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期刊好文 | 最近发展区理论与支架理论的“错爱”——James P.Lantolf教授访谈录(英文)

2022/4/28 16:02:18  阅读:662 发布者:

中国应用语言学 北外学术期刊 2022-04-27 16:26

主编      文秋芳



Lili QIN;Dalian University of Foreign Languages;



最近发展区理论(zone of proximal development=ZPD)和支架理论(scaffolding)无论在理论发展根源还是概念内涵上都有非常大的区别,甚至可以说两者之间是大相径庭的。然而,由于在两个理念的发展沿革过程中,一些学者对两者内涵产生了误解,导致两者被误认为是相似的理念,因而时常被混为一谈。来自美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学的James Lantolf教授接受了由大连外国语大学秦丽莉教授发起的专访,并对以上问题进行了深度的解析。访谈从最近发展区和支架理念的理论根源、内涵、相关定义开始,逐步解读了两者如何被"错爱一生"的故事,并最终明确指出,两者在语言教学的实践应用中蕴含着完全不一样的教学理念,因此不应该继续相互通用。

The zone of proximal development(ZPD) and the scaffolding theory are very different, both in terms of their theoretical origins and connotations, and can even be said to be very different.However, during the development of the two concepts, some scholars have misunderstood them,resulting in the two being mistaken for similar concepts and therefore often confused. Professor James Lantolf from Pennsylvania State University(State College, USA) was interviewed by Professor Lili Qin from Dalian University of Foreign Studies(Dalian, China) and provides an indepth analysis of these issues. The interview begins with the theoretical roots, connotations and definitions of the ZPD and scaffolding concepts, and then unravels the story of how they have been“mistakenly loved for life”, and ultimately it is made clear that the two concepts are completely different in their practical application to language teaching and should not continue to be used interchangeably.

关键词(KeyWords) 最近发展区;支架;发展;内化;模仿


基金项目(Foundation): National Project on Social Sciences and Philosophy Efficacy of Ecological Affordances Actualization in Language Learning Environment in China in the Technology Era (Project No.: 16BYY093);; Key Research Project of Foreign Language Learners’ Agency in The Large-scale Online Learning Environment Informed by Sociocultural Theory” funded by the Liaoning Provincial Department of Education (Project No.: 2020JYT02)~~

作者(Authors): 秦丽莉;

Lili QIN;Dalian University of Foreign Languages;


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