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2024/6/5 17:12:20  阅读:25 发布者:





Selenium increased arsenic accumulation by upregulating the expression of genes responsible for arsenic reduction, translocation, and sequestration in arsenic hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2022, 56, 14146−14153.


Selenate enhances arsenic (As) accumulation in As hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata, but the associated molecular mechanisms are unclear.


Here, we investigated the mechanisms of selenate-induced arsenic accumulation by exposing P. vittata to 50 μM arsenate (AsV50) and 1.25 (Se1.25) or 5 μM (Se5) selenate in hydroponics. After 2 weeks, plant biomass, plant As and Se contents, As speciation in plant and growth media, and important genes related to As detoxification in P. vittata were determined. These genes included P transporters PvPht1;3 and PvPht1;4 (AsV uptake), arsenate reductases PvHAC1 and PvHAC2 (AsV reduction), and arsenite (AsIII) antiporters PvACR3 and PvACR3;2 (AsIII translocation) in the roots, and AsIII antiporters PvACR3;1 and PvACR3;3 (AsIII sequestration) in the fronds.


The results show that Se1.25 was more effective than Se5 in increasing As accumulation in both P. vittata roots and fronds, which increased by 27 and 153% to 353 and 506 mg/kg. The As speciation analyses show that selenate increased the AsIII levels in P. vittata, with 124-282% more AsIII being translocated into the fronds. The qPCR analyses indicate that Se1.25 upregulated the gene expression of PvHAC1 by 1.2-fold, and PvACR3 and PvACR3;2 by 1.0- to 2.5-fold in the roots, and PvACR3;1 and PvACR3;3 by 0.6- to 1.1-fold in the fronds under AsV50 treatment. Though arsenate enhanced gene expression of P transporters PvPht1;3 and PvPht1;4, selenate had little effect.


Our results indicate that selenate effectively increased As accumulation in P. vittata, mostly by increasing reduction of AsV to AsIII in the roots, AsIII translocation from the roots to fronds, and AsIII sequestration into the vacuoles in the fronds. The results suggest that selenate may be used to enhance phytoremediation of As-contaminated soils using P. vittata.


Applying cadmium relative bioavailability to assess dietary intake from rice to predict cadmium urinary excretion in nonsmokers. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2017, 51, 6756−6764.   


Dietary Cd intake is often estimated without considering Cd bioavailability.


Measured urinary Cd for a cohort of 119 nonsmokers with rice as a staple was compared to predicted values from rice-Cd intake with and without considering Cd relative bioavailability (RBA) in rice based on a steady state mouse kidney bioassay and toxicokinetic model.


The geometric mean (GM) of urinary Cd and β2-microglobulin was 1.08 and 234 μg/g creatinine. Applying Cd−RBA in foods to aggregate Cd intake (41.5 ± 12.4, 48.0 ± 9.3, 48.8 ± 21.3% for rice, wheat, and vegetables), rice was the largest contributor (71%). For 63 participants providing paired urine and rice samples, the predicted GM of urinary Cd at 4.14 μg/g based on total Cd in rice was 3.5 times that of measured value at 1.20 μg/g, while incorporating Cd−RBA to assess rice-Cd intake made the two closer with GM at 1.07 μg/g. The cohort findings were extended to a national scale, with urinary Cd for nonsmokers from rice Cd intake was mapped at province/city levels after considering rice Cd−RBA.


Therefore, incorporating Cd bioavailability to assess dietary Cd intake is a valuable tool to accurately estimate human Cd exposure and associated health risk.


Arsenic-induced up-regulation of P transporters PvPht1;3-1;4 enhances both As and P uptake in As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata. J. Hazard. Mater. 2022, 438, 129430.


Plants often up-regulate the gene expression of P transporters under P deficiency, but down-regulate under arsenic stress. Different from other P transporters, PvPht1;3 and PvPht1;4 from As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata are efficient in taking up both P and As.


This study examined the mechanisms behind As-induced up-regulation of P transporters in P. vittata after exposing to 10-50 µM arsenate (AsV) for 14 d under hydroponics, with non-hyperaccumulator P. ensiformis as a control.


Under As stress, P. vittata was more efficient in taking up both As and P than P. ensiformis, showing 48-84% more P concentrations in the fronds and roots, leading to 18-79% greater biomass. Moreover, under 50 µm AsV, the P taken up by P. vittata was mainly retained in the roots to counter As toxicity, with its ratio of inorganic P to total P in the roots being reduced from 27% to 6%. Though As enhanced P uptake by P. vittata, it was likely that under As stress, more P was utilized by P. vittata to counter As toxicity, leading to inorganic P level in the roots. Further, some P taken up by P. vittata was converted to phytate-P in the biomass, increasing by 26-75% from 239-713 to 418-1221 mg/kg, helping maintain low inorganic P levels. Under As-induced low inorganic P conditions, the expression of P transporters PvPht1;3 and PvPht1;4 were up-regulated by 1.4- and 2.7-fold in the roots, helping greater As and P uptake by P. vittata.


Clearly, As-induced up-regulation of P transporters in P. vittata played a critical role in taking up both As and P, thereby increasing its efficiency in As-hyperaccumulation from contaminated media.



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