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学术快报:Nature(VOLUME 604 ISSUE 7906, 21 APRIL 2022)

2022/4/28 10:56:33  阅读:409 发布者:

学术猫 2022-04-27 14:00


刊次:Volume 604 Issue 7906, 21 April 2022

ISSN:0028-0836 / 1476-4687




Cells acquire mutations throughout life, a process that is known to give rise to cancer and has been proposed to contribute to ageing. There is little knowledge, however, about the rate at which mutations accumulate in species other than humans, and whether this rate is influenced by biological traits such as lifespan or body size. In this week’s issue, Alex Cagan, Adrian Baez-Ortega and colleagues address these questions. The researchers studied the speed at which mutations accumulate during life in 16 mammalian species and found that the number of mutations increases by a roughly constant amount each year. They also observed that the molecular processes causing mutations are broadly similar across species. Crucially, the team identified a strong anticorrelation between lifespan and mutation rate: longer-lived species accrue mutations at a slower pace than shorter-lived ones, such that different species have roughly the same number of mutations by the end of their respective lifespans


Cells acquire mutations throughout life, a process that is known to give rise to cancer and has been proposed to contribute to ageing. There is little knowledge, however, about the rate at which mutations accumulate in species other than humans, and whether this rate is influenced by biological traits such as lifespan or body size. In this week’s issue, Alex Cagan, Adrian Baez-Ortega and colleagues address these questions. The researchers studied the speed at which mutations accumulate during life in 16 mammalian species and found that the number of mutations increases by a roughly constant amount each year. They also observed that the molecular processes causing mutations are broadly similar across species. Crucially, the team identified a strong anticorrelation between lifespan and mutation rate: longer-lived species accrue mutations at a slower pace than shorter-lived ones, such that different species have roughly the same number of mutations by the end of their respective lifespans


1Author Correction: A graph placement methodology for fast chip design /作者更正:一种用于快速芯片设计的图布局方法


2Evaluating ribosomal frameshifting in /核糖体移码的评估


3Somatic mutation rates scale with lifespan across mammals /哺乳动物体细胞突变率与寿命的关系


4Multi-qubit entanglement and algorithms on a neutral-atom quantum computer /中性原子量子计算机上的多量子比特纠缠及其算法


5The Human Pangenome Project: a global resource to map genomic diversity /人类泛基因组计划:绘制基因组多样性图谱的全球资源


6Climate effects on archaic human habitats and species successions /气候对古代人类栖息地和物种演替的影响


7Antibody evasion properties of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron sublineages /新冠病毒“奥密克戎”变种株亚群的抗体逃避特性


8A quantum processor based on coherent transport of entangled atom arrays /基于纠缠原子阵列相干输运的量子处理器


9CAR T cell killing requires the IFNγR pathway in solid but not liquid tumours /在固体肿瘤中,CAR-T细胞的杀伤需要IFNγR途径,而不是液体肿瘤


10Structure of active human telomerase with telomere shelterin protein TPP1 /端粒庇护蛋白TPP1的活性人端粒酶结构


11Molecular basis of receptor binding and antibody neutralization of Omicron /“奥密克戎”变种株受体结合和抗体中和的分子基础


12Global seasonal forecasts of marine heatwaves /全球海洋热浪季节预报


13Mapping human haematopoietic stem cells from haemogenic endothelium to birth /人造血干细胞从造血内皮到出生的定位


14Nonlinear control of transcription through enhancerpromoter interactions /增强子-启动子相互作用对转录的非线性控制


15Activation of STING by targeting a pocket in the transmembrane domain /通过靶向跨膜结构域的口袋激活STING


16Rare coding variants in ten genes confer substantial risk for schizophrenia /十个基因中罕见的编码变异增加了精神分裂症的巨大风险


17Brain charts for the human lifespan /人类寿命的脑图


18Basis of narrow-spectrum activity of fidaxomicin on /非达索米星窄谱活性的基础


19Quantum state preparation and tomography of entangled mechanical resonators /纠缠机械谐振腔的量子态制备与层析成像


