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文献选推 | 企业社会责任报告是否具有信息性?来自中国银行文本分析的证据

2022/4/28 9:46:40  阅读:256 发布者:

中国金融评论 会计学术联盟 2022-04-27 14:16

企业社会责任(Corporate social responsibility,简称CSR),是指企业在创造利润、对股东和员工承担法律责任的同时,还要承担对消费者、社区和环境的责任,企业的社会责任要求企业必须超越把利润作为唯一目标的传统理念,强调要在生产过程中对人的价值的关注,强调对环境、消费者、对社会的贡献。

通常而言,企业社会责任与其追求最大化利润相冲突,承担越多的社会责任,意味着企业的利润空间更加有限。本次推送,将要介绍的是发表在中国金融评论(CFRI)上Are corporate social responsibility reports informative? Evidence from textual analysis of banks in China一文,欢迎阅读引用下载本文!






何健维(Jerry Ho)博士目前是澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学的财务讲师(助理教授)。在过去的20年里,何博士曾在不同国家的几所大学任教,包括梅西大学(新西兰)、杜伦大学(英国)和普渡大学(美国)。何博士获得杜伦大学会计和金融学博士学位,并在伊利诺伊大学厄本那香槟分校获得金融硕士学位。他还是英国高等教育学院(Higher Education Academy)的会员。



Are corporate social responsibility reports informative?

Evidence from textual analysis of banks in China


The authors investigate the association of the constructed corporate social responsibility (CSR) measures with the banks’ profitability, social contributions and CSR spending as well as the market reaction to CSR spending.


Using textual analysis of the CSR reports of banks listed on the Chinese market, the authors construct CSR measures in six domains: business, environment, human rights, corporate governance, charity and social capital. Our textual-based CSR measures contain substantial and valuable information beyond what Rankins CSR ratings offer.


The findings suggest that banks with stronger engagements and interests in the business-related CSR domain experience higher profitability, while those that are more committed to the corporate governance and charity-related domains create larger social contributions. Banks tend to incur higher CSR spending when they are more active in corporate governance. Although the stock market reacts positively to CSR expenditures, the reaction is less favorable for banks with CSR expenditures above the industry norm.

Practical implications

This study offers insights to policymakers of the regulatory bodies and the banks in China. To enhance the financial safety and soundness of the banking system, the regulatory bodies should encourage banks to strategically allocate corporate resources to achieve higher CSR ratings and engage more business-related CSR activities. To create larger social values, bank management should invest more in philanthropic CSR initiatives such as corporate governance and charity activities. To pursue higher corporate profits, they should engage more in self-centered business-related CSR activities. However, according to the reaction of the market, they should not over-invest in CSR activities.


While the use of textual analysis to evaluate CSR disclosure has recently emerged in the literature, few studies focus on banks in China. Using the term frequency–inverse data frequency (TF-IDF) method, the authors constructed a score for each of the six CSR domains: business (BUS), environment (ENV), human rights (HR), corporate governance (GOV), charity (CHY) and social capital (SCAP). To the best of our knowledge, no studies have adopted the textual approach to evaluate social reporting quality and CSR activities in the context of the banking industry in China.


Corporate social responsibilityTextual analysisChinese bank; Corporate goverance; G21; M14


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