paper)

[8] The Rise of Reddit: How Social Media Affects Retail Investors and Short-sellers Roles in Price Discovery, with Charles Jones, Valerie Zhang and Xiaoyan Zhang

[9] When Earnings Meet Auctions, with Ole-Kristian Hope and Junhao Liu

[10] Credible Disclosure Signals in Unregulated Markets: Evidence from Initial Coin Offerings, with Andrew Leone and Valerie Zhang

[11] Detecting Opportunistic Short Campaigns solo author

Finalist of the 2017 Crowell Memorial Prize

[12] Does the Public Availability of Market Participants' Trading Data Affect Firm Disclosure? Evidence from Short Sellers (Job Market Paper)

Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Best Dissertation Award

Doctoral Dissertation Awards for Innovative Research in Accounting Education by American Accounting Association


黄芊,现任北京大学光华管理学院会计系助理教授,于纽约大学斯特恩商学院获得经济理论和会计学士学位,随后于2021年在哥伦比亚大学取得会计学博士学位。研究兴趣一方面包括使用实证方法探索财务报告对市场的影响、监管有效性、投资者保护、公司治理、信息披露等议题,另一方面也包括如何具体测量一些抽象概念,比如通过估计和比较财务欺诈责任人的个人利益与违法成本,推测现有的市场监管体制是否有效。博士期间曾在会计学国际顶级期刊Review of Accounting Studies发表研究论文。

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