20Localized thermonuclear bursts from accreting magnetic white dwarfs /吸积磁白矮星的定域热核爆发


21Triplet fusion upconversion nanocapsules for volumetric 3D printing /三维立体打印用三重融合上转换纳米胶囊


22A plume origin for hydrous melt at the lithosphereasthenosphere boundary /岩石圈-软流圈边界含水熔体的羽流成因


23Light-induced ferromagnetism in moiré superlattices /Moiré超晶格中的光致铁磁性


24Revitalizing interface in protonic ceramic cells by acid etch /酸蚀活化质子陶瓷电池界面的研究


25Mapping genomic loci implicates genes and synaptic biology in schizophrenia /基因组位点定位与精神分裂症的基因和突触生物学关系


26Fuel, food and fertilizer shortage will hit biodiversity and climate /燃料、粮食和肥料短缺将打击生物多样性和气候


27Scientific diplomacy keeps reason alight in dark times /科学外交让理性在黑暗时期点燃


28Brexit: delays worry diaspora researchers /英国脱欧:延迟让散居国外的研究人员担忧


29Ultracold storage ensures a future for endangered plants /超低温保存确保濒危植物的未来


30First-in-family scholars bust generational barriers /第一家庭学者打破代际障碍


31The brain-reading devices helping paralysed people to move, talk and touch /帮助瘫痪者移动、说话和触摸的大脑阅读设备


32COVIDs diabetes risk, vaccine rankings and hidden industry ties /新冠肺炎的糖尿病风险、疫苗排名和隐藏的行业联系


33To advance equality for women, use the evidence /为了促进妇女的平等,使用证据


34Le Pen election win would be disastrous for research, France and Europe /勒庞当选对科研、法国与欧洲都是灾难性的


35Inca sacrifice victims were given ayahuasca /古印加祭祀牺牲者得到了死藤水(Ayahuasca


36Analysis: the biodiversity footprint of the University of Oxford /分析:牛津大学生物多样性足迹


37From the archive: teaching the history of chemistry, and conversations about maths /来自档案:教授化学史和关于数学的对话


38Versatile neutral atoms take on quantum circuits /多功能中性原子担当量子电路


39Marine heatwaves are reliably forecast by climate models /用气候模式可靠地预报海洋热浪


40China is hatching a plan to find Earth 2.0 /中国正在筹备寻找地球2.0的计划


41Girls maths scores drop if classmates parents have biased views /如果同学的父母有偏见,女生的数学成绩会下降


42Privately protected lands have outsized benefits /私人保护的土地有巨大的好处


43How a cave-dwelling fish stores fat through feast and famine /一种穴居鱼类如何在食物充足的时期与饥荒中储存脂肪


44Ambitious trial inspires a rethink on a common ailment of pregnancy /雄心勃勃的试验引发了对怀孕常见疾病的重新思考


45Even among giant galaxies this one is record-setting /即使在“巨大”星系中,这也是创纪录的


46Mutational clocks tick differently across species /突变的“时钟”在不同物种间的节奏具有差异


47A lengthy look at climate and its role in hominin evolution /关于气候及其在人类进化中的作用的长期综述


48Why air pollution plagues a small island deep in the South Pacific /为什么空气污染困扰南太平洋深处的一个小岛


49IPCCs starkest message yet: extreme steps needed to avert climate disaster /IPCC迄今最严肃的信息:需要采取极端措施来避免气候灾难


50African clinical trial denied access to key COVID drug Paxlovid /非洲临床试验拒绝获得关键的新冠肺炎药物PAXLOVID


51Ancient smells reveal secrets of Egyptian tomb /古老的气味揭示了埃及坟墓的秘密



52Insights from orangutans into the evolution of tool use /猩猩对工具使用进化的见解


53Genetic origins of schizophrenia find common ground /精神分裂症的遗传起源找到共同点


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