例 句
错误: The patient’s labs revealed a serum creatinine level well above the reference range.
正确: The patient’s laboratory test results revealed a serum creatinine level well above the reference range.
错误: The patient was prepped for surgery.
正确: The patient was prepared for surgery.
错误: Nearly 40 million diabetics reside in the United States.
正确: Nearly 40 million people with diabetes reside in the United States.
例 句
错误: We used state-of-the-art technology to investigate the tumor microenvironment of prostate cancer.
正确: We used single-cell RNA sequencing technology to investigate the tumor microenvironment of prostate cancer.
例 句
错误: The findings of this cutting-edge study have implications for the treatment of prostate cancer.
正确: The findings of this study have implications for the treatment of prostate cancer.
例 句
错误: The patient agreed to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but he drew the line at surgery.
正确: The patient agreed to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but he refused surgery.
错误: We cannot continue to put up with the lack of effective therapies for this disease.
正确: We cannot continue to tolerate the lack of effective therapies for this disease.
错误: The patient flatlined despite multiple attempts at resuscitation.
正确: The patient died despite multiple attempts at resuscitation.
例 句
修改前: We will leverage these findings to develop novel hypotheses regarding the role of this gene in breast cancer metastasis.
修改后: We will use these findings to develop novel hypotheses regarding the role of this gene in breast cancer metastasis.
修改前: The deliverables of our study include an improved understanding of the mechanisms underlying breast cancer metastasis.
修改后: Our study provides an improved understanding of the mechanisms underlying breast cancer metastasis.
修改前: The knowledge capitol gained from these analyses will be used to investigate other promising therapies for patients with metastatic breast cancer.
修改后: The knowledge gained from these analyses will be used to investigate other promising therapies for patients with metastatic breast cancer.
例 句
修改前: In terms of its performance in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia, imatinib is a home run.
修改后: In terms of its performance in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia, imatinib is a great success.
例 句
错误: We eighty-sixed the expired antibiotics.
正确: We threw out the expired antibiotics.