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2024/7/9 18:14:37  阅读:31 发布者:






1)Great concems have arisen.due to the increasing number of

2)XX has attracted enormous interest in YY owing to its ZZ actions

3)XX have been intensively studied for their role in

4)Previous research has shown that.

5)In most studies of _attention has been given to.

6).hold great promise for applications in the fields of . due to its unique property.

7) contribute to, major cause, essential, profound impact, play central/ important roles in




1)However, they were not predicted previously based on.. and the reason was thought to be..

2)XX is a highly attractive candidate for developing YY, but less is known about their potential role in YY. Little is known regarding the functional role of XXX in XXX and XXX

3)However, our understanding of the importance of these XXX in XXX is limited.

4)However, the mechanism through which XX remains virtually / largely controversial/unknown/unclear

5) However, the molecular mechanismsby which XXX contributes to XXX remain elusive and merit exploration

6)But it is unclear what determines whether XXX is XXX or XXX and the molecular mechanisms are still largely unknown

7)However, XXX often occurs with unknown mechanisms

8)elusive / much less explored / surprisingly limited /less understood, unsolved / scarcely understood



The aim of present study was to investigate / Toward this aim, we have examined the role of Better understanding the mechanisms for XX will benefit YY.


1)Hence, the aim of the  preseent study was to investigate whether XXX affects XXX in this process.

2)The aim of this study is to identify the XXX level of XXX and further investigate its functional relevance with XXX both in XXX and in XXX

3)We aimed to study the involvement of XXX in XXX and to figured out the underlying mechanism of XXX.

4)The intention of this paper is to survey.

5)We aimed to explore key XXX and associated mechanisms by which XXX develops XXX.

6)We attempt to recover a function of unknown smoothness from noisy sampled data.

7)We draw attention to two problems associated with.

8)The overall objective of this study is.

9)The aim of our study was to identify new targets regulated by XXX, to obtain a deeper insight into the network and to better understand the role of these XXX

10)For comparison purposes we present some.

11)This paper focuses on the promise of XXX

12)With the aim of._

13)The purpose of our study was to investigate the effects of the XXX on XXX progression and further explore its possible underlying mechanisms.

14)With the aim to provide observational constraints on the evolution of the XXX, we haw derived

15) The paper lays particular emphasison the calculation of .

16)In this study, we aimed at its functions and molecular mechanism in XXX.

17)To investigate the mechanism of XXXX effect, we examined whether XXX interacted with XXXX

18)This paper presents basic methodology of XXX, emphasizing the relationship with.

19)Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to identify the expression XXX of XXX from XXX to examine its effects on XXX





1)In this work, we have established a.. model to describe the process of.

2) in order to evaluate the effects of XXX we performed a series of XXX experiments, XXX

3)XXX were applied for the elevation XXX in the XXX

4)A new method for solving this problem is presented

5)Further, the impact of increased and decreased XXX on the expression of XXX was examined, respectively

6)The effects of XXX were investigated via XXX

7)Therefore, our study used XX

8)XXX were subjected to a series of XXX to validate the mechanisms of XXX

9)Moreover, to explore the role of XXX, XXX was XXX using XXX with XXX

10) To elucidate the XXX significance behind the XXX and the XXX mechanism between XXX and XXX, XXX were established and treated with XXX

11)The method applied is referred to as.

12)XX was used to detect/identify

13)The functional role of XXX was determined using XXX

14)On the other hand, moreover, in addition, furthermore, finally

15)XXX investigations were conducted in XXX


1)We found/demonstrated/observed that

2)The effects / roles of XX were determined/ analyzed / examined by YY

3)We show this XXX to be dependent upon expression of.

4)Our results show that XXX exerts a significant in.

5)The results we obtained demonstrate that this technique will contribute to.




1)These findings have implications for.

2)These findings may open new avenues of research to XXX the role of XXX in optimizing future XXX

3)These findings provide mechanistic insight of XXX roles of XXX in XXX.

4) Therefore, XXX could be a future direction to develop a novel XXX.

5)Thus, XXX may serve as a potential XXX for XXX

6)This study provides new insights to develop effective XXX for XXX with XXX

7)The study demonstratesthat there are potential XXX and XXX in XXX.

8)The finding obtained from the study provides an enhanced understanding of XXX as XXX


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