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2024/6/4 14:43:49  阅读:27 发布者:

当你的论文通过初审,就会进入同行评审peer review环节。一般呢,是由一位领域内的大牛Editor+2-5reviewer,共同给出一份审稿意见,这份审稿意见决定了论文的命运,是直接接收accept(极少1%不到),还是修改后接收(又分小修Minor或大修Major revision,占70%),或被拒稿Reject1top期刊一般在30%以上)。

peer review过程中,审稿人主要聚焦于评估论文的质量、原创性、有效性和对学术领域的贡献。以下是审稿人通常关注的一些关键点:

1 原创性和新颖性:


"This manuscript provides incremental findings that do not significantly advance our understanding of the topic. I recommend highlighting the novel aspects of the research more clearly, or the manuscript will be rejected to be published by the journal."

2 文献回顾的广度和深度:


“The literature review is somewhat cursory and overlooks several pivotal studies that are fundamental to understanding the current state of research. ”

3 研究方法的严谨性:


"The description of the methods is insufficiently detailed. It is recommended that the authors provide a more thorough explanation of the protocols used."

4 数据的准确性和完整性:


"The analysis lacks the necessary statistical power to support the conclusions drawn. Please provide additional data or revise the claims accordingly."

5 结果的有效性:


"The results presented do not convincingly support the hypotheses stated at the beginning of the paper. Please reconsider the data interpretation or provide further statistical validation."

6 论文结构的合理性:


"The structure of the manuscript could be improved for better readability and flow. Currently, the transition between the sections is abrupt. I suggest reorganizing the sections to enhance the logical progression of your arguments."

7 写作和表达的清晰度:


"The manuscript is poorly written and difficult to follow. There are multiple grammatical and syntactical errors that need to be addressed."

8 研究局限性的讨论:


"The discussion section fails to adequately address the limitations of the study, which could mislead readers about the implications of the findings."

9 伦理考量:


"There is no mention of ethical approval for the experiments involving animals. This is a critical oversight that needs to be corrected before publication."

10 潜在的利益冲突声明:


"The manuscript does not include a declaration of potential conflicts of interest, which is mandatory for transparency."

11 回应审稿人意见的能力:


"The revisions made in response to the previous review comments are insufficient and do not fully address the major concerns. It is imperative that the authors provide a more detailed response to each point raised from reviewers."


此外,peer review的过程,也是和审稿专家同行交流改进的机会。我们在送审中发现,有些审稿人非常负责,一份评审意见4-5页纸,2-3000字,堪比一篇Letter文章。这样的审稿意见,认真回应仔细修改,能帮助你在发表之前大大提升论文的整体质量,使研究成果更加完善,更具影响力。


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