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Materials and Methods常用词汇囤积(1):实验动物和实验器材

2024/8/16 17:54:23  阅读:26 发布者:

SCIMaterials and Methods部分是学术论文中非常重要的一部分,它详细介绍了研究过程中所使用的材料、方法和步骤,为读者提供了重复实验和研究的基础。以下是对其基本内容、写法以及意义的详细说明。

今天我们就来看一些Materials and Methods中常用于介绍实验动物和实验器材基本情况的词汇和短语:

all (of)

both (of)

each (of)

many (of)

most (of)

the majority(of)

(the) tests

(the) samples

(the) trials

(the) experiments

(the) equipment

(the) chemicals

(the) models

(the) instruments

(the) materials

is/are commercially available

was/were acquired (from/by)

was/were carried out

was/were chosen

was/were conducted

was/were collected

was/were devised

was/were found in

was/were generated (by)

was/were modifi ed

was/were obtained (from/by)


The impact tests used in this work were a modified version of

All reactions were performed in a 27 ml glass reactor

All cell lines were generated as previously described in

In the majority of the tests, buffers with a pH of 8 were used in order to

Both experiments were performed in a greenhouse so that

The substrate was obtained from the Mushroom Research Centre

SSCE glass structures were used in this study to perform

The cylindrical lens was obtained from Newport USA and is shown in Fig. 3.

The material investigated was a standard aluminium alloy; all melts were modified with sodium.

Topographical examination was carried out using a 3-D stylus instrument.

The experiments were conducted at a temperature of 0.5 degree.


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