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2024/5/31 8:45:47  阅读:36 发布者:



1.用主动语态时,常用researcher / author / investigator / writer等作主语,如:Many / Several / A number of / Few researchers have studied / investigated / examined / explored / reported on / discussed / considered + 研究主题.

2.用被动语态时,常用study / research / investigation / experiment / work / attention等作主语。如果描述研究主题的单词少,那么研究主题可置于句中,如:Many studies / researches / investigationes / experimentes on + 研究主题 + have been performed / done / published.当描述研究主题的单词较多时,可置于句末,如:Much work / attention has been performed / done / published on + 研究主题.

用被动语态时,也可用研究主题作主语,如:研究主题 + has been studied / investigated / examined / explored / reported on / discussed / considered by many investigators / several researchers / a number of authors / few writers. 又如:The study of + 研究主题 + has been widely reported / found / published in the literature.



第一种是主从复合句,如:Somebody showed / found / reported / noted / suggested / observed / pointed out + that从句。其中that从句是叙述somebody所做的具体研究成果。

第二种是并列两个句子,第一句仅描述某位学者的研究活动,第二句才叙述其研究成果。如:Somebody studied / researched / investigated / explored / examined the effect of X on Y. He/They found + that从句.

第三种是简单句,直接介绍某学者的研究工作,如:Somebody investigated / has investigated + 研究内容( + by / using X method)。当依次介绍多位学者的研究工作时,为避免单调,可根据不同的研究内容轮换使用下述动词,如studysolveseekdescribepredictcarry outemplydevelopfindcalculateanalyseobtainpresentproposereportaccount fortake into accountestablish等。

2.采用被动语态的简单句,用研究内容作主语。如:研究内容 + was / has been investigated + by somebody using X method.


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