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2024/7/16 10:55:41  阅读:36 发布者:


1.个位数一般用英语拼写,但与计量单位的缩写连用时用数字形式即可,例如:three patientsthree hours, 3 km, 3 kcal.

2.双位数及多位数一般用数字而不用英语拼写,如:A total of 24 patients were enrolled.

3.数字放在句首一般用英语拼写形式,如:Three patients were excluded.再如: Two thousand eight was a challenging year for China (此句话一般会被表达成: The year 2008 was a challenging year for China)

4.数字2199之间的数字,应该用连接号连接起来;四位或者以上数字,科学书写需要每三位数需要用逗号隔开,如:Ninety-nine patients were enrolled.再如:1,067 patients

5.当单数与双数或多位数并列使用时,为保守书写一致都使用数字形式,如:The expression levels of p53 in the si-RNA1, si-RNA2, and si-RNA3 group were 3, 5, 12 times lower than the control group respectively.

6.几分之几用英语拼写,且作为形容词时要用连接符号,one-third patients等于one third of patientstwo-thirds patients等于two thirds of patients

7.表达时间时用数字形式,如:at 11:30 p.m.(注意AMPM也可以写作 A.M.P.M.,或者a.m.p.m.,或者ampm),再如:May 2(nd), 1988

8.两数字在一起时,使用起来会比较活,但原则上不把两个数字放一起用,如:“1313岁的病人写作thirteen 13-year-old patients13 thirteen-year-old patients都是可以的,但130013岁的病人就最好写成1,300 thirteen-year-old patients


